原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual Version 2.2 (Document No. 80-13-00169 September 2004)第5章 SPI总线协议译者:醇酒。请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容,若文中翻译有不妥之处,请Email:chunjiu○处指正,不胜感激!
SD卡规格书第五章 SPI总线协议
5.1. SPI总线协议
5.1.1. 模式选择
5.1.2. 总线传送保护
5.1.3. 数据的读取
5.1.4. 数据写入
5.1.5. 擦除和写保护处理
6. 读取CID/CSD寄存器
5.1.7. 复位顺序
5.1.8. 时钟控制
5.1.9. 错误条件 CRC和无效指令 读取、写入和擦除的超时情形
5.1.11. 卡的锁定/解锁
5.1.12. 特殊用途的命令集
5.1.13. 版权保护命令集
5.2. SPI命令设置
5.2.1. 命令格式
5.2.2. 命令类 详细的命令描述
5.2.3.应答 R1 的格式 R1b的格式 R2的格式 R3 的格式 数据应答
5.2.4. 数据标记
6. 清除状态位
5.3. 卡寄存器
5.4. SPI总线时序图解
5.4.1. 命令 / 应答
5.4.2. 数据读取
5.4.3. 数据写入
5.4.4. 时钟数值
5.5. SPI 电气接口
5.6. SPI总线操作条件(环境)
5.1. SPI Bus Protocol
5.1. SPI总线协议
While the SD Card channel is bad on command and data bit-streams, which are initiated by a start bit and terminated by a stop bit, the SPI channel is byte oriented. Every command or data block is built of eight bit bytes and is byte aligned (multiples of eight clocks) to the CS signal.
Similar to the SD Bus protocol, the SPI messages are built from command, respon and data-block tokens. All communication between host and cards is controlled by the host (master). The host starts every bus transaction by asrting the CS signal low.
The respon behavior in SPI Bus mode differs from the SD Bus mode in the following three ways:
* The lected card always responds to the command.
* An eight or 16-bit respon structure is ud.
* When the card encounters a data retrieval problem, it will respond with an error respon (which replaces the expected data block) rather than time-out as in the SD Bus mode.
In addition to the command respon, every data block nt to the card during write operations will be responded with a special data respon token. A data block may be as big as one card write block (WRITE_BL_LEN) and as small as a single byte(NOTE1).
NOTE1: The default block length is as specified in the CSD (512 bytes). A t block length of less than 512 bytes will cau a write error. The only valid write t block length is 512 bytes. CMD16 is not mandatory if the default is accepted.
5.1.1. Mode Selection
The SD Card wakes up in the SD Bus mode. It will enter SPI mode if the CS signal is asrted (negative) during the reception of the ret command (CMD0). If the card recognizes that the SD Bu
s mode is required it will not respond to the command and remain in the SD Bus mode. If SPI mode is required, the card will switch to SPI mode and respond with the SPI mode R1 respon.
SD卡启动时处在SD总线模式下。它将在CS信号有效(低电平)时接收一个复位命令(CMD0)来进入SPI 总线模式。如果这个卡认为必须停留在SD总线模式,那么它将不应答这个命令并继续保持在SD总线模式。如果可以转换到SPI总线模式,则它会转换到SPI总线模式并用SPI模式的R1应答来作回应。
The only way to return to the SD Bus mode is by power cycling the card. In SPI mode, the SD Card protocol state machine is not obrved. All the SD Card commands supported in SPI mode are always available.
The default command structure/protocol for SPI mode is that CRC checking is disabled. Since the card powers up in SD Bus mode, CMD0 must be followed by a valid CRC byte (even though the command is nt using the SPI structure). Once in SPI mode, CRCs are disabled by default.
CMD0 is a static command and always generates the same 7-bit CRC of 4Ah. Adding the “1,” end bit (bit 0) to the CRC creates a CRC byte of 95h. The following hexadecimal quence can be ud to nd CMD0 in all situations for SPI mode, since the CRC byte (although required) is ignored once in SPI mode. The entire CMD0 quence appears as 40 00 00 00 00 95 (hexadecimal).
CRC字节(“尽管还是必须的”。译者注:原文的意思是指这个CRC字节所占的位置还是不可省略掉)会在SPI模式里被忽略。这个完整的CMD0命令是40 00 00 00 00 95 (十六进制系列)。
5.1.2. Bus Transfer Protection
Every SD Card token transferred on the bus is protected by CRC bits. In SPI mode, the SD Card offers a non protected mode which enables systems built with reliable data links to exclude the hardware or firmware required for implementing the CRC generation and verification functions.
In the non-protected mode the CRC bits of the command, respon and data tokens are still required in the tokens however, they are defined as “don’t care” for the transmitters and ignored by the receivers.
The SPI interface is initialized in the non-protected mode. The host can turn this option on and off using CRC_ON_OFF command (CMD59).
The CRC7/CRC16 polynomials are identical to that ud in SD Bus mode. Refer to this ction in the SD Bus mode chapter.
5.1.3. Data Read
5.1.3. 数据的读取
SPI mode supports single block and multiple block read operations (SD Card CMD17 or CMD18). Upon reception of a valid read command the card will respond with a respon token followed by a data token in the length defined in a previous SET_BLOCK_LENGTH (CMD16) command (e Figure 5-1).
SPI模式可支持单个块和多个块的读操作(SD卡的CMD17或CMD18)。在接收到一个合法的读取命令后,这个卡将用一个应答标志来应答,随后的就是一个数据块,它的长度是先前定义在SET_BLOCK_LENGTH (CMD16)命令中的(请看图表 5-1)。
图表 5-1 单个数据块的读取操作
A valid data block is suffixed with a 16-bit CRC generated by the standard CCITT polynomial:
X^16 + X^12 + X^5 + 1.
The maximum block length is 512 bytes as defined by READ_BL_LEN (CSD parameter). Block lengths can be any number between 1 and READ_BL_LEN.
这个最大的块长度是512字节,由READ_BL_LEN (CSD参数)定义的。块的长度可以是1到READ_BL_LEN 之间的任何一个数值。
The start address can be any byte address in the valid address range of the card. Every block, however, must be contained in a single physical card ctor.
发送到主控制器。图表 5-2 显示了一个数据的读操作,结果由于一个错误标记而终止,而不是期待的一个数据块。
图表 5-2. 读取操作 - 数据错误
In the ca of a Multiple Block Read operation, every transferred block has a 16-bit CRC suffix. The Stop Transmission command (CMD12) will actually stop the data transfer operation (the same as in SD Bus mode).
图表 5-3. 多个块的读取操作
5.1.4. Data Write
5.1.4. 数据写入
In SPI mode, the SD Card supports single block or multiple block write operations. Upon reception of a valid write command (SD Card CMD24 or CMD25), the card will respond with a respon token and will wait for a data block to be nt from the host. CRC suffix and start address restrictions are identical to the read operation (e Figure 5-4). The only valid block length, however, is 512 bytes. Setting a smaller block length will cau a write error on the next write command.