I, [name], a Chine national, passport no.***, residing at [address] hereby declare that:
1.boxrec I am going to visit [country name] from [date/month/year] to [date/month/year]. The purpo of my trip is tourism only. I will not ek any employment or residency in [country name] and will return to China prior before the expiration of my authorized visa;
2. I have sufficient financial resources to independently defray all expens during my trip in [country name];
3. I will comply with the laws and regulations of [country name] during my stay; and
4. I execute this statutory declaration for the purpo of the tourist visa application from the embassy of [country name].
Dated: 国家助学贷款
I, Li Jun, Chine nationality, residing at []hereby declare that I:
1. am going to visit U. K. during the period from 道家静心咒16th, Jan. 2006 to 23rd Jan. 2006. The purpo of my trip is tourism only. I will not ek any employment or residency in U.K. and will return to China prior to the expiration of my authorized stay in U.K.
2. have sufficient resources to independently finance my trip to U.K., including all expens such as hotel accommodation and transport;
3. will abide by the laws and regulations of U.K. during my stay; and
4. execute this Statutory Declaration for the purpo of application of a tourist visa from the Consul of U.K. 老面包子发面技巧in Shanghai.
Signature: ___________________
Dated: ___________________