Education: studying abroad & competition
禾麻• broaden/expand one’s horizon
• enhance one’s social awareness
• have a good command of English
• be fully immerd in English
• appreciate/celebrate cultural diversity
• learn advanced science and technology
• think independently/critically
• communicate effectively/work efficiently
• put what you have learned into practice
• work well in teams/survival skills
地面推广• have more financial burden/strain
• encounter/experience culture shock
• cannot distinguish right from wrong
• may easily go astray/lf-discipline
• be vulnerable to societal ills/problems
• lack integration into the mainstream society
篮球的位置• lack cultural assimilation/cannot assimilate into …
• rote learning 死记硬背/spoon-fed education
• cramming method 突击学习/填鸭式教育
• exam-oriented/teach to the test 应试教育
• student-centered learning 以学生为中心
• activity-bad learning/group discussion
• extra-curricular activity 课外活动
• lf-study 自学 online-education
• in-class instruction 课堂教学
• face-to-face learning/inter-active learning
• Very rarely do children in other countries receive academic training as intensive as our children do.
• But many educators say China’s strength in education is also a weakness. The nation’s education system is too test-oriented, schools here stifle creativity and parental pressures often deprive children of the joys of childhood, they say.
• The are two sides of the same coin: Chine schools are very good at preparing their students for standardized tests.
• In an interview, Mr. Jiang said Chine schools emphasized testing too much, and produced students who lacked curiosity and the ability to think critically or independently.
• “It creates very narrow-minded students,” he said. “But what China needs now is entrepreneurs and innovators.” This is a common complaint in China.
• Educators say an emphasis on standardized tests is partly to blame for the shortage of innovative start-ups in China. And executives at global companies operating here say they have difficulty finding middle managers who can think creatively and solve problems.
• In many ways, the system is a reflection of China’s Confucianist past. Children are expected to honor and respect their parents and teachers.
Science & Technology: online education
• satisfy/meet the needs/demands of different learners
• cater to the needs of different learners
• open up higher education opportunities to the learners
• Students could have easier access to more educational resources.
• study flexible hours/flexible schedule
• cost/resource effective, time-saving,
• reduce exposure to school bullying
• lack face-to-face communication among teachers and students • lack cooperation with others
• become socially inadaptable/inept
• less motivation/less proactive
• plenty of distractions/temptations
• no lf-control/lf-discipline
• cannot parate study hours from personal life
• be addicted to computer games
• be obsd with …/addictive
• Online education that is consistent with best practices is
immenly beneficial to students.
• First, there are fewer and fewer doubts about whether it can be as effective in achieving learning outcomes as face-to-face instruction. A growing body of rearch supports this conclusion.
• Second, and as often noted, a primary advantage of online education is that it can be asynchronous (not at the same time), greatly increasing the flexibility and availability of education.
• There is no question that, for brick-and-mortar institutions, online education offers a way to scale up operations to meet incread demand at a marginal cost that is lower than that which would be necessary to add physical infrastructure (facility).
• Certainly, there are problems within the online educational ctor, but it is worth noting that the problems are not necessarily unique to that ctor. There are schools that u unscrupulous (dishonest) or illegal student recruitment techniques. There are schools that have no accreditation at all or hold accreditation that does not allow students to transfer credits easily to other schools or qual
ify for admission to graduate programs.
• There are many challenges, even for institutions that have well-established online programs. One is the dizzying pace at which technology evolves. Student authentication, for example, is a concern. Most companies offering asssment engines or technologies that verify student identity or other rvices are small, and questions remain about their sustainability.
• Ultimately, though, I would say that the overarching challenge for online education is the same as for higher education in general: accountability for outcomes.
Culture & Art: culture prervation & tourism
• ______a symbol of ancient civilization.
• history/culture/tradition/heritage/civilization
• _____symbolize/reprent/showca_______.
狼人怎么玩• of high artistic value/scientific rearch value
• History is pasd down through ______.
• ____boost local economy/tourism industry.
• keep/prerve/conrve cultural identity
• can benefit cultural exchange/diversity
• rai/boost/arou public awareness
• promote/publicize our cultural heritage
• rai funds for prervation and revival of ______
• In 2004 the Shanghai government created 12 prervation zones, giving historic neighborhoods at least some protection.
• The government’s motive for such moves is often profit; it has recognized that the city’s extraordinary mix of architecture contributes to its tourist appeal.
• But there has also been pressure from the citizens of Shanghai, who have grown increasingly proud of their city’s landscape, including the Western-style architecture, once a symbol of China’s subjugation.
• Not all Shanghaine, of cour, agree that it’s a war worth fighting.
• Some residents who have en friends receive the equivalent of thousands of dollars to relocate from crumbling homes to new apartments dismiss prervation efforts, and
• officials stress the importance of improving the city’s living conditions.
Mass Media: crime rate
• Juvenile delinquency refers to anti-social or illegal behavior by children or adolescents.
• Crime committed by young people has rin since the mid-twentieth century globally.
• Proper school education and parental control/guidance are highly necessary for cutting down juvenile delinquency.
• Most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with juveniles, such as juvenile detention centers.
• Many people attribute juvenile delinquency 结果 to inappropriate
family parenting 原因.
• It is noticed that a large proportion of young criminals come from families with either domestic violence or parental negligence and they are susceptible to peer pressure
• Some studies done by criminal psychologists reveals that juvenile delinquency can be traced back to their emotional disturbance and mental frustration/disorder.
• Another contributing factor is that teenagers are most likely being willful/impulsive and rebellious which may lead to anti-social behaviors.蒋勋说红楼梦
• Films which contain erotic, corrupt and provoking episode can do harm to young people. Imitation of the violent contents may lead to increa in the number of juvenile delinquents.
• Incread exposure to media has been linked to higher rates of smoking, earlier xual activity, social isolation and depression.
And there is a direct relationship between time spent in front of a screen and the risk of obesity.
• worldwide fads and pop culture
• growth of cross-cultural contacts
• spreading of multiculturalism
• international sporting events
• reduce hostility among countries
• popularity of foreign products and ideas
• improve one's living standard
• international tourism and immigration
• cau the widening gap between rich and poor
• lead to the polarization of wealth
• give ri to/contribute to outsourcing economy
• exploitation of migrant workers is a result of
• promote the idea of consumerism/materialism
• result in the emergence of a dominant language