The Depoliticization of Inequality and Redistribution: Explaining the Decline of Class
凤求凰原文期刊名称: Journal of Politics
作者: Evans, Geoffrey,Tilley, James
年份: 2012年
期号: 第04期
摘要:The collap of the class basis of party choice in Britain since the 1980s has been assumed to result from the diminishing distinctiveness of social class in the postindustrial world. We argue instead that class dealignment results from the impact of an ideologically restricted choice t on the electoral relevance of values concerning inequality and redistribution. As the values provide a mechanism through which class divisions translate into differences in party choice, their declining relevance produces a concomitant decline in the effect of class position. The propositions are tested 煎肉饼的做法
一个入一个米using British survey data covering the period from 1983 to 2010. We show that a supply-side constriction in the choices prented to voters, rather than the weakening of class divisions, accounts for the declining political 大理寺