1. 你下班了吗?
Are you off work now?
2. 我刚下班。
I just got off work.
意大利威尼斯3. 别着急,耐心点。
Hold your hors.
4. 玩碰碰车的作文交罚款
pay a
5. 他打两份工来抚养家庭。
He worked two jobs to support his family.
6. 我们扯平了
We are even.
7. 你是属什么的?
What animal sign were you born under?
8. 我属牛。
I was born in the year of OX.
9. 佛系: carefree
10. 凉凉了: I am so screwed.
11. 我搞砸了: I screwed up.
12. 放鸽子: stand sb up
13. 有钱任性: rich and willful
14. 杠精: devil’s advocate
15. 硬笔书法笔随便垫吧一口:grab a bite
16. 手机欠费了: out of credit
17. 给手机充值:top up/recharge the phone
18. 手机没电了:phone is dead/ phone is out of power
19. 手机快没电了:phone is almost dead
20. 害怕的近义词手机死机了: phone broke down
21. 给手机充电:charge the phone
22. 充电器: charger
23. 这里有一张空桌子:There is a free table here.
24. 你们今天还有标准间吗?
超星学习通登录Is there a standard room available today?
25. 你要少吃盐。
You should cut down on salt.
26. 上当了,中圈套了: ri to the bait
27. 吃货: foodie
28. 故作坚强: put on a brave face
29. 脸色发青: blue in the face
30. 你活该,你自找的,自食其果:You derve it./ You get what you derve./ taste your own medicine./ It rves you right./ You asked for it.
31. 有话直说,开门见山,打开天窗说亮话:get to the point/ cut to the cha/put cards on the table/tell it straight!
32. 结巴,无语,说不出话了: tongue-tied(因紧张,害羞等)lost for words
33. 宁静的清晨炫耀,吹牛,显摆: brag/show off/boast
34. 真便宜: It’s a real bargain./ It’s really a steal. (简直和偷一样)
35. 笨蛋: dumb-ass
36. 退款:refund
37. 拭目以待: Let经典的话’s wait and e
38. 我名花有主了: I am taken/ I am spoken for
39. 种瓜得瓜种豆得豆,一份耕耘一份收货:
You reap what you sow.
40. 草率:haste (n) hasty (adj. 草率的)= premature
41. 搞错了:get the wrong end of the stick
42. 他把我出卖了:He sold me out.
43. 内卷: dog eat dog(太形象了,狗咬狗)
44. 别卷了,本是同根生相煎何太急: dog doesn't eat dog