美国现役军用急救包、急救箱种类和药品内容-Military First Aid Kit Description
1. General Purpo Military First Aid Kit Description 段振豪
开报废车上路怎么处罚 (美军普通军用急救箱说明)
Over 50 items all packed in a durable plastic waterproof O.D. container
that measures 7½'' x 5'' x 3''. Container has a easy fold down carry
handle, an eyelet hole for a small lock and hanging holes.
(内有50多件器具的耐磨塑料防水材料,内部容积为7½'' x 5'' x 3''。急救箱带有可弯折把手,并带有锁孔和悬挂孔。)
22" x 6 yds. Bandage Gauze16" Elastic Bandage
23" x 4" Sterile Sponges163" Bandage Strips
1Ice Pack1Tweezer
1Scissor1Pill Bottle
1Eye Pad1Hand Soap
4Pain Relievers1Magnifying Lens
1First Aid Instructions6Safety Pins
1Pair Examination Gloves4Aspirin
1First Aid Cream1Triple Antibiotic ointment
11" Tape3Alcohol Wipes
3Iodine Wipes3Antiptic Wipes
3Clean Wipes
(包含器具:2条2" x 6 yds 纱布绷带,1条6"弹性绷带,2块3" x
卷带,3个酒精擦,3个碘酒擦, 3个无菌擦,3个清洁擦。)
2.EF-FA108 Elite Force Military M-3 Medic Bag First Aid Kit - Combat
Lifesaver's Bag
(EF-FA108精锐部队M-3医用急救装备 - 战地救生包)
Commonly known as the Combat Lifesavers kit, the M-3 folding medic bag is
packed to the brim with critical u lifesaving supplies, all in a handy
carrying bag with shoulder strap.
Each bag has three perate compartments that contain items ranging from
pressure dressings & gauze, to a cold pack, to hydrogen peroxide, sutures
& hand sanitizer. Plea note: the M-3 Medic bag does not contain
controlled medications, needles, or fluid replenishers such as saline /
Lactated Ringers.
Each M-3 Medic Bag comes stocked with the following items:
116 oz Hydrogen Peroxide1First Aid Instructions
12 oz Hand Sanitizer6Safety Pins
1Hand Soap2Pair Latex Glove
1Conforming bdg 6" x 5 yards10Aspirin
2Bandage, guaze 2" x 6 yards1Pill Bottle
2Bandage, guaze 1" x 6 yards1Irrigation Syringe
26" elastic bandage2First Aid Cream的得地
43" x 4" sterile sponges2Triple Antibiotic ointment
2Dry guaze bandage 3" x 8"1Burn Aid Package
1Abdominal pad 8" x 7 1/2"21" Tape
1Eye Pad 15Alcohol Wipes
1Triangular Bandage36" x 36" x 56"15Iodine Wipes
163" bandage strip15Antiptic Wipes
1Ice Pack15Clean Wipes
1EMT Shears1Magnifying Lens
15" Stainless steel Hemostat1Splint
1Tweezers2Cotton Tip Applicator
1Three Compartment Bag1Field Dressing 11 sq in
16盎司过氧化氢1瓶,急救指导手册1本,2盎司手部消毒液1瓶,安全别针6个,洗手皂 1块,2双乳胶手套, 密封绷带6" x 5
码1条,阿司匹林10片,绷带2" x 6码2条,药瓶1个,绷带1" x 6 码2条,冲洗器1个,6" 弹性绷
带2条,急救乳膏2支,3" x 4"
消毒海绵4块,三联抗生素软膏2支,3" x 8" 干绷带2条,烧伤救助包1个,腹部衬垫8" x 7 1/2"1块,1"
带子2条,眼垫1个,酒精擦15个,三角绷带36" x 36" x 56"1条,碘酒擦15个,3"
3. Soldier's Individual GI Issue First Aid Kit
O.D Green Nylon Cover With Slide Lock Keepers For Belt Attachment
Contains The Following First Aid Items:
1Field Dressing1Cotton Purified Compress
日全食过程 1Bandage Gauze 2" X 6 Yds1Sterile Pad 4" X 4"
1Eye Pad5Bandage Strips
1Pill Bottle2Aspirin
2Pain Reliever1First Aid Cream
1Triple Antibiotic Ointment1Tape IS .5"
鸡汁豆腐 3Alcohol Wipes3Iodine Wipes
3Antiptic Wipes3Clean Wipes
2Ammonia Inhalants2Antiptic Swabs
1Petroleum Gauze1First Aid Instruction Sheet