二、 研究的基本内容,拟解决的主要问题:
One of the most prominent literary figures of the twentieth century, Virginia Woolf is widely admired for her innovation of stream-of-consciousness narrative methods in the novel. To the Lighthou is usually considered as her best work in which her narrative me
thods were remarkable and her writing skill become perfect. It narrates story by different narrators and free association. Through the characters’ interior monologue, it tweaks the past, now and future in consciousness to form the subjective time and compare it with the external time. With the wide u of the skills, Virginia Woolf depicts her characters’ “inner world” to readers, hence she fully reveals the content and process of human consciousness to the reader.
1. Narrating the Story…………………………………..……………………….1酸菜汆白肉的做法
藿香正气胶囊说明书1.1 Different Narrators……………………………..………………………...2
1.2 Free Association…………………………………..……………………...4
2. Streams of Consciousness……………………………..……....……………..6
2.1 Indirect Interior Monologue………………………..…………………….6寝室规章制度
2.2 Characters’ Inner World……………………………..…….……………...9
3. Time Method……………………………………………..………………….11
3.1 Clock Time vs. Psychological Time…………………..…………………12
3.2 Arrangement of the Narration……………………………..…………….13
Virginia Woolf is an experimental novelist, critic, short story writer and essayist of the twentieth century. First published in 1927, To the Lighthou received wide critical acclaim and is one of Virginia Woolf’s most accessible novels, it is a notable stream-of-consciousness work.
Over the years, various comments and reviews have been applied to this novel, they have placed Woolf within a psychoanalytic framework, feminism and postmodernism, and they also studied her narrative methods. Woolf believes that novelists try to capture the evanescent moments of being and not conform to the conventional fiction plot or characterization. According to Leaska, “Almost half the first ction is transmitted through Mrs. Ramsay; more than three-quarters of the cond ction is given omnisciently; and more than half of the third ction is filtered through Lily Briscoe.” (147) Li Sen analys the technique of stream of consciousness in To the Lighthou. He believes her “inner subjective realistic theory” express the real life profoundly (李森 23). Qing Hong states in her thesis, “The moment of being epiphany in To the Lighthou”, she thinks the epiphany is put on the joint of the interweaving of clock time and external time (秦红 37).