(noun) A skilled worker who was successfully compl eted a perio d of apprenticetraining in trades such as construction or manufacturing
EXAMPLE:The quality of building was quitesuper ior becau everyworker on the construction crew was an experience d journeyman.
一生相伴(adj. INFORMAL) Large, having greatsize
EXAMPLE:The new youngmanager did so well durin g her firstyear that she earne d a heftyincrea in her salary.运动性
retrench 紧缩(开支)(动词)
(verb) To lowerexpenditures by reducing or delaying expansion plans; to cut back
EXAMPLE:Becau the regional economy has turne d bad and our salesare low, we have decided to retrench and postpone plansto build a new manufacturing plant next year.
(phrase) A work perio d divided into two or more sub-periods that equal a normal working day
EXAMPLE: The restaurantwas only busy at lunchand dinner so veral employees worke d a splitshiftthat let them go home during the afternoon.
to kick someone upstairs 架空(词组)
(phrase) The practice of promoting someone to a prestigious but powerless position in orderto prevent them from doingharm
五四青年运动EXAMPLE: Our company president's elderly father-in-law had been our chiefaccountant, but he oftenmade costly mistakes so the boss kicke d him upstairs to the position of nior vice president.
intrepid 大胆的,无畏的(形容词)
(adjective) Bold, neverdiscouraged, resistant to intimidation
EXAMPLE:Our intrepid salesmen are able to persuade even the most hostile and reluctant customers to buy our products.
private labelbrand零售商的品牌(词组)
(phrase)Products specially produced for a retail business that are sold to customers underthe name of the retail business rather than the name of the original produ cer
EXAMPLE: The restaurantin the expensive resort hotelllscustomers its own private labelbrandof wine.
(noun) A collectionof complicated, trivial or burea ucratic procedures; also, nonnsical talk (also spelled "rigmarole")
EXAMPLE: Applying for an export licen involved so much rigamarolethat we becam e quitefrustrated.
of sorts质量低劣的(词组)
(phrase) Second-rate, barely adequate, poor quality, nominal (NOTE: adjective phras e that follows the noun described)
EXAMPLE: Our company has an offic e of sortsin the smallruraltown but it does very littl e business and oftenno one is thereeven to answer the telephone.
lights-out factory 完全自动化的工厂(词组)
(phrase) A full-automated factory of the futur e needi ng no workers, and therefore no lights in its buildings are necessary
EXAMPLE: The robotic asmbly of automobiles is becoming so advanced that the lights-out factory may becom e a reality soon.
(adjective) Typical, rving as a reprentative example, symbolic
EXAMPLE: The rapidsalesof cell phones in our country is emblematicof our new prosperity.
niority 资历(名词)
(noun)A system for determining privileges(such as promotions) usually badon the length of time an employee has worke d for a company
EXAMPLE: Becau she had worke d at her company for many yearsand had niority, my sister was able to take her yearly vacation whenever she wante d to.
caveat emptor商品售出,概不退换(词组)
(phrase) Seller makesno promis about a produ
ct; this is a Latinterm of 'Let the buyerbeware'.
EXAMPLE: In the 19th century therewere few laws protectingAmerican consumers, and so the slogan of the marketplac e was caveat emptor.
creative financing 非正统的借贷方式(词组)
(phrase) Unconventional ways to lend money, ud when borrower does not qualify for conventional loansdue to low incom e or past credit problems
EXAMPLE: Creative financing can involve unusual planssuch as graduated loan repaymentsthat increa monthly.
turnkey 立即就能用的(形容词)
(adjective) Delivered to a client completelyready to be operated (describing a system or project) EXAMPLE: We bought a turnkey computer system from XYZ TechnologyCompany so that all necessary software was installed alongwith the hardware they suppl ied.
clueless 一无所知的、不能胜任的(形容词,非正式用语)