1、The creation of Virgin Cola, Virgin Air, Virgin Rail and Virgin Bride is an example of_
A:brand stretching
B:brand loyalty
C:brand awareness
D:brand equity
答案: brand stretching
2、Consumers who always buy Levi's when they need a new pair of jeans are showing_
A:brand stretching
B:brand loyalty
C: brand awareness
D: brand equity
答案: brand loyalty
3、The u of BMW cars and Nokia phones in James Bond films are examples of___.
A:product endorment
B: product placement
C: product cycle
D: product range
答案: product placement
4、Cheap but good Chine products have brought___ to Americans by giving them
全世界的英语more choices and reducing the country's inflation rate.
A:intangible benefits
B: tangible benefits
C: outsource
D: disadvantage
答案: tangible benefits
5、Not enough people recognize our logo; we need to spend a lot more on raising
A:brand stretching
B: brand loyalty
C: brand awareness
D: brand equity
答案: brand awareness
6、David Beckham advertising Vodafone is an example of___.
A: product endorment
B: product placement
山药小米粥C: product cycle
D: product range
答案: product endorment
7、____ refers to the value, both tangible and intangible, that a brand adds to a produ
A: Brand loyalty
B:Brand awareness
C: Brand equity
D: Brand name
答案: Brand equity
8、__ refer to the statistical data of a population, especially tho showing average ag
e, income, education, etc.
A:Focus group
B: Customers
C: Stockers
D: Demographics
烟雨空蒙答案: Demographics
9、The Toblerone__ contains the image of a bear hidden in the Matterhorn mountain,
which is where Toblerone originally came from.
B: brand
根式运算C: name
答案: logo
10、For example, if a company has 1.5 million shares outstanding at a share price of $2
5, its.
is $37.5 million.
A:market cap
B: profit介词的作用
C: maximum value
D: capital
答案: market cap