1. 皇上:That is the first time Ive struck you since you came to the palace.
2. 你入宫多年 朕是第一次打你
3. 甄嬛:If Your Majesty intends to strike me, then I must bear it.
4. 皇上要打 臣妾自然承受
5. 甄嬛:However, plea instruct me on what I have done wrong.
6. 只是臣妾做错了什么 还请皇上明白示下
皇上:Instruct you? 语文园地Yunli has returned. You must be quite content.
甄嬛:I only feel content for Huanbi. 臣妾高兴也是为了浣碧
皇上:Was it you or Huanbi who longed for Yunlis return? You know full well in your heart. 到底是你盼着允礼还是浣碧 你心中有数
Since we were children, Imperial Father always loved Yunli most.
If not for the objections of the officials, another man would be sitting on this throne. 若非群臣反对 此刻坐在朝堂御座上的就不是朕了
Now he leads the troops by my decree. 如今我又要他带兵
If平度茶山 he harbors disloyal intentions, just as Duke Dun once did…I cannot help but be wary of him. 他要像敦亲王一样起了异心 朕不能不防他
甄嬛:Your Majesty, Duke Guo would never…皇上果亲王不会
皇上:How can you know what thoughts run through his mind?
你又不是他 你怎么知道他的心思
Proper relations between the Emperor and his officials come before bonds do fraternity. 皇家有手足之情 更有君臣之分
If the Emperor orders an official to die, he has no choice but to do so.
君要臣死 臣不得不死
甄嬛:Your Majesty, plea reconsider. 皇上三思
Duke Guo is of great military merit and has never made an error.
果亲王身负军功 并无过错
If Your Majesty intends to dispo of him, Im afraid it will tarnish your reputation. 皇上若真要除了他 恐怕反而损伤圣誉
皇上:You have never failed to carry out my instructions.
Therefore, at this time, I intend to entrust you with another task.
I must dispo of Yunli. 朕是一定要除掉老十七的
I simply offer you the chance to prove to me by your actions that you do not harbor improper thoughts for him.
朕只是给你个机会 你用你的行动向朕表明 你对他并无私心
果亲王:I greet Your Majesty. 给皇上请安
太监:Your Grace, it is Noble Consort Xi. 王爷 是熹贵妃
果亲王:His Majesty asked me to meet him here. 皇兄约我在此
太监:His Majesty drank overmuch, so he asked Noble Consort XI to come first. 皇
上宿醉未醒 请熹贵妃先来相陪
果亲王:So I must trouble you again, Noble Consort XI. 那有劳熹贵妃了
甄嬛:No need for such courtesy, Your Grace. 王爷不必客气
太监:This fine wine was nt by His Majesty. 这是皇上御赐的好酒
My lady, plea accompany the Duke. 有劳娘娘陪坐
甄嬛:I ldom have the chance to drink with the Duke.难得与王爷一同饮酒
果亲王:Just as in the past. It is summer once again.绿化养护管理制度和从前一样 还是夏天
You still like to dress in light pink. 你还是喜欢穿妃色的衣服
甄嬛:Your Grace, over the years, you have suffered greatly in the borderlands. 王爷 这些年 你在边关辛苦了
果亲王:Noble Consort XI,have you ever heard this saying?
Yearning for a life long in years, we share the same moonlight even a thousand miles apart. 但愿人长久 千里共婵娟
As long as my heart knows that this shared moonlight also shines for another who lives in peace and health,then it doesn’t matter in what straits I find mylf.
只有心里想着所共的婵娟 可以照着身心俱安之人 在辛苦又何妨
果亲王:The best days of my life were the ones we shared at Mount Lingyun.
我此生最好的时光 尽在凌云峰了
甄嬛:Then tonight, allow me to indulge mylf just this once.
{甄嬛倒酒 敬酒}
果亲王:There is a draft. Plea clo the window first.
外面风大了 你先去把窗子合上
Look at the decoration on the window. Does it not suit the occasion well?
你看那窗上的图案 是不是特别应景
I pity Jingxian. 我对不起静娴 I pity Huanbi. 对不起浣碧
But I have even greater pity for you. 更对不起你
甄嬛:Don’t say such sad words.不用说这样伤心的话
果亲王:I fear if I do not say so now, I will not have another chance.
可我怕再不说 会来不及
甄嬛:Nonn! 胡说
果亲王:Isnt it true? 不是吗
Let us commit ourlves to one another for life, two souls eternally united.
终身所约 永结为好
甄嬛:If only we may live in harmonious matrimony, our days filled with peace and joy. 琴瑟在御 岁月静好
{喝酒 毒死}
公公:By cret imperial edict, if my lady should emerge, then I am to deliver another edict. 奉皇上密招 如是娘娘出来了 便宣读圣旨
If ,besides my lady, another should emerge as well, then I am to kill the both of you on sight.
若是除了娘娘 还有旁人出来 一律格杀勿论
甄嬛:I am海棠花几月份开花 safe and well and have already emerged.
本宫安然无恙 已经出来了
甄嬛:Duke Guo is dead. 果亲王暴毙
太监:Eunuch,pl民为贵ea read the imperial edict. 请公公宣读圣旨
公公:Noble Consort Xi,kneel to receive the decree.熹贵妃听旨
By the grace of heaven, the Emperor hereby decreesdb是什么意思奉天承运 皇帝诏曰
that the Empress has misbehaved, leaving the harem leaderless.
中宫失德 朕遥感六宫无主
Therefore, we appoint Noble Consort Xi to take charge of the harem for the prent. 故令熹贵妃暂领六宫之事
Here status will be that of a Secondary Empress. 位同副后