Part I Listen ing Compre hensi on ( 11 minute s )
Sectio n A
Direct ions: In this ctio n, you will hear ten statem ents. Number s 1 to 6 are badon Text A whilethe rest are badon Text B. Each statem ent will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefu lly and decide whethe r each statem ent is true or fal.
A) T
B) F
Script: In Michae l's childh ood, he always dreame d of flying as his father oftenread him storie s aboutflying.
A) T
B) F
Script: Before this Nation al Junior Olympi cs, Michae l's person al best record was threeinches off 17 feet.
A) T
姓氏杨的来历B) F
Script: In rearin g childr en, Michae l's mother hopedthat he couldbe a free pursue r of dream, whilehis father disagr eed on this point.
A) T
B) F
Script: He was vain abouthis cleari ng the bar at 17 feet.
A) T
B) F
Script: Michae l's perfor mance won people's suppor t and made him standout mainly becaus e he challe ngedhis physic al disabi lity.
A) T
B) F
Script: During his firstperiod of life, all went smooth except that his father died and he had to suppor t himl f.
A) T
B) F
Script: Though the author kept climbi ng the fourte en stepsand behave d optimi stic, he was disill usion ed and frustr atedin deeper heart.
A) T
B) F
Script: When the tire of the car was burst,a motori st passin g by helped him to change the tire.
A) T
B) F
Script: During the wholeproces s of changi ng tire, whilethe author sat cleanand dry inside, he felt sorryand thankf ul for the old man and little girl.
A) T成语故事50字
B) F
Script: Knowin g that the old man was blind, the author felt ashame d of himl f and realiz ed his own shortc oming s of charac ter.
Sectio n B
Direct ions: In this ctio n, you will hear a passag e threetimes. When the passag e is read for the firsttime, you should listen carefu lly for its genera l idea. When the passag e is read for the cond time, you are requir ed to fill in the blanks with the exactwordsyou have just heard. Finall y, when the passag e is read for the thirdtime, you should checkwhat you have writte n.
S ometi mes I have though t it wouldbe an excell ent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorr ow. Such an attitu de would(11)_________________ sharpl y the values of life. We should live each day with gentle ness, (12)_________________ , and a keenne ss of (13)_________________ whichare oftenlost when time stretches before us in the (14)_________________ panoram a of more days and months and yearsto come. Thereare thowho, of course, who wouldadoptthe epicur
ean (享乐者) (15)_________________ of "Eat, drink, and be merry," but most people wouldbe chaste ned (磨练) by the certainty of (16)_________________ death. It has oftenbeen notedthat thowho live, or have lived, in the shadow of deathbring a mellow sweetn e ss to everyt hingthey do. Most of us, howeve r, (17)_________________ . We know that one day we must die, but usually we pictur e that day as far in the future.When we are in buoyan t (乐观的) health,deathis all but (18)_________________ . We ldom thinkof it. The days (19)_________________ in an endles s vista.So we go aboutpettytasks,hardly awareof our (20)_________________ attitu de toward life.
Script: Someti mes I have though t it wouldbe an excell ent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorr ow. Such an attitu de wouldemphas ize sharpl y the values of life. We should live each day with gentle ness,vigor,and a keenne ss of apprec iatio n whichare oftenlost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and yearsto come. Thereare thowho, of course, who wouldadoptthe epicur ean (享乐者) mottoof "Eat, drink,and be merry," but most people wouldbe chaste ned (磨练) by the certainty of impend ent death. It has oftenbeen notedthat thowho live, or have lived, in the shadow of deathbring a mellow sweetn e ss to everyt hingthey do. Most of us, howeve r, take life for grante d. We know that one day we must die, but usually we pictur e that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyan t (乐观的) health, deathis all
but unimaginable. We ldom thinkof it. The days stretch out in an endles s vista. So we go aboutpettytasks, hardly awareof our listle ss attitu d e toward life.
正确答案:appreciatio n
正确答案:consta nt
正确答案:impend ent
正确答案:take life for grante d
正确答案:stretc h out
正确答案:listle ss
Part II Readin g Compre hensi on ( 24 minute s )
Sectio n A
Direct ions: In this ctio n, thereis a passag e with vera l blanks. You are requir ed to lect one word for each blankfrom a list of choice s givenin a word bank follow ing the passag e. Read the passag e throug h carefu lly before making your choice s. Each choice in the bank is identi fiedby a letter. You may not u any of the wordsin the bank more than once.
O n Christ mas Eve 1971, JuliaSmithwas taking a flight in Peru with her mother to 21 her father, a profes sor, who was an expert22 the jungle and plants and animal s living there. The plane,23 , crashe d in a storm. The pasn gersall died except Juliawho only had a few cuts. She was 24 to surviv e. She had no map, only a bag of sweets and her torn clothe s. She founda stream and 25 it, trying to keep in the shadeas 26 as possib le, becaus e she had no hat. For ten days, she 27 alongthe river, eating fruit 28 the trees. At night, she sleptnear the riverbank, on the ground whichwas 29 from the rain. She oftenfelt weak, but she 30 to give
孕妇打呼噜up. On the 10th day, she arrive d at a smallhut. The threeIndian hunter s who visite d the hut everytwo weeksrescue d her and took her by boat to a smallvillag e from whereshe was flownto a ho生活中的大数据
spit al. She was safe at last.
A) from B) join C) out D) determ ined
E) much F) on G) decide d H) refuse d
I) many J) walked K) dry L) unfort unate ly
M) follow ed N) wet O) declin ed
21. ______________________
22. ______________________
23. ______________________
大书特书24. ______________________
25. ______________________
26. ______________________
27. ______________________
28. ______________________
29. ______________________