Dynamic Differential Hall Effect Sensor IC TLE 4923
Bipolar IC
Features •Advanced performance •Higher nsitivity
•Symmetrical thresholds •High piezo resistivity
•Reduced power consumption
•South and north pole pre-induction possible •AC coupled
•Digital output signal •Two-wire interface
•Large temperature range •Large airgap
•Low cut-off frequency
Protection against reverd polarity
The differential Hall effect nsor TLE 4923 is compatible to the TLE 4921-3U, except
for having a 2-wire interface. The TLE 4923 provides high nsitivity, a superior stability over temperature and symmetrical thresholds in order to achieve a stable duty cycle.TLE 4923 is particularly suitable for rotational speed detection and timing applications of ferromagnetic toothed wheels such as in anti-lock braking systems, transmissions,crankshafts, etc. The integrated circuit (bad on Hall effect) provides a digital signal output with frequency proportional to the speed of rotation. Unlike other rotational nsors differential Hall ICs are not influenced by radial vibration within the effective airgap of the nsor and require no external signal processing.
Type Ordering Code Package w TLE 4923Q62705-K408
w New type
Pin Configuration
(top view)
Figure 1
Pin Definitions and Functions
Pin No.Symbol Function
1V S Supply voltage 2GND Ground
3C Capacitor
Figure 2Block Diagram
Functional Description
The Differential Hall nsor IC detects the motion and position of ferromagnetic and permanent magnet structures by measuring the differential flux density of the magnetic field. To detect ferromagnetic objects the magnetic field must be provided by a back biasing permanent magnet (south or north pole of the magnet attached to the rear unmarked side of the IC package).
Using an external capacitor the generated Hall voltage signal is slowly adjusted via an active high pass filter with low frequency cut-off. This caus the output to switch into a biad mode after a time constant is elapd. The time constant is determined by the external capacitor. Filtering avoids aging and temperature influence from Schmitt-trigger input and eliminates device and magnetic offt.
The TLE 4923 can be exploited to detect toothed wheel rotation in a rough environment. Jolts against the toothed wheel and ripple have no influence on the output signal.
The on and off state of the IC are indicated by high and low current consumption.
Circuit Description (e Figure 2)
The TLE 4923 is comprid of a supply voltage reference, a pair of Hall probes spaced at 2.5mm, differential amplifier, filter for offt compensation, Schmitt-trigger, and a switched current source.
The TLE 4923 was designed to have a wide range of application parameter variations. Differential fields up to ± 40 mT can be detected without influence to the switching performance. The pre-induction field can either come from a magnetic south or north pole, whereby the field strength up to 500 mT or more will not influence the switching points1). The improved temperature compensation enables a superior nsitivity and accuracy over the temperature range. Finally, the optimized piezo compensation and the integrated dynamic offt compensation enable easy manufacturing and elimination of magnet offts. Protection is provided at the input/supply (pin 1) for rever polarity.
1)Differential bias fields exceeding ±20mT, e.g. caud by a misaligned magnet, should be avoided.
Note:Stress above tho listed here may cau permanent damage to the device.
Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Note:Unless otherwi noted, all temperatures refer to junction temperature.
In the operating range the functions given in the circuit description are fulfilled.
Rever current drawn by the device < 10 mA 2)
Can be reduced significantly by further packaging process, e. g. overmolding.The device is ESD protected up to 2 kV (HL test procedure)
Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Remarks
max.Supply voltage V S – 181)24V Capacitor voltage V C – 0.3
3V Junction temperature Junction temperature Junction temperature Junction temperature T j T j T j T j 150160170190
°C °C °C °C 5000h 2500h 500h 4h
Storage temperature T S – 40
150°C Thermal resistance
R th JA
Operating Range Parameter Symbol
Limit Values Unit
max.Supply voltage V S 4.518V Junction temperature T j – 40190°C Pre-induction
B 0
– 500
At Hall probe; independent of magnet orientation
Differential induction
– 4040mT
AC/DC Characteristics
The device characteristics listed below are guaranteed in the full operating range. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition Test
Supply current I S 3.1
Supply current difference I
- I soff 5.0 6.48.3mA1
Supply current ratio I SON /
2 2.431
Center of switching points:
(∆B OP + ∆B RP) / 2∆B m– 0.500.5mT∆B = 2.0 mT,
f= 200 Hz,
– 40°C<T j≤
150°C 1)2)
Center of switching points:
(∆B OP + ∆B RP) / 2∆B m– 0.700.7mT∆B = 2.0 mT,
f= 200 Hz,
150°C<T j<
190°C 1) 2)
Hysteresis∆B hy1 1.5 2.2mT∆B = 2.0mT,
f= 200 Hz 3)
2 Current ri time t r0.5µs2 Current fall time t f0.5µs2 Delay time4)t dop
drp t dop - t drp
f = 10 kHz,
会议记录怎么记∆B = 5 mT
巴西男足Filter input resistance R C354352kΩ25 °C ± 2 °C1 Filter nsitivity to ∆B S C8.5mV/
25 °C ± 2 °C1 Filter bias voltage V C 1.6 2.0 2.4V∆B = 01 Frequency f5)10000Hz∆B = 5 mT2
Resistivity against mechanical stress (piezo)6)∆B m
∆B Hy
– 0.1
– 0.1
感叹时光流逝的诗句F = 2 N2