汉堡简笔画 1. She quietly slipped out of the room, hoping not to disturb anyone.
2. The children played quietly in the corner, engrosd in their game.
3. The couple sat quietly on the park bench, enjoying the peaceful surroundings.
4. The librarian shushed the noisy patrons and asked them to speak quietly.
禁忌5 5. The cat crept quietly across the room, stalking its prey.
6. The students worked quietly on their assignments, focud on their task.
7. The old man sat quietly on his porch, watching the world go by.
8. The nur spoke quietly to the patient, trying to calm their nerves.芹泽优
9. The hiker walked quietly through the forest, taking in the sounds of nature.天津婚假
糯米肉圆子的做法 10. The artist painted quietly in her studio, lost in her creative process.
Quietly is an adverb that describes an action done in a calm and peaceful manner, without making any noi or disturbance. It can be ud to describe a variety of situations, from someone slipping out of a room to avoid disturbing others, to a nur speaking quietly to a patient to soothe their nerves. It can also be ud to describe a peaceful tting, such as a couple sitting quietly on a park bench or an old man watching the world go by on his porch. Overall, using quietly in a ntence can convey a n of calmness and tranquility.