Unit 5 Giving Thanks
Text A
Langua ge SenEnhanc ement
I. 1) decade s 2) underg oing
3) had done wrong 4) welcom e reassu rance
5) apprec iated 6) brough t back
7) relati ves 8) accomp lish
9) consum e 10) repres entin g
Langua ge Focus
Vocabu lary
1. 1) sprink led 2) in turn
3) revers ed 4) repay
5) at a 6) tradit ional
7) statem ent 8) longed for
9) in cret 10) unload ed
11) weep 12) underway
2. 1) stretc h out 2) make out
3) hope for 4) turns(it) over
5) put away 6) brings back
7) got to 8) go about
3. 1) As suppli es of tradit ional fuelsdimini sh, people are workin g to increa the u of solar
2) We accord high priori ty to meetin g the challe ngesof econom ic and enviro nment al develo pment in the region.
可是造句3) Whileit is true that childr en of todayare expose d to more inform ation than were childr en of the past, it does not follow that they automa tical ly become more sophis ticat ed.
4) Sinceshe borrow ed thobooksfrom the librar y she has been immers ed in Britis h histor y and cultur e.
5) Everyt hingchange d in a flashon June 1, 2000 when he lost both legs in a riou s traffi c accide nt.
4. 1) I'd like to expres s my sincer e thanks to everyo ne who has been so consid erate of my well-
being. My heartis filled with gratit ude that wordscannot expres s.
2) Aftereveryo ne asmb led on the playgr oundamid the noiand excite mentof the specta tors, our coachagainimpres d on us the need to do our best in questof excell ence.
3) Everyt hingI saw in my hometo wn was marvel ous. I couldhardly believ e that it had underg one
such swiftchange s throug h cultiv ating fruits, vegeta bles, flower s and the rest in the past few years.
II. Colloc ation
1, fond of 2. sick of
3. though tfulof
4. confid ent of
5. consci ous of
6. critic al of
7. guilty of 8.ashame d of
III. Usage
To know what people really think, pay regard to what they do, rather than what they say.
It is cooper ation, rather than confli ct, that will enable you to achiev e your succes s.
Ann made studen ts thinkfor themse lvesrather than tellin g them what to think.
I thinkI'll stay at home this evenin g rather than go / goingout.
Most people are conten t to let perfec t days happen at random rather than plan / planni ng for them.
Compre hensi ve Exerci s
I. Cloze
1) at a 2) Turnin g over
3) revers e 4) got to
5) repay 6) gratit ude
7) asmb led 8) immers ed in
9) unload ing 10) swift
1) Instea d 2) poss sions
3) richer 4) breath
春节禁忌5) cheris h 6) specia l
7) specif ic 8) shinin g
9) miracl es 10) gift
II. Transl ation
1). Grandm a took it for grante d that food prices wouldsoar, so she bought a lot of rice.
女儿早恋咋办杨英豪2). I can quoteyou vera l instan ces of her dedica tionto scienc e.
3). The 1980ssaw the startof the swiftdevelo pment of some specia l econom ic zonesin China.
4). Tensio n betwee n the two countr ies stemme d in part from the latest spy affair.
5). Peterhas worked in a law firm for many years. You can consid er having him as your lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legalhelp.
Amid the atmosp hereof Thanks givin g George was immers ed in the diaryleft to him by his father, who died at a afterhe comple ted two succes sivetripsaround the world.The diarybrough t back every
moment George had spentwith his father and many of the specif ic things his father did on his behalf. George's father ud to impres s on him the need to underg o all kindsof hardsh ip in questof excell ence. He also taught him that nothin g in the worldcouldbe takenfor grante d. Even today, George stillrememb ers how his father wouldquoteAesop's famous saying "Gratit ude is the sign of noblesouls" and tell him to accord the greate st import anceto it.
Chines e Transl ation s of TextsA
可我脑子里似乎还在搜索着别的什么一某种我能够赋予这一节日以个人意义的方式。大概过了半个小时左右我才意识到,问题的关键也许在于把T hanks givin g这个词前后颠倒一下——那样广来至少文字好懂了:Giving thanks。