
更新时间:2023-05-25 08:56:48 阅读: 评论:0

中国传统节日:traditional Chine festivals
公历(阳历) :Gregorian calendar
《易经》:“The Book of Change”
文人literary figures
品种繁多的菊花diversified species of chrysanthemum
团圆饭a family reunion dinner
中华神话:Chine Mythology (Myth)
盘古开天地:Pangu makes the world.
女娲补天:Nüwa patches up the sky.
三皇五帝:Three sage “kings” and five virtuous “emperors”
炎黄子孙:the scions of Huang Di and Yan Di; Yan-Huang?s descendents; the descendents of Emperors Yan and Huang
世袭贵族:hereditary aristocracy
民主先驱:a forerunner of democracy
人类始祖:the ancestors of mankind
八国联军:coalition of eight nations
天命:Mandate of Heaven
旧式士绅官僚:the old bureaucracy of scholar-gentry
创造文化的著名人物:culture heroes
禅让制度:the non-hereditary principle
主宰乾坤:regulated the working of the univer
天地万物:all creation
特别值得一提的:derve particular mention
官斗:dynastic struggle
说文解字:origin of chine characters
仁政:benevolent rule
孝:filial piety
中原:the Chine world
西域:the western regions
所谓诸子百家:the so-called hundred schools
博爱:universal love
度量衡与币制:weights,measures and coinage
我是鱼由丞相,主管军事的太尉和御史大夫组成的三公制:A three-man group consisting of a civil administrator,a military governor and a controller
双季稻:double-cropping in rice
匈奴人:the Huns
宫刑:the punishment of castration
儒家经典:the Confucian Canon
离骚:Encountering Sorrow
五代十国:period of the five dynasties and ten kingdoms
忽必烈:Kublai Khan
瓷艺:The art of ceramics
指南针:south-pointing needle
活字印刷:printing by movable type
马克·波罗:Marco Polo
专重商业的实利主义社会:a mercantile ,materialistic world
黄帝:the Yellow Emperor,
Book of Documents,
春秋和战国:the Spring and Autumn period
百家争鸣:the Contention of a Hundred Schools
四书五经:the Four Books and the Five Classics
“仁者人也。”:“To be humane is to be a man.”
秦皇汉武:Emperor Qin Shihuang and Emperor Han Wudi
科举、科考:civil rvice examination
儒家行政系统(官僚制度):Confucian bureaucracy
历史文献:historical documentation
清谈及玄学:Pure Talk and Mysterious Learning
仁、义、礼、智、信:humanity, rightness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness 儒释道:Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism
《史记》:“Records of the Grand Historian”
《汉书》:“The Book of Han”
《说文解字》:“Origin of Chine Characters”
“三纲五常”:three cardinal guides and five constant virtues
正统哲学:orthodox philosophy
三国时期:The Period of the Three Kingdoms
动乱时期:the Period of Disunion (Disorder), the Age of Division
幼儿风疹南北朝:the Southern and Northern Dynasty销售折让
大运河:the Grand Canal
《全唐诗》:“The Complete Anthology of Tang Poetry”
唐人(街):Chine; China Town
唐装(服):traditional Chine costume
唐僧:Monk Tang, popular name for Xuanzang (玄奘) AD
602 – 664
唐三彩:tricolored glazed pottery of Tang Dynasty; Tang tricolor
唐诗三百首::“Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty”
《诗经》:“The Book of Songs”
唐三彩:Tang tricolor, tricolored glazed pottery of Tang Dynasty
《唐诗三百首》:“Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty”
《兵车行》:“Ballad of the Army Carts”
为艺术而艺术:art for art?s sake
儒家经典:Confucian canon
唐诗宋词:The Tang poetry and the Song ci poetry
唐宋八大家:Eight pro masters of the Tang-Song period
理学:the philosophy of principle
新儒学之复兴:neo-Confucian revival
《资治通鉴》:“The Mirror of History”
《梦溪笔谈》:“Dream Pool Essays”
金石铭文:bronze and stone inscriptions
清明上河图:Riverside Scenes at Qingming Festival
佛经与道经:Buddhist and Taoist scriptures
瓷艺:the art of ceramics
裙带关系与贿赂:nepotism and bribery
商业投机:merchant speculation
京杭大运河:The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
Marco Polo Bridge:卢沟桥
成吉思汗; 忽必烈:Genghis (Chinggis) Khan; Kublai (Kubilai) Khan
元曲四大家:Four master dramatists of the Yuan Dynasty
《窦娥冤》:“The Injustice Suffered by Dou E”
《西厢记》:“Romance of the Western Chamber”
《赵氏孤儿》:“The Orphan of the Zhao Family”
卢沟桥:Marco Polo Bridge
唐宋传奇集Short Stories of the Tang and Song Dynasties compiled by Lu Xun 鲁迅
兔肉的做法清明上河图:Riverside Scenes at Qingming Festival created by Zhang Zeduan 张择端
永乐大典:Great Encyclopedia of Yongle (Reign),
元曲四大家:Four master dramatists of the Yuan Dynasty
唐宋八大家: Eight pro masters of the Tang-Song period
四大名著: Four great classical novels.
三皇五帝:Three sage “kings” and five virtuous “emperors”
长城:the Great Walls
大篆和小篆:big al script and small al script
焚书坑儒:Burning of the books, and burying of Confucian scholars alive;
唐宋八大家: Eight pro masters of the Tang-Song period. (Han Yu 韩愈, Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元of the Tang; Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修, Su Xun 苏洵, Su Shi 苏轼, Su Zhe苏辙, Zeng Gong 曾巩, and Wang Anshi 王安石of the Song)

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