500 Basic Hebrew Words
(See also German version: …Hebræisch – Grundwortschatz“)
© Siegfried Kreuzer www.kreuzer-siegfried.de
(This list contains the 500 most frequent and most important words of the Old
Te s tament / Hebrew Bible and is intended to help you keeping up your Hebrew.
The transcription follows the rules of ZAW).
bf)’āb father
db)’bd Q. perish; Pi., Hi. ruin
hb)’bh be
}e b)’æbæn stone
}o w df)’ādōn master,
yf n o d)’a dōnāy lord
{f d)’ādām man,
people hf m d)’a dāmā (arable)
b"h)’hb like,
le h o)’ohæl tent
ro w)’ōr shine,
up ro w)’ōr light
to w)’ōt sign
zf)’āz then
!z<a’ozæn ear
xf)’āµ brother
df x)’æµād one
to w xf)’aµôt sister
r"x)’aµēr another,
different ra x)’aµar later on, afterwards
y"r x)’aµa rê after
tyi r x)’a h a rît end, behind, issue, the future
b"y o)’oyēb enemy
li y)’ayil ram
}y")/}i y)’ayin / ’ēn is not, non existence, nothing
$yi)’îs man
|a)’ak only
lk)’kl eat
le)’æl towards
la)’al not
l")’ēl god
hL")’ellæ the
H o w lE)’ælōa h god
{yi h o l)’ælōhîm god,
ve l)’alæf thousand
{i)’im if
{")’ēm mother
hf m)’āmā (maid),
hf M)’ammā forearm,马上色
hf n UmE)’æmûnā faithfulness,
trustworthiness rm)’mr say
tmE)’æmæt faithfulness
yi n)’a nî I
yi k o n)’anokî I
Vs)’sf gather
collect Va)’af also,
Va)’af no,
hf(B r) / (a B r)’arba‛ / ’arbā‛ā four
{yi(B r)’arbā‛îm forty
}o w rA)’a rôn chest, ark of the covenant
je r)’æræƒ ground, country, territory, the
rr)’rr cur
$")’ēš fire
hf<)’iššā woman
re$)’ašær relative
t")’et together with, along with
t")’et accusative
particle hf T)’attā you
{e T)’attæm you
B b e in, at, becau of, by way of
de g B bægæd garment,
da B/da b l bad/l e bad part/apart, alone, only
hf m h B b e hēmā cattle,
)o w b bô’ Q. enter, come to
Hi bring (conduct, lead) in
ro w B bôr cistern, water pit
rxb bµr choo, elect迎检
x+b b‰µ be
trust }yb byn Q., Hi. to understand
}y"B ben between
ti y B bayit hou
hkb bkh weep
ro k B b e kor first-born
yi T l B/yi l B b e lî/biltî without
hf m B bama hill, high-place, place of
}"B ben son
hnb bnh build
da(b ba‘ad for, for the benefit of
rf q B bāqār cattle
re q o B boqær morning
$qb bqš ek
)rb br’ create
exclusively) tyi r B b e rît covenant,
arrangement \rb brk Pi.
hf k r B b e rākā blessing
rf&B bāśār flesh
ta B bat daughter
l)g g’l redeem
Hbg gbh be high/tall, be exalted
lUb:G g e bûl boundary,
territory ro w Bi G gibbôr hero,
lo w df G gādôl great
ldg gdl be,
great/strong yo w g gôy people,
):y G/)y"G gaj’/gē valley
{a G gam also
r"G gēr sojourner
§§$rg grš drive
qbd dbq cling, cleave to
rbd dbr speak
rf b D dābār word,
affair $a b D d e baš honey
ro w D dôr generation
{f D dām blood
\e r D dæræk way,
$rd drš ek, inquire of
·h h- the
h h a- interrogative
particle )Uh hû’ he
)yi h hî’ she
hyh hyh occur,
happen lf k y"h hêkāl palace,
temple \lh hlk go
llh hll Pi.
{"h/hf M h hem(mā) they
h"N h/}"h hen/hinne behold!
ra h har mountain(s)
grh hrg kill
hrh hrh be,
pregnant w w e and
to)z zōt this (sg. f.)
xbz zbµ to
slaughter xb;z zæbaµ (communion)
sacrifice hz<zæ this (sg. m.)
bh'z zāhāb gold
rkz zkr remember, call to mind
hnz znh be unfaithful, commit
q(c/q(z z‛q/ƒ‛q cry out, call for help
!qe z zqn/zāqēn be old, grow old
[r;z zæra‛ ed,
descendant(s) ga x/gf xµāg/µag feast
^$f d xµādāš new
§§$e d o xµodæš (new)
month hwxµwh Hišt. honor, adore
hf m o w xµômā wall
jUxµûƒ outside, street
hzxµzh e,
qzxµzq Q. grow strong, firm
Hi. ize, take hold of
qz"xµāzāq firm,
)+xµ‰’ miss, offend, commit a sin
t)f=x/):+xµe‰/µa‰‰āt offence,
ya xµay alive,两个言念什么
living hyxµyh be
{yi Y xµayyim life
li y xµayil faculty,
power {kxµkm be
{f k xµākām wi
hf m k xµŏkmā wisdom
{o w lA xµa lôm dream
{lxµlm to
hf m xµēmā rage,
hf<m x/$"m xµāmēš/ µa mišša five
{yi<m xµa miššim fifty
}"xµēn favour,
grace hnxµnh encamp
}nxµnn to
de s xµæsæd prove loyal, solidarity
j"p xµfƒ/µāfēƒ take pleasure in, take care off
yi c xµaƒî half
r"c xµāƒēr court
hf Q x/qo xµo q/µuqqā regulation,
prescription be r xµæræb (short)
sword $rxµršto plough
$rxµršQ. be deaf
Hi. be silent
b+y/bO+‰ôb/y‰b be good, be pleasant
bO+‰ôb good
ro)y y e’or river
Nile) $by ybš dry up, wither
df y yād hand,
power hdy ydh Hi.
(dy yd‛ (get
{o w y yôm day
}i y y yayin wine
lky ykl be able, have it in one’s power
dly yld Q. bear, Hi. procreate
de l y yælæd child
{f y yām a
}yi m y yāmîn right hand, the right side
vsy ysf Q., Hi. add, continue
j(y y‛ƒadvi, give an advi
)cy yƒ’ Q. go out, come forth
Hi. cau to go forth, bring
qcy yƒq pour
rcy yƒr form,
"r y yr’ to
hf)r y yir’ā fear,
dry yrd descend,
down $ry yrš Q. take posssion of, inherit
Hi. drive away
$"y yēš existence, there is, it exists
b$y yšb sit,
(U&:y y e sûa‛(acts of) help
($y yš‛ help,
rf$y yāšār straight,
upright rty ytr Ni. remain, Hi. leave over
K k e as
d"b k kbd Q. be heavy, weighty
Pi. honour
do w bf K kābôd splendour
&e b K kæbæślamb, young ram
ho K ko thus
}"h o K kohēn priest
}U K kûn Ni. be firm, be established
Hi. make ready, prepare
x o K ko aµ strength,
power yi K kî therefore,
becau -lf K/lo K kol/kŏl the whole, all
hlk klh Q. be completed, cea
Pi. bring to an end, finish yi l K k e lî vesl
}"K ken thus
vf n K kānāf wing
"S K kissē’ throne
hsk ksh Pi.
cover ve s K kæsæf silver (the metal)
va k kaf palm, flat of the hand
rpk kpr Pi. make expiation
trk krt Q. cut off, make a covenant
Hi. cut off, destroy
btk ktb write
l l e for,
concerning )o l lō’ not
bf b l/b"l lēb/lēbāb heart
{xl lµm Ni.
fight {e x l læµæm bread
hf l y l laylā night
dkl lkd catch,
ize dml lmd learn
xql lqµ take
}o w$f l lāšôn tongue,
language do)M m e’od very
hf)m me’ā hundred
s)m m’s reject,
despi }"g m māgēn shield
$f r g m migrāš pasture-ground
rf B d m midbār wilderness
hf m mā what?
d"(o w m mo‘ēd appointed
time tUm mût Q. die, Hi. kill
te w m mawæt death
x b z m mizb e aµ altar
ro w m:z m mizmôr song,
psalm he n x m maµa næ encampment
he=m ma‰‰æ staff, rod, tribe
yi m mî who?
{i y m mayim water,
waters rkm mkr ll
)"l M ml’ be full, be accomplished
|f)l m mal’āk mesnger,
angel hf k)f l m m e lā’kānding, labour, work
hf m x l m milµāmā fight,
+lp/+lm ml‰/pl‰Ni. save onelf, escape
Pi. save
|lm mlk be king, to reign
|e l m mælæk king
t U k:l m malkût royal power, reign
hf k l m m mamlākā kingdom,
dominion }i m min from,
off hf x n m minµā gift,
prent rf p s m mispār number
+a(m m e‛a‰few, a little
la(m ma’al on the top of, above
}a(m ma‛an for the sake of, in order that
he&(m ma‛aśæ deed
)cm mƒ’ find
hf C m maƒƒā unleavened
bread hf w c m miƒwā commandment(s) {o w qf m māqôm place
he)r m mar’æ appearance
)f>m maśśā’ burden,
x$m mšµ anoint
x yi$m māšîaµ anointed
}f k$m miškān dwelling-place
l$m mšl rule
lf$m māšāl proverbial
saying hf x p$m mišpāµā(larger) family, clan
+f p$m mišpa‰ (legal) decision, justice )f n na’ now!
{u)n n e’um utterance
god) v)n n’f commit
adultery )yi b n nābî’ prophet
be g n nægæb south, the south-country
dgn ngd Hi. make known, report, tell
de g n nægæd in front of
(gn ng‛touch, hurt a person
$gn ngš Q., Ni. draw near, approach
Hi. bring, bring near
rdn ndr vow
rf h n nāhār river
x Un nûaµ rest
sUn nûs flee
lf x n nāµāl wadi,
hf l x n naµa lā hereditary
property Un:x n naµnû we
te$o x n neµošæt copper,