2011~2012学年第一学期虹口区初三英语质量抽查试卷(一模)II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)
31. Anna ordere d a square umbrella from the Taobao net last week and now ___ umbrella has arrive d.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. /
32. – Wheredid you buy the nice card? -- I made it by ___.
A. I
B. me
C. mylf
D. mine
33. The postman criedout downst airs,“Mr. Anders on, here is a letter ___ you.”
A. of
B. on
C. with
D. for
34. Peter‟s parent s are good at physic s, but ___ of them is good at Englis h.
A. all
B. both
C. neithe r
D. none
35. I need ___ banana s to make fruit salad. Couldy ou please buy some?
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
36. The more you smile, the ___ you will feel in your everyd ay life.
A. happy
B. happie r
C. happie st
D. the happie st乡村味道
37. “How much ___ the pair of shoesover there?” the lady askedthe shop assist ant.
A. am
B. is
C. be
D. are
38. Tony, what wouldy ou like for your fourte enthbirthd ay, an MP4 ___ a bike?
一二线城市名单A. but
B. and
C. or
D. so
39. My father was preparing for his speech ___ my mother was doingsome washin g last night.
A. while
B. until
C. unless
D. if
40. – Must I do all the houw ork, Mum?
-- No, you ___. Just cleany our bedroom.
A. mustn‟t
B. should n‟t
C. needn‟t
D. can‟t
41. – Wouldy ou like to go and have some coffee with me?
-- I‟d like to, but my father ___ for me outsid e now.
A. waits
B. is waitin g
C. will wait
D. waited
42. – Helen, I called you yester day evenin g, but nobody answer ed the phone.
-- Oh, I ___ a walk with my sister at that time.
A. take
B. took
C. am taking
D. was taking
43. The studen ts in the middle school ___ theire-bags since2010.
A. have
B. will have
C. have had
D. had
44. A flower show ___ next week in the park and I‟ll go to visiti t with my family.
A. is holdin g
B. will hold
C. has been held
D. will be held
45. He decide d to leavef or Thaila n d as soon as he finish ed ___ the novel.
A. write
B. writin g
C. to write
D. writte n
小学校风46. – I feel a bit hungry now. – Why not ___ for dinner with us?
耙A. go
B. going
C. to go
D. gone
47. ___ excite d the mother was when she heardh er son‟s voicefrom the spacestation!
A. How
B. What
C. What a
D. What an
48. ___ comesthe last bus! Hurryu p, or we‟ll have to walk home.
A. This
B. Here
C. It
D. One
49. – Wouldy ou mind tellin g me your brothe r‟s e-mail addres s? -- ___.
A. Y ou‟re welcom e
B. Certai nly not
C. The same to you
D. Y es, please
50. – I like the partyso much, but I have to go home. It‟s too late. -- ___.
A. What a pity!
B. Have another try.
C. Congra tulati ons!
D. It‟s a pleasu re. III. Comple t e the follow ing passag e with the wordsor phrase s in the box. Each word can only be ud once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次):(共8分)
Hundre ds of yearsago, news was carrie d from placeto placeby people on foot or by hor. It took days, weeksand sometimes months for people to 51 news. Now it is possib l e to nd wordsand pictur es around the worldin cond s. Billio n s of people learnaboutn ews storie s of theirown countr y and 52 the worldev eryday, either by watchi ng TV or readin g newspa pers.
Newspa persh ave been an import ant 53 of everyd ay life sincethe 18th century. Many countr ies have hundre ds of differ ent newspa pers. How do newspa per editor s (编辑)decide whichnews storie s to print? Why do they print some storie s and not others? What makes a good newspa per story?
Firstl y, it is import ant to report new storie s. TV 54 can report news much faster than newspa pers. Y et, newspa persgive more about the same story. They may also look at the storyin anothe r way, or they may print comple telydiffer ent storie s
to thoon TV.
Secondly, a news storyhas to be intere sting and 55 . People don‟t want to read storie s abouteveryd ay life. As a result, many storie s are about some kind of danger and em to be “bad” news. 56 , newspa persn ever printstorie s about planes landing safely, instea d, they printstorie s about planeacciden ts.
57 , many people are intere stedin news in foreig n countri es, but more prefer to read storie s about people, places and 58 in theirown countr y. So the storie s on the front page in Chines e newspa persare usuall y very differ ent from the ones in Britis h, French and Americ an newspa pers.
IV. Comple t e the nten ces with the givenw ordsin their suitab le forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共8分)
59. My father has worked as an __________in the factory for vera l years.(engine)
60. The storytellsu s that the strang e animal is the __________son of the drag on (龙). (nine)
61. Do you know who will make a __________on the history of the USA this afternoon? (speak)
62. The newly-built bridge will __________the citizen s to crossthe riverm ore conven ientl y. (able)
63. The kids were excite d when they saw so many __________cartoon s in the amument park. (attract)
64. The 70-year-old man was __________ill and died a few months later.(riou s)
65. Though they are really great, they have neverthough t of themselvesas __________.(hero)
66. It is report ed that the smalli sland countr y may __________in the yearsto come. (appear)
V. Rewrit e the follow ing nten ces as requir ed (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共14分)
67. They do some homewo rk in the classr oom before they leaveschool. (改为一般疑问句)
__________they do __________h omewo rk in the classr oom before they leav eschool?
68. Y our grandp a ldom goes to the shoppi ng centre with your grandm a. (改为反意疑问句)
Y our grandpa ldom goes to the shoppi ng centre with your grandm a, ____________________?
69. Thefamili es will move to the new housin g estate in two weeks.(对划线部分提问)
____________________will thefamili es move to the new housin g estate? 70. The lady put some gold in the shoe twenty yearsago. (对划线部分提问)
____________________the lady put some gold twenty yearsago?
71. “What have you learne d in the univer sity?” The manage r askedT om. (合并为一句)
The manager askedT om what ____________________learne d in the university.
72. Hors are larger than any otheranimal s in this area. (保持句意不变)
Hors are ____________________amongall the animal s in this area.
73. It cost my unclehuge amounts of moneyto decora te the living room. (保持句意不变)
My uncle__________huge amounts of money__________the living room.
Part 3 Readin g and Writin g (第三部分读写)
VI. Readin g comprehensi on (阅读理解):(共50分)
A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)
Santi‟s big brothe r Len had told him neverto push all the remote contro l(遥控器)button s at the same time. He said that someth ing terrib l e wouldh appen if he did. Santi didn‟t really contro l in his hand. For a while, he change d from channel to channel, lookin g for someth ing intere sting to watch. Bored, Santi decide d to e what Len couldh ave meant.
With a quickglance over his should er to make sure Len
hadn‟t come back, he pushed all the button s at once. Santisaw
a bright flash, and he droppe d the remote control. “I‟ve broken7月旅游
it,” he though t. “Now I‟m in troubl e!” As he looked around for
the remote control, he realiz ed he was in more troubl e than
he‟d though t. He was sudden ly only the size of a mou!
“Oh, no!” Santi shoute d. He had to find his parent s quickl y. Carefu lly, he climbed down the side of the huge sofa and hurrie d across the floor. In the kitchen, San ticoulde that the slidin g door had been left open. “If the door is open, then the cat might be in here,” tiny Santi said.
Just then, Santi and the cat saw each other. Santi ran for the door, the cat closing in quickl y behind him. Just as the cat reache d out to attach Santi, it slippe d (打滑)on some waterand slid across th
e kitchen floor. Out of breath, Santihid behind a flower pot in the corrid or. He coulde his mum far away in the garden. “How will I ever get there?”he wonder ed. As he looked out from behind the flower pot, therewas the huge cat lookin g right at him! Santi rushed for the garden and then.., he woke up. “It was only a dream!” he said with a reliev ed smile.“Thankg oodne ss!”
74. Len told Santi someth ing terrib l e wouldh appen if he ___.
A. pushed the button s at the same time
B. triedto preten d to be a mou
C. change d from channel to channel
曾经是少年D. stayed alonein the living room
75. AfterSanti became smalle r, the first thingh e did was to ___.
A. run away from the cat
B. to find his parent s
C. hide himl f
D. ask Len for help
76. Santi though t the cat mightbe in the kitchen becaus e ___.
A. he heard a moving sound
B. the cat likedthe kitchen
C. the slidin g door was open
D. he saw the cat came into it
77. When the storytook place, Santi‟s mum was in the ___.
A. corrid or
B. kitchen
C. bedroom
D. garden
78. The word “reliev ed” can be ud to descri be Santi‟s feelin g ___.
A. when he was playin g with the remote contro l
B. when his big brother warned him someth ing
C. when he was no longer worrie d about the cat
D. when he saw his mum far away from him
79. The storyprobably triesto tell that ___.
A. what happen s if your break a rule
B. it‟s danger ous to stay aloneat home
C. people don‟t want to get smalle r
D. someti mes pets are not friendly
B. Choose the wordsor expres sions and comple t e the passag e (选择最恰当的