advertiment | ad (简写) n. ①广告,布告 ②出公告,做广告 | |
短 | tombstone advertiment 证券发行公告;证券经 销人名单 commercial advertiment 商业广告 publishers’ advertiment 出版商广告 classified中秋的夜 advertiment 分类广告 television advertiment 电视广告 | |
例 | It has 竞赛方案many advertiments and many different ctions on Sunday Paper. 星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。和动物有关的成语 The best way to ll your car is to put an advertiment in the local paper. 在当地报纸刊登广告是出售汽车的办法。 | |
advertising | n. ①广告业 ②做广告 adj. 广告的,与广告有关的 | |
短 语 | point-of-purcha advertising 零售商说明其经 营业务的广告标志 price advertising 价格广告 advertising expen 广告费 institutional advertising 建立永久声誉的广告 keyed advertising 广告索引 local advertising 区域性广告 | |
例 | 极品公子叶无道Advertising is one of the biggest business in America. 广告业是美国的行业之一。 Cigarette advertising has now been banned on television. *已禁止在电视上做香烟广告。 | |
afford | v. ①买得起,承受得住 ②承担费用 | |
例 | We really can’t afford a new car. (We really can’t afford to buy a new car.) 我们实在买不起新车子。 I can’t afford to lo the goodwill of our customers. 我承担不起失去顾客信任的后果。 The land affords wheat. 这地出产小麦。 | |
after治疗风湿-sales service | 售后服务 (常用于汽车、电脑、家用电器等耐用消 费品) | |
例 | We offer a free after-sales rvice for the first twelve months after purcha. 在购后的 12 个月内我们提供免费售后服务。 | |
agenda | 什么水果治感冒 | 人亡政息n. 议事日程 |
短 语 | place/put something on the agenda 把某事提到 日程上来 approved agenda 审定议程 (最后通过的会议议 写景作文600程) provisional agenda 临时议程 | |
例 | The agenda will be nt out in advance of the meeting. 议程将在会议前发出。 “They share with them an agenda beyond the immediate goal of democratization of the electoral process. ” (Daniel Sneider) “除了实现选举过程民主化这一近期目标以外的他 们之间的议事日程。 ” (丹尼尔*斯奈德) | |
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