
更新时间:2023-05-25 11:12:35 阅读: 评论:0

美国女作家简.雅各布斯(Jane Jacobs)
1 Introduction
水肿的治疗方法>大象卡通画(1) This book is and attack on city planning and rebuilding. It is also, and mostly, an attempt to introduce new principles of city planning and rebuilding, different and even opposite from tho now taught in everything from schools of architecture and planning to the Sunday supplements and women’s magazines. My attack is not bad on quibbles about rebuilding methods or hairsplitting about fashions in design. It is an attack, rather, on the principles and aims that have shaped modern, orthodox city planning and rebuilding.(2002.2.8)
(2) In tting forth different principles, I shall mainly be writing about common, ordinary things: for instance, what kinds of city streets are safe and what kinds are not; why some city parks are marvelous and others are vice traps and death traps; why some slums stay sl
ums and other slums regenerate themlves even against financial and official opposition; what makes downtowns shift their centers; what, if anything, is a city neighborhood, and what jobs, if any, neighborhoods in great cities do. In short, I shall be writing about how cities work in real life, becau this is the only way to learn what principles of planning and what practices in rebuilding can promote social and economic vitality in cities, and what practices and principle will deaden the attributes.(2002.2.8)
2)为了阐明这些不同的原则,我从那些普通的事物写起:例如,什么样的城市街道是安全的,而什么样的是不安全的;为什么有的城市公园是美妙的不可思议的,而有的则成为了城市藏污纳垢的死角;为什么有些贫民窟长久保持原样有些不顾财政和政府的反对不断生成;是什么让城市不断变换他们的中心;什么是一个城市的临近地区,它有担当了什么样的一种职能。简而言之,我要写的是城市在现实生活中是如何运作的,因为这是学习规划原则和怎样用改建来提升城市的社会和经济活力的唯一方法,通过这样的学习,也能知道什么样的原则和实践会扼杀这些活力。(2002.2.9 benbentiao 译)
(3) There is a wistful myth that if only we had enough money to spend—the figure is usually put at a hundred billion dollars—we could wipe out all our slums in ten years, rever decay in the great, dull, gray belts that were yesterday’s and day-before-yesterday’s suburbs, anchor the wandering middle class and its wandering tax money, and perhaps even solve the traffice problem.(2002.2.9)
(4) But look what we have built with the first veral billions: Low-income projects that become wor centers of delinquency, vandalism and general social hopelessness than t
he slums they were suppod to replace. Middle-income housing projects which are truly marvels of dullness and regimentation aled against any buoyancy or vitality of city life. Luxury housing projects that mitigate their inanity, or try to, with a vapid vulgarity. Cultural centers that are unable to support a good bookstore. Civic centers that are avoided by everyone but bums, who have fewer choices of loitering place than others. Commercial centers that are lackluster imitations of standardized suburban chain-store shopping. Promenades that go from no place to nowhere and have no promenaders. . Expressways that eviscerate great cities. This is not the rebuilding of cities. This is the sacking of cities.(2000.2.9)
3)有一种理想的“神话”,前提是我们拥有足够的资金——通常得上百亿美金——我们便可在十年内清除所有的贫困区,隐藏起从前城市中那些庞大、阴暗、沉闷地带内所呈现出的衰败景象,转而安置飘泊的中产阶级,沉淀及其附带的游离资金,这样甚至可以解决交通问题。(2002.2.10 永远的埃及 译)
和社会绝望的中心,代替了贫民窟给社会带来的影响。中层收入居民区的无趣和对一切轻快和有活力的城市生活的管辖让人觉得惊奇。奢华的小别墅妄图用一种粗俗的设计手法区减轻他们的愚蠢。文化中心里不能找到一个好的书店。除了流浪汉谁都不愿意去城市中心,因为那里是少数几个能供他们闲逛的场所。商业中心是标准的郊区连锁店的翻版。散步道不知位于何处,当然见不到散步的人,高速公路变成了城市的精华部分。这不是对城市的改造,这是对城市的毁坏。(2002.2.11 benbentiao 译)
(5) Under the surface, the accomplishments prove even poorer than their poor pretens. They ldom aid the city areas around them, as in theory they are suppod to. The amputated areas typically develop galloping gangrene. To hou people in this planned fashion, price tags are fastened on the population, and each sorted-out chunk of price-tagged populace lives in growing suspicion and tension against the surrounding city. When two or more such hostile islands are juxtapod the result is called “a balanced neighborhood.” Monopolistic shopping centers and monumental cultural centers cloak, under the public relations hoohaw, the subtraction of commerce, and of culture too, from the intimate and casual life of cities.(2002.2.10) 网络概念
(6) That such wonders may be accomplished, people who get marked with the planners’ hex signs are pushed about, expropriated, and uprooted much as if they were the subjects of a conquering power. Thousands of small business are destroyed, and their proprietors ruined, with hardly a gesture at compensation. Whole communities are torn apart and sown to the winds, with a reaping of cynicism, rentment and despair that must be heard and en to be believed. A group of clergymen in Chicago, appalled at the fruits of planned city rebuilding there, ask,
(7) Could job have been thinking of Chicago when he wrote: 萦心
(8) Here are men that alter their neighbor’s landmark…shoulder the poor aside, conspire to oppress the friendless.
清汤火锅锅底(5)事实上,这些整治比它们那些有够衰的preten们更衰. 它们极少如它们的理论所臆断的那样,在自身周围增加新的城市环境.相反,这些从城市机体上截下来的部分往往发育成急性坏疽: 在时尚的"规划"指导下, 居民人口被贴上"价格"的标签, 塞进某处组团. 而每一坨甄选出来带着价标的人口,则在与周围城区日益增长的怀疑与紧张关系中生长. 如果两个以上
的互含敌意的组团被搁在了一起,那么我们就得到了一个"平衡社区". 在公共关系hoohaw的张罗下, 垄断型商业中心和纪念碑样的文化中心掩饰了商业和文化的匮乏 --- 而后两者, 在随意而亲切的都市生活中,曾是如此的丰富 (2002.2.12 除夕的鞭炮响过之后 Spade 译)

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