一、writte n work
Time is import ant .Everyo ne has 24 hoursin a day ,and 365 days in a year. Once a day runs out in our life,it will nevercome back again.If we love our lives,we should n't wastetime.we must contro l time.The best way to u time is to plan it well.
When making the studyplan,we should rememb er two things.First,be realis tic.Don't try to do too many things.Second,a good studyplan should be flexib le .We may make some smallchange s,but follow the same patter n.
Let's be the master of time ,startour plan now.
1、I have run out of food ,I must go to buy some.
2,You have said so ,you should put them into practi ce .
3.It takesat leasttwo hoursto get thereby bus.
4.Althou gh we failes,at leastwe triedour best .
6.How long has it takenyou to writethat articl e?
7.You em to be very sad .Tell us what has happen ed so that we may help you.
8.We should keep our classr oom clean.
9.We may asd Xiao Wang to help us ,he emsto have a lot of time.
10.My brothe r will come to Beijin g next week. he must make good u of time to stay here.
1. You are the person whom(who)I'm lookin g for.
2,The book isn't mine,it's John's.
3.They are always the best friend s.
4.Beijin g is a beauti ful city.
5.That emsto be the best choice.
lesson two
一、writte n work
Hans Anders en was born in a shoema ker's family.when he was a boy ,he wanted to become
a writer and he wanted to writeplaysand act at the theate r .Many people said that the boy was not nsi
b le ,but be was sure that his dreamwouldcome true.When he was fourte en,he went to Copenh agento ek his fortrn e.Therehe went to e some theate r people,but none of them lent a helpin g hand to him.soon he had just little moneyleft.Severa l people gave him moneyto buy food and clothi ng,but the boy spentmost moneyon booksand went to the theate r.老人生活
1.Once upon a time,therewas a king who likedwho likedhorvery much.
2.The poor childdidn't know what to do ,so he went to ask a favorof the Prince.
3.he is so wicked that I don't believ e in him at all.
4.My Englis h is poor so I have to work hard at it .
5.I am afraid to startout so early.
6.He adds some wordsto the vocabu larylist from time to time.
7.SHe said that she couldpay for thechildr en's educat ion.
8.Becaus e of the low salary he can't pay for the rent .晚上好的英文
9.Can you change this nten ce into Englis h?
10.I stared at the car untilit was out of sight.
1.The cake tastes delici ous.
2.That musicsounds beauti ful.
3.She appear ed to be weak aftershe was sick.
4.It gets darker and darker.
5.This task emsto bo more diffic ult than we expect ed.
Lesson Three
一、Writte n work
Anders en put his own experi enceinto his fairytaleswhichhe told the childr en of his friend s,becaus e he had the genius of tellin g storie s ,so he told the storie s vividl yandchildr en likedto listen to him.Afterhis firstbook of faifytaleswas publis hed ,it was likedby childr en and theirparent s and was very succes sful.The taleswere full of everyd ay truth.then his cond book of fairytalescame out ,late the thirdone.Altoge therhe produc ed 37 books.At that time,Anders en was regard ed as the Prince of Fairytalesand he was one of the greate st writer s in his time.
1.People may have a good view of the city from the tower.
2.he made friend s with many youngfarmer s when he worked in the countr y.
3.At that time ,that family was too poor to nd theirchildr en to school.
4.I won't take part in that partybecaus e I don't feel at ea with thopeople.
5.Studen ts stoodup in turn to ask the spokes man questi ons.
6.Her questi on was so stupid that everyo ne laughe d at her .
7.I advise d him not to ask that person for help .
数字宝宝8.this book is very famous and it has been transl atedinto many Langua ges.
9.More than one hundre d people took part in the dinner partyin honorof the old profes sor.
10.His studen ts regard him as theirfriend s .
11.Afterthe book came out ,he foundit full of mistak es .
1.can you take care of the baby for me when I am not in?
2.Yester day I called him,but he wasn'in.
3.This shop is in the couner of the street.
4.Bettyis in frontof me in the pictur e.
5.Now it is 5:30,he has been up.
Lesson g Four This Life
契科夫短篇小说一、Writte n Work
Sidney Poitie r was a famous Americ an blackactouand direct or. When he was eighte en,he wanted to become an actor,so he went to e a direct or and told him his wish.The direcd tor askedhim to read the part of a charac ter on the stage.Becaus e therewere many wordshe didn't know,Sidney did
n't read well.The direct or didn't regard this youngman as an actorand let him get off the stage.LaterSidney though t a lot of things .He realiz ed that his readin g was too poor and he was determ inedto studywell.During the follow ing six months,he spentas much time as possib le readin g.
1.I saw her sittin g in the corner ,starin g at that girl.
2.Can you tell me wherei should get off the bus ?
3.therewas a good film last night,but i wasn't able to go to e it.
4.He ud to walk to work.
5.Let us clearthorubbis h away from the attic.草原春来早
6.One must look for the meanin g of wordswhen he runs into the wordshe doesn't know in readin g.
7.Wait a minute.I have a couple of questi ons to ask you.
8.Yester day I ran into a friend whom i haven't en for many years.
9.I have no idea whethe r she will come or not .
10.Theold red-army soldie rs make an enormo us contri butio n to our nation al revolu tion.
11.Yester day he spenta wholeaftern oon workin g on the comput er.
1.the concer t has begun.
2.Her son is crying.
3.The little boy has lied.
4.My father has neversmoked.
5.We all breath e ,drinkand eat.
Lesson FIve Nightwatch
一、Writte n Work
One day ,someon e at the Red Crosscalled a Marine and askedhim to rush to a hospit al in New York,becaus e his father was dying.The Marine arrive d at the hospit al and a nurtook him to his father's bedsid e.The marine knew immedi ately there'd been a mistak e.that dyingpatien t was not his father .But he knew he old man wanted to e his son at the last minute in his life .So he stayed thereby the bed throug h the night.the old man held his hand tightl y till he died.
1.He was rushed to the localhospit al becaus e of his heartdias e.
2.Police man wanted to asd him some questi ons afterhe had come to .
3.His gelp enable d me to catchmy planewhen I reache d the airpor t.
4.Englis h enable us to talk with many people who can't speakChines e .
5.he listen ed to the speech carefu lly.Occasi onall y he wrotevera l wordson the Notebo ok.
6.the little boy didn't dare to go out ;he held his mother's handstightl y.
7.It is not too late to inform farmer s that stormwill come.
8.we all though t that the import ant letter had disapp eared.It turned out that it had been kept in the safe.
9.Your younge r sister is crying.What has happen ed to her?
初代目火影10.he is too busy to pay attent iongto this matter.
11.Finall y ,what hapene d to the Kind-hearte d old man in that film?
1.She is readin g silent ly.
2.Susanswimsvery well .
3.they are quarre lingagain.
4.he drives fast .
5.the Youngman has drundtoo much.
Lesson six How Dicton aries Are Made
一、Writte n Work
The writin g of dictio naryis a big job .The task of writin g a dictio natybegins with readin g.As the editor s read,they collec t a largeof nten ces and copy them on cars.Thenten ces show the common wordsin theirordina ry us as well as unusua l us.Next the task of editin g occupi es decade s.Finall y,the most import ant part of writin g a dictio naryis to define a word .Each defini tionmust be badon thonten ces.Today,the task of writin g a dictio natyis easier with comput er.BUt this job must be badon the direct rear ch work.六个月宝宝辅食食谱表
1.You are out of your mind to make friend s with this kind of people.
2.Steali ng is regard ed as a bad thing.
3.What decisi on did you arrive at for this matter?
4.theprinci plesdon't applyto the childr en who are under6 yearsold.
5.He oftenquarre ls with his wife abouttheirson's educat ion.
6.Therenamesare arrang ed in alphab etica l order.
7.He said that moneyhas been divide d up equall y by some compan ies.
8.What is you plan badon ?
9.Theworder s should be paid accord ing to how much they have done.
10.I'll be busy from next Monday to Friday.
11.Englis h studybegins with A BC/
12.I have neverheardof this person.
13.the studen ts laughe d becaus e of thosillymistak es they had made.
14.He is lookin g for a better job.
1.That person stoodup ,and left.
2.He is an excell ent partic ipant ,and he nevergivesup.
3.he threwaway his old shirt.
4.I turn on my radio.
5.French visito rs have arrive d in Beijin g sinceMonday.
6.She is taking care of her father who is sick.
7.SUsanis not gettin g well with her classm ates.
8.we will get off the bus at the next stop.
一、writte n work
Ater his friend went away from him,the man in the storywas alonein the emptyland.He facedmany dif
fic ultie s .Firsthis foot hurt ,but it was nothin g compar ed with his hunger.He ate smallberrie s and chewed the bonesof animal s .When he realiz ed that life was heavie r than gold ,he threwoff the sack of gold.Severa l days pasd,he was very sick,he couldnot move.He crawle d abouton handsand knees.But he nevergave up hope.He was held by the love of life.Finall y he was foundby the men on a ship.
1.He went out of the room,turned around and waited for his wife.
2.The studen ts em to be afraid of the new teache r.
3.We don't have much time.We can't wait any longer.
4.He strugg led to his feet and walked away withou t saying a word.
5.Beingabroad,he oftendreame d of his hometo wn_th at stream,the houof his family and vegeta ble field,etc.
6.When he was a smallboy ,be dreame d of becomi ng a pilot.Finall y he become a footba ller.
7.Yangtz e is the longes t riverin chinaand it emptie s into the East Ocean.
8.I'm afraid that you will forget me soon.
9.I'm afraid of beingaloneat home.
10.The presid ent has recove red(from his illnes s) and starte d workin g now.