第一篇:《丧钟为谁而鸣》读后感 英文版
The American Literature
Journal Entry of For Whom the Bell Tolls
ByShi TaiwenClass six41004177
Journal Entry of For Whom the Bell Tolls
From the early autumn of 1936 to spring of 1939, the Spanish Civil War, forgotten by modern people, had become the old history.However, actually, it was the prelude of the European front of World War Two, and was the first battle between the world's progressive forces and the regime of Germany and Italy fascist.Becau of great many complicated historical reasons, the progressive forces failed in the war.There are few of literature works reflecting the periodical history, and For Whom the Bell Tolls is the only book which is respe
cted and read.For Whom the Bell Tolls is the longest novel of Hemingway, but the plot of the novel is limited to three days(on a Saturday afternoon to Tuesday morning in the end of May 1937), and it is very compact.At that time, due to the march of government forces near the capital of the northeast city of Guadalajara trounced the Italian army, the capital has turned the corner.Gore general then was preparing an attack to their enemies in the northeast of the capital of Guadalajara.In order to cut off the reinforcement of enemies, Robert Jordan as a volunteer was nt to the depth of mountain and got touch with guerrillas.As soon as the fighting started, they smashed the railway bridge.At the beginning of the book, it describes that the old guidance Anl Mo with Jordan went to bridge post reconnaissance, then heading for guerrilla camp.The old man found out Pablo, the leader of that team.Jordan communicated with him immediately, and the contradiction was carried step by step.Pablo was a coper before, supplying hors for unit and bullring.Later he met Fini’ mistress when he was a helper in bullring.After Fini was killed by cattle, Bilal stayed with Pablo.When the revolution broke out, Pablo lead people surrounding the civil defen, and arrested all the fascists, put them all to death.T
hree days later, they were attacked by fascists, and withdraw to the mountains guerrilla.Past year, they attacked veral enemy strongholds, bombing a train, getting a few hors.At the same time, Pablo became another person.He started drinking, and his emotion was desperate.He just wanted to stay in this mountain.When he knew the reason that Jordan came, he put his Fox principle: To be afloat in an area, you can only go to other activities in the
region, or will be rid of the enemy.Bilal was a straightforward passionate woman.Before she lived with veral bullfighters and understood a few bitter over life, tasting some earthly joy.She thought Pablo was full of manly when she met him at the first time.But now as an old woman, she found out that he became a short-sighted drunkard and a coward.She was very upt, just like tho guerrilla fighters as being hard-presd to make a contribution to the republic they love.At this juncture, the Republic nt a blaster.That night they gathered in the cave, Bilal lead against Pablo favoring to break Railway Bridge, unanimously expresd support for her, she said bravely: “Here I decide.” In this ten moment, Jordan could not help but reach out and press the pistol o
n Pablo succumbed, but then gone back everywhere only from his personal safety.Jordan Bilal and everyone had to help overcome his enemy sabotage and interference caud by enemy cavalry difficulties in the timely completion of Tuesday morning task, but unfortunately they lost their lives.Hemingway played his unique narrative art to describe the action nuanced dialogue and colorful, tightly surrounded Robert Jordan's actions, all in one place this story in the end.While he made u of a large ction of the inner monologue and inrt memories, to make the hero’s image is
《 丧钟为谁而鸣》这本书并不是很出名 , 也因此它可以说是 一部被引用最多,却少有人读过的经典名着。
初次阅读这本书我并不是十分喜欢,因为我觉得这本书枯燥乏味,实在不适合我们这些青少年阅读,一想到这本书是我花了九牛二虎之力而淘来的却一点都激发不起我的兴趣我就十分气恼。但是,再次拾起这本书细细品味时,却发现其中趣味无穷 „„
顾若凡《丧钟为谁而鸣》的作者海明威也给我留下了深刻的印象。查阅资料后我知道:海明威是 美国着名小说家,出生于一个医生家庭。他的作品具有独特的风格,不仅文体简洁,而且语言生动明快,对美国文学界产生了很大影响。1954 年海明威获诺贝尔文学奖。在第一次世界大战时任红十字会救护车司机,在意大利前线受伤。后作为《多伦多明星日报》驻外记者赴法国,开始在报刊上发表作品。第一部短篇小说集《在我们的时代里》于 1925 年出版。40 年代出版成名作《太阳照样升起》,描写战后一批流落欧洲的青年的迷惘、彷徨和幻灭感,小说被称为迷惘的一代代表作。短篇小说集《没有女人的男人》(1927)和《胜者无所得》(193)塑造了临危不惧、视死如归的“硬汉性格”,确立了他短篇小说大师的地位。长篇小说《永别了,武器》(1929),以他在意大利战场的经历为背景,描写一对恋人的幸福被战争摧毁的悲剧。中篇小说《老人与海》(1952)描写一个古巴渔民面对失败时的顽强拼搏精神,此书获得普利策奖。《丧钟为谁而呜》(1940)以反法西斯主义为主题,描写一名美国志愿兵在西班牙内战中的英勇牺牲精神。它以及《永别了,武器》这两部反战小说被誉为现代世界文学名着。此书的特点无外乎有三点,第一点: 此书是伟大诗人和圣公会主教多恩最具代表性的作品,书中收录的二十三篇紧急时刻的祷告,其中每一篇包括 “ 思考 ”“ 自我勉励 ”“ 祷告 ” 三部分,此书在西方神学、心理学和诗歌着作中具
有极高地位,思想深刻,影响深远。第二点:此书具有极为重要的心理学价值,细致入微地分析了病人的心理特征。第三点:书中配有英国浪漫主义诗人威廉 · 布莱克的经典插画,实在令人赏心悦目啊!