The furniture and furnishings (fire)(safety)regulations 1988
家具和家饰(防火)(安全)条例 1988
Ignitability test for polyurethane foam in slab or cushion form.
1. The foam shall be tested in accordance with the method t out in BS5852 :part 2 using cover fabric corresponding to the specification t out in paragraph 2 below.
cover fabric:如沙发套、火车上的坐垫套等。
2.The fabric shall be made of 100 per cent flame retardant polyester fibre. its construction shall be woven to a plain weave. the yarn in the warp shall be of 1.6 decitex fibre ,spun to a linear density of 37 tex, z twist at 420turns per metre .the fabric shall be woven to 20.5 yarn threads per centimeter in the warp.
the yarn in the warp 在这里应该是Warp yarn (经纱)的意思,对应的是Fill yarn (纬纱)。
Z-twist:Z捻。纱线的捻向从左下角倾向右上角,倾斜方向与“Z”的中部相一致。与之对应的是S捻 S-twist. 纱线的捻向从右下角倾向左上角,倾斜方向与“S”的中部相一致。
GA 303-2001 软质阻燃聚氨酯泡沫塑料
标准号: GA 303-2001
中文标题: 软质阻燃聚氨酯泡沫塑料
英文标题: Soft fire retardant polyurethane foam plastics
GA 303-2001 软质阻燃聚氨酯泡沫塑料
The furniture and furnishings (fire)(safety)regulations 1988
规范 1
Regulations 3,6 and 7
Ignitability test for polyurethane foam in slab or cushion form .
1. The foam shall be tested in accordance with the method t out in BS 5852: part 2 using cover fabric corresponding to the specification t out in paragraph 2 below.
1. 泡沫体应该使用覆盖织物,按照英国标准BS 5852第2部分中规定的方法进行试验,覆盖织物应该符合下面第2段中所规定的技术要求。
2. The fabric shall be made of 100 per cent flame retardant polyester fibre.
2. 该织物应该由100%阻燃聚酯纤维制成。
its construction shall be woven to a plain weave.
the yarn in the warp shall be of 1.6 decitex fibre, spun to a linear density of 37 tex, z twist at 420 turns per metre.
经纱内的纱线应该选用1.6分特(decitex)纤维,纺成线密度为37特(tex), Z捻为420转/每米。
the fabric shall be woven to 20.5 yarn threads per centimeter in the warp.
The yarn in the weft shall be of 3.3 decitex fibre spun to a linear density of 100 tex, z twist at 550 turns per metre. the fabric shall be woven to between 12.6 and 13 threads per centimeter in the weft.
骨头汤的做法3. The test rig as specified in clau 6.1.1 of BS 5852: PART 2 shall have expanded steel platforms of not less than 28x6 mm mesh size.
3.英国标准BS 5852第2部分第6.1.1条中规定的试验夹具,应该具有不少于28×6毫米筛孔的展开钢质平台。
the test rig is placed on a metal tray of sufficient dimensions to collect any debris falling from specimens being tested.
the rig and debris tray shall be mounted of a weighing balance with a remote readout having a full – scale deflection of at least 0 to 20 kg to an accuracy of 2 g.
执行总结4. The foam under test, cut to the specified dimensions is placed on the test rig, covered with the fabric specified in paragraph 2 above and tensioned with clips as t out in BS 5852: part 2.
4. 试验中的泡沫体,被切割成规定尺寸,放入试验夹具上,根据英国标准BS 5852第2部分中的规定,使用上述第2段中规定的织物覆盖,使用夹子拉紧。
an ignition source 5 crib is placed in position.
the mass of the complete asmbly is determined (“initial mass”).
the test shall be carried out in accordance with BS 5852: part 2.
应该按照英国标准BS 5852第2部分进行试验。
in particular flaming or smouldering failure shall be determined against the criteria of clau 4 of BS 5852: PART 2.
应该依照英国标准BS 5852第2部分第4条的判据,确定特殊的火焰或阴燃破坏。
After flaming and smouldering has cead, any debris which has become detached from the specimen shall be removed.
the remaining mass of the asmbly (final mass) is then recorded.
5. if failure against the criteria of clau 4 of BS 5852: part 2 has occurred but only by way of damage exceeding the limits defined in claus 4.1 (e), 4.1(f) and 4.2 (f) and provided that the resultant mass loss (initial mass less final mass) is less than 60 g the foam pass the ignitability test.
5. 如果根据英国标准BS 5852第2部分第4条的判据发生了破坏,但是仅仅是以超过了第4.1(e)、4.1(f)和4.2(f)规定范围的损坏,并且如果产物的质量损失(初始质量少于最终质量)小于60克,该泡沫体通过了点燃性试验。