表情类:笑呵呵xiaohe 乐悠悠leisurely 笑嘻嘻grinning 笑眯眯smiling
微微一笑smile 喜滋滋happily 喜洋洋radiant 笑哈哈 laugh
喜形于色visibly 满面春风smiling 喜上眉梢hhappy 喜在眉宇hi in zhe forehead
喜眉笑目ximeixiaomu 低眉含笑smile 眉开眼笑grin 眉飞色舞enraptured
相视而笑to smile 笑逐颜开wreathed in smile 嫣然一笑smile 欣喜happy
喜出望外overjoyed 欢声笑语laughter 忍俊不禁convuld 拍手称快chapping and cheering 抚掌大笑、哈哈大笑、开怀大笑laugh 嘻嘻哈哈laughting
哄堂大笑laughter 狂喜estasy 手舞足蹈dancing 前仰后合laughter
弊端是什么意思体验类:欣慰plead 幸福happiness 甜滋滋sweetness 甜美、 甜蜜sweet
舒坦、舒服、舒畅、舒心comfortable 怡然自乐contend from the music
喜欢like 开心happy 愉悦pleasure 喜悦xiyue 欢畅joyous
欢乐joy 畅快carefree 宽畅spacious 称心如意bed of ros
心满意足satisfied 感激grateful 得意洋洋elated 洋洋得意lf-satisfied
春风得意brilliance 自鸣得意smug 喜见于色hi found in color
乔迁之喜hou warming 双喜临门double happiness喜从天降aspiciousness from the heaven 桑中之喜sang in the hi 振奋人心exciting 兴致勃勃enthusiastic
闻过则喜delighted to hear criticism 沾沾自喜complacent 谈笑风生laughing
乐不可支overjoyed 兴不可抑exciting is not inhibiting 高兴happy
庆幸rejoice 可喜gratifying 痛快happy 爽快readily 兴高采烈elated
乐不思蜀reluctant to leave 兴趣盎然immen interest 欢天喜地rapture
心花怒放elated 欢欣鼓舞invigorated 心旷神怡delightful 神采奕奕sparkle
喜颜悦色xiyanyue 心醉神迷ecstasy 皆大欢喜happy 喜不自胜laughing aloud去腥
惊喜不已pleasantly surpri 惊喜若狂surpri fucking 欢声雷动thunderous applau 欣喜若狂ecstatic
表情类:暴跳如雷fly into a rage 疾言厉色brusque 怒目而视glare 怒目切齿 angry gear
怒发冲冠bristle 怒目圆睁angry staring eyes 满脸怒色face looking angry
面青眼蓝blue-green surface of the eye 直眉瞪眼zhimeidengyan
横眉竖眼impacts of pre vertical eye 万目睚眦million project grievance
青筋凸起blue veins bulge 冲冠怒发the angry red crown 直眉怒目straight angry eyebrow
体验类:勃然大怒rage 大发雷霆。恼羞成怒angry 火冒三丈furious 刻骨仇恨hatred
怒火中烧angry 怒形于色nuxingyu 怒不可遏furious 怒气冲天towering rage
七窍生烟qiqiaoshengyan 气冲牛斗furious 人神共愤popular indignation
义愤填膺angry 勃然火起vigorously since the fire 无名火起undetermined origin from 怒火冲天vent 怒气冲冲angry 刻骨之恨deep-ated hatred 恨之入骨hated
狂愤暴怒mad outrage rage 众怒难犯difficult to commit outrage 千古之恨hate eternal
节电公司 怒气填胸wrath 愤然大怒angrily furious 天愿人怒heaven let people angry
切齿痛恨cutting hate 满脸见朱zhu splash face 愤然作色angrily pornographic
东怒西怨dongnuxiyuan 发怒冲冠angry red crown 横眉怒视impacts of pre glare 赫然
亚马逊的眼泪而怒surprid and angry金刚怒目feng qi 恼羞成怒angry怒色怒形nu angrer shape神怒人怨angry people blame god 藏怒宿怨tibetan anger scores 冲冠发怒 anger red crown 春笋怒发the angry bamboo shoots 积羞成怒product shame into anger 惊风怒涛convulsion roughs 狂风怒号howling wind雷嗔电怒leichendiannu雷霆之怒thunderfury怒目横眉impacts of pre angry息怒cea to be angry嬉笑怒骂ridicule喜怒无常moody鲜车怒马xianchenuma 众怒难任outrage any difficulty直眉怒目straight angry eyebrows 怒火满腔filled with anger
360插件 表情 :侧目而视eyebrow and the view 侧足而立standing lateral foot
瞠目结舌 staggering 谈虎色变scared 望而却步prohibitive 望而生畏daunting
不寒而栗shudder 坐立不安restless 面如土色mainrutu 缩头缩脑fainthearted
体验:胆战心惊tremble with fear 胆战心寒bile chilling war 寒心酸鼻,寒心chilling
惊恐万分horror 惊心吊胆startling hanging lamps 恐慌万状panic-striken
栗栗危惧apprehensive 舌桥不下bridge no less than the tongue
视为畏途is afraid 提心吊胆scary 吴牛喘月wu chuan-yue niu
心有余悸of fear 胆战心惊tremble with fear 担惊受怕fear 大惊失色shocked
心惊肉跳gripped 心神不定restless 心殒胆落xinyundanla 惊慌失措panic
人心惶惶panic 魂飞魄散wits 惊魂未定shock 畏首畏尾over-cautious
做贼心虚have a guilty conscience 张皇失措scared stricken
如坐针毡pins and needles 惊恐未定panic undetermined
失魂落魄driven to distraction 魂不附体wits 胆小如鼠chicken-hearted
心惊胆寒scared terrified 毛骨悚然horror 六神无主liushenwuzhu
闻风丧胆afraid 惊心动魄soul-stirring 心胆俱裂xindanjulie
慌不择路huangbuzelu 触目惊心shocking 惊恐panic 诚惶诚恐trepidation
惊骇fright 惊吓startle 害怕,惧怕,畏惧fear 胆怯timid 畏缩flinch
发慌tears 心慌flustered 发憷fat fright 丧胆亡魂faint souls
肉跳神惊sorcerer scared meat 三魂出窍three souls OBE 毛发倒立hair inverted
骨软筋麻guruanjinma 悬心吊胆xuanxindiaodan 色若死灰Color if the ashes
胆裂魂飞barathrum gall fly 惊愕失色pale dismay 五脏俱焚burn all five organs
表情: 愁眉苦脸frown 泪流满面tears 抱头痛哭cried 放声大哭cry
泪眼汪汪tearfully 愁眉紧锁kintted brows furrowed 捶胸顿足wringing
愁眉不展worried 满面愁容sounded very sad 泪如雨下brust into tears
涕泗横流cross-flow 成功的奥秘
体验:叫苦连天suffer badly 痛不欲生rather die 心如刀绞pains 悲从中来feel sadness welling up 悲痛欲绝distraction 撕心裂肺heartbreakers 痛彻心扉broke our hearts 痛不欲绝pain is not stricken 欲哭无泪tears 痛心疾首。苦涩bitter
乐极生悲queer 慷慨悲歌kangkaibeige 黯然销魂be deeply grieved