专题01 冲突构思大法(解析版)
例子:下面这篇文章大意:感恩节到了, 我继续和往年一样, 这一天会开车送礼物如食物给穷人。但是有一年, 我和妻子呆在纽约的旅馆里, 不能回家团圆, 我告诉妻子我的往年的做法, 妻子非常开心。但我们需要货车(van)才能购物。于是我们准备在街头上拦一辆车, 妻子同意了。
首先,是人与周围环境的矛盾。环境的恶劣:chilly wind,我们却在拦车,突出艰难。
(插一句:环境的描写,可以力求一个渐变的技巧,譬如在小说I survive里有一句:The wind moaned at first. Then it started to howl, and finally it was shrieking so loudly Dad had to turn up the TV.)
最后,是人的内心冲突。从开始的充满希望到绝望:“Who can we turn to?” my wife murmured with a fierce frown…we found ourlves on the verge(边缘) of giving up到重新
充满期待:The nearly-extinguished(快要熄灭的)sparks of hope were instantly rekindled(点燃)
最后想说的是:虽然读后续写无非就是简单的故事讲述,但是我们还是可以融入一点人文主义情怀,这就是美学价值了。我在文章中用到了:However, they came, they saw and they sped up, only to leave ash and dirt dancing in the air. 和It was the worst of times, but it was also the best of times. 当然这不是必须的,而是看平时的积累和那么一点点文学灵感的因素。
Conflict and Emotion:三冲突 |
Danger系列 | 和危险的动物广西民族师范 | 害怕、紧张: Scared, nervous |
和危险的环境 |
和危险的人 |
Quarrel系列 | 误解 | 失望、伤心、后悔、生气、困惑、害羞和尴尬: Disappointed, sad, shy, embarrasd, regret, angry, confud |
背叛 |
观念、性格、兴趣不一 |
伤害(自尊、信任等) |
Frustration系列 | 第一类:贫困、残疾、孤独(poor, disabled, loneliness)等羽毛球拍品牌排行 | 同情和伤心: Sympathetic, sad |
第二类:失败、骄傲或自卑(failure, not confident / too proud)等 |
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Solution and Emotion:四途径 |
他人 | 譬如:善心和爱(love, kindness),及时援助,安慰和鼓励,陪伴等 | 情节中: 1.镇定(calm) 2.鼓舞(encouraged) 3.不悦(dissatisfied) 结尾: 1. 欣慰、欢喜 (relieved, happy) 2. 感动、感恩(moved, grateful) 3. 希望、信心(hopeful, confident) |
他物 | 譬如:河流,太阳等 |
自己 | 譬如:effort, inspiration |
自然 美女头 | 突出和谐,时间与成长 |
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卷别 | Conflict | Solution |
2020.7 | 拍摄北极熊遇险(浙江) | 借助他物和他人:用辣椒喷雾器(文章有提示)暂退熊,然后救援队及时援助 党员的先锋模范作用情绪变化:害怕熊到暂时镇定,到脱险后的欢喜 |
卖爆米花方法救助穷人(山东) | 借助他物和他人:一家决定和被救助孩子卖爆米花,路人纷纷购买 情绪变化:开始的同情到最后的开心与感恩 |
2020.1 | 大学生和宠物狗的离别 | 借助他物:父母买来小狗,孩子回家后,看到两只狗彼此陪伴和陪伴父母,明白道理 情绪变化:难过到欣慰 |
2018.6 | 父子骑马迷路 | 借助他人他物:先父亲安慰我,然后我们看到小河后寻路回家 情绪变化:害怕到镇定,最后到开心 |
2017.11 | 家庭旅游为野营争执 | 借助他物:用自己带的帐篷来野营露宿 情绪变化:不解困惑到最后开心 |
2017.6 | 骑车游玩遇狼脱险 | 借助他人他物:用辣椒喷雾器(文章有提示)暂退狼,然后路人甲及时援助 情绪变化:害怕到喜出望外,到害怕,最后开心 |
2016.10 | 夫妇森林旅游争执,女主人迷路 | 借助他人他物:想起丈夫曾经的爱后悔,找到一个地方先睡下,第二天跟着河水来到空地,救援队及时赶到 情绪变化:害怕 –》后悔—》开心 |
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读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
John Blanchard stood up, straightened his army uniform(制服), and studied the crowd making their way through the station. He looked for the girl who heart he knew, but who face he had never en, the girl with a ro.
His interest in her began thirteen months ago in a library. Taking a book off the shelf, he found himlf fascinated, not with the words of the book, but with the notes penciled in the margin (页边的空白). The soft handwriting showed a thoughtful soul and brilliant mind. In the front of the book, he discovered the owner's name, Miss Hollis Maynell. With time and effort he found her address. She lived in New York City. He wrote her a letter introducing himlf and inviting her to correspond (通信). The next day he was shipped overas for military rvice.
During the next year and one month, the two begun to know each other by mail. Each lett
er was a ed falling on both hearts. A romance was budding. Blanchard asked for a photograph, but she refud. She felt that if he really cared, it wouldn't matter what she looked like.
新生研讨课When the day finally came for him to return from Europe, they scheduled their first meeting — 7 pm at the Grand Central Station in New York. “You'll recognize me,” she wrote. “By the red ro I'll wear my dress.” So at 7:00 he was in the station looking for a girl who heart he loved, but who face he'd never en.
A young lady was coming toward him. Her figure was long and slim; her blonde hair lay back from her ears; her eyes were blue as flowers; her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in her pale green suit she was like springtime coming alive. He went toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she was not wearing a ro. As he moved, a middle aged woman whispered, “Going my way, Sir?”