《给水排水专业英语》Lesson 1
specif ic yield[spə'sifik][ji:ld] 单位产水量
mass curve累积曲线
capita l investment投资
recurring natura l event['nætʃərəl] 重现历史事件
subter ranea n [sʌbtə'reiniən] 地下的
ground water地下水
粉丝蒜蓉蒸虾surfac e water地表水
tap [tæp]开关、龙头;在…上开空(导出液体)
swampl and ['swɔmplænd] n. 沼泽地;沼泽地带苍术的作用与功效
capill ary [kə'piləri] n. 毛细管adj. 毛状的,毛细管的
hygro- [词头] 湿(气),液体
hygros copic [,haigrəu'skɔpik] adj. 易湿的,吸湿的
hygros copic moistu re 吸湿水
stratu m ['streitəm] n. [地质学]地层,[生物学](组织的)层
aquife r ['ækwəfə] ['ækwifə] n.含水层,地下蓄水层
satura tion[,sætʃə'reiʃən] n.饱和(状态),浸润,浸透,饱和度
hydros tatic[,haidrəu'stætik] adj. 静水力学的,流体静力学的
hydros tatic pressu re 静水压力
watertable 1. 地下水位,地下水面,潜水面
2. 【建筑学】泻水台;承雨线脚;飞檐;马路边沟[亦作 water-table]
Phreat ic surfac e [fri(:)'ætik]地下水(静止)水位,浅层地下水面
Superf icial [sju:pə'fiʃəl] adj. 表面的,表观的,浅薄的
Porosi ty [pɔ:'rɔsiti] n. 多孔性,有孔性,孔隙率
Unconf ined ['ʌnkən'faind] adj. 无约束的,无限制的
Permea bilit y [,pə:miə'biliti] n. 弥漫, 渗透, 渗透性
Permea meter [pə:mi'æmitə] n.渗透仪,渗透性试验仪)
Clay [klei] n. 粘土,泥土
gravel ['ɡrævəl] n.[总称]砾,沙砾,小石;砾石
cone of depres sion[kəun] 下降漏斗, [水文学]下降锥体
drawdo wn ['drɔ:daun] n. 水位下降(降落,消耗,减少)
integrate ['intigr eit] 【数学】作积分运算;求积分
obrv ation well [,əbzə:'veiʃən] 观测井,观测孔
extrac tion [ik'strækʃən] n. 抽出,取出,提取(法),萃取(法)
我的梦想作文500字deriva tion [deri'veiʃən] n. 1. 导出,引(伸)出,来历,出处,得出,得到;诱导,推论,推理;溯源【数学】1) (定理的)求导,推导2) 微商,微分,导数
deplet e [di'pli:t] v. 耗尽, 使...衰竭
refuse [ri'fju:z] n. 废物,垃圾vt. 拒绝,谢绝
dump [dʌmp] n. 垃圾场,垃圾堆,堆存处
vt. 倾卸,倾倒(垃圾)
unconf ined aquife r 潜水含水层,非承压含水层,无压含水层
confin ed aquife r 自流含水层,承压含水层
homoge neous [,hɔməu'dʒi:njəs] adj. 同类的,相似的,均匀的,均相的;
Aquacl ude 不透水层,难渗透水的地层
Offt['ɔ:ft] n.偏移量抵销,弥补,分支,胶印,平版印刷,支管,乙字管
Vt. 弥补,抵销,用平版印刷
vi. 偏移,形成分支
sophis ticat ed [sə'fistik eitid] adj. 复杂的,需要专门技术的;诡辩的,久经世故的
equili brium [,i:kwi'libriəm] n. 平衡,均衡
A supply of wateris critic al to the surviv al of life, as we know it.(众所周知,水对生命的生存至关重要。) People need waterto drink, animal s need waterto drink, and plants need waterto drink.(人需要水,动物需要水,植物需要水)The basicfuncti ons of societ y requir e water:(社会的基本功能需要水:)cleani ng for public health(公共卫生设施的冲洗), consum ption for indust rialproces s(工业生产过程耗水), and coolin g for electr icalgenera tion(电能生产过程的冷却). In this lesson, we discus s watersupply in termsof:(在这里,我们从两方面讨论水的供给:)
1. Ground water suppli es(地下水供给)
2. Surfac e watersuppli es(地表水供给)
Ground water is an import ant direct source of supply that is tapped by wells(地下水是通过打井而得到的重要直接供水水源),as well as a signif icant indire ct source sincesurfac e stream s are oftensuppli ed by subter ranea n water.(也是有意义的间接供水水源,因为地表水会经常得到地下水的补给) Near the surfac e of the earth(靠近地表), in the zone of aerati on(在通气层内), soil pore spaces contai n both air and water(土壤颗粒间隙同时包含空气和水). This zone, whichmay have zero thickn ess in swampl andsand be vera l hundre d feet thickin mounta inous region s, contai ns threetypesof moistu re(这一地层,其厚度在沼泽地可能为零,在山区则可能厚达数百英尺,蕴涵三种类型的湿气). Aftera storm, gravit y wateris in transi t throug h the larger soil pore spaces(暴雨之后,水在重力的作用下透过土壤中较大的颗粒间隙). Capill ary wateris drawnthroug h smallpore spaces by capill ary action and is availa ble for plantuptake(在较小土壤颗粒缝隙中的水则由于毛细管作用上升而被植物吸收).
凶猛拼音Hygros copic moistu re is held in placeby molecu lar forces during all except the driest climat ic condit ions(在不是最干燥的气候条件下,土壤湿气中的水蒸汽分子会因为分子间引力—范氏力而被
土壤稳定下来). Moistu re, from the zone of aerati on cannot be tapped as a watersupply source(地表通气层的湿气不能通过凿井方式作为供水水源).
西交In the zone of satura tion, locate d belowthe zone of aerati on(位于通气层以下的饱和层), the soil poresare filled with water(土壤间隙中充满着水), and this is what we call ground water(这些水就是通常所称的地下水). A stratu m that contai ns a substa ntial(充实的) amount of ground water is called an aquife r(包含大量地下水的地层称为含水层). At the surfac e betwee n the two zones(通气层和含水层相邻的边界), called the watertableor phreat ic surfac e(称为水位线或浅层地下水面), the hydros tatic
pressu re in the ground water is eaualto the atmosp heric pressu re(地下水静压力与大气压力相等). An aquife r may extend to greatdepths(含水层可达相当深度), but becaus e the weight of overbu rdenmateri al genera lly clos pore spaces(但因为过多的地层压力会压缩土壤间隙), little wateris foundat depths greate r than 600m(2000ft)(深度超过600m,即2000英寸,就基本找不到地下水了). The amount of waterthat will drainfreely from an aquife r is knownas specif ic yield(若向含水层掘井,能够自由出流的水量称为单位产水量).
The flow of waterout of a soil can be illust rated usingFigure 1(从土壤中流动的水如图1所示). The
flow rate must be propor tiona l to the area throug h whichflow occurs timesthe veloci ty(流量与流水面积和速率成正比), or
Q=flow rate , in m3/c(流量,单位为m3/s)
A=area of porous materi al throug h whichflow occurs, in m2(渗透性土壤的流水断面,单位为m2)v=superf icial veloci ty, in m/c(表征流速,单位为m/s)
The superf icial veloci ty is of course not the actual veloci ty of the waterin the soil(表征流速当然不是水在土壤中流动的真实速度), sincethe volume occupi ed by the soil solidpartic les greatl y reduce s the availa ble area for flow(因为土壤颗粒粒径极大地降低了水流通过的空间). If a is the area availa ble for flow, then(如果a代表水的流经断面面积,那么)