圣诞节快乐的英语怎么说China is a country run by engineers. The United States is run by lawyers. The lawyers that run the United States keep passing more laws and writing more regulations that create more and more obstructions for people who actually want to do things. China results are achieved in spite of the autocracy, no becau of it. When you look at other autocratic governments around the world, China is the exception not the rule.
福州周边游玩景点推荐>点子征集 中国是一个工程师治理的国家。美国是一个律师治理的国家。治理美国的律师的治理方法就是不断通过更多的法律,制订更多的规则,给真正想做事的人制造更多的障碍。中国不是因为专制而成功,而是尽管专制依旧能够取得巨大成就。你再环顾一下世界上其他的专制国家,中国是个确实的例外
The United States ud to be a democratic county that did things. The country that build Hoover Dam, the Empire State Building, that won World War II, that built the Interstate highway system and went to the Moon was a county that did things. Now we are county that the lawyers have converted into bureaucrats and bookkeepers, not engineers. Every ssion of Congress we become less free, with more regulations and laws telling us what we can’t do and what we must do. If you want to convert America back into a country that d
oes things, then don’t get rid of our freedom, don’t get rid of democracy. Get rid of our lawyers
迷路的男人China can build in 9 months what we could never build in 9 years. It’s amazing how clo Friedman comes to the core difference while missing it completely. China is run by engineers. We are run by lawyers. The entire politburo is made up of men trained as engineers - trained to think and clarify. We are dominated by our chattering class - trained to talk and obfuscate.
In the interest of preventing anyone from being harmed, we give virtually everyone, no matter how insignificant their interest, the ability to veto progress. China focus on getting things done that will create net value for the nation. They recognize that any significant enterpri will produce some lors. They recognize they will make some mistakes. But they don’t paralyze themlves into permanent inaction.
I have to admit that I love the station architecture. Bright and open with the trains right out on center stage, not shoved into a dark bament like they are at Union Station here in Chicago. The Chine measure their success by the things they build, and they are justly proud of their feats of engineering. Where we turn out ethnic studies graduates they 几月份
turn out electrical engineers.
I worry most about adversaries that are builders. The fanatics burn out, you can outlast them like we did with the Russians. The thieves destroy themlves. But the builders grow stronger with every day that goes by.
中国人用伟大的工程来衡量他们的成就, 为自己的工程奇迹自豪,而我们现在成天浪费时间在种族关系学科上红色主题征文,他们则学习电子工程.
我最担心我们对手的实力就是他们的工程师中药戒烟,狂热的意识形态信徒很好对付,就如我们对付俄国人那样, 但工程师会每时每刻不断变强.
Unlike the Soviets Union, who didn’t engage in the kind of super-Neo-Capitalism that China does, I don’t believe that China will collap under the weight of itlf. China has somehow managed to maintain a firm grip on its citizens, while also using the unquestionable benefits of its manufacturing and trade policies with the west. We are, for the first time in history, supplying the capital requirements of our enemy through the mech
anism of (somewhat) free markets. It’s a very strange dynamic, and one that - so far - China has been very adept at exploiting.