Common/English/English-American Law (Legal) System/Family普通法系
- ca law system- Anglo-Saxon ca-law system- Anglo-American legal system
Continental/Roman/Civil Law (Legal) System/Family大陆法系
韩愈传- civilian legal system- civil-law system
2、civil law民法、国内法、罗马法、大陆法
3、substantive Law(实体法)VS procedural Law(程序法)
4、ca law(案例法)vs. statutory law(成文法)
statutory / written / codified / enacted law制定法、成文法
5、adversary trial system(对抗制)vs. inquisitorial system (纠问制)
6、jury trial system陪审团制度
7、The reports of the United States Supreme Court联邦最高法院判例汇编
The reports of some States州法院判例汇编
8、legal cas法律案例
9、private law and / vs. public law
10、the statutory law continues to be subject to binding interpretation through ca law
11、Common law (in narrow n):
- common general law
- local law
- itinerant judges of the English royal court
- enforcement of a claim
special form of action: writ
- classical Roman law
- Provisions of Oxford (1258)牛津条例
- “writ upon the ca”本案令状
12、enforcement 强制执行;claim 请求;action 诉讼行为;writ 法院令状;recour 追索权;追索,追偿
13、Equity law衡平法
- “ equity ”——doing equity
- chancellor
- relief 救济
- judiciary
- Court of Chancery (衡平法院)and / vs. ordinary common law courts
- fixed, inflexible
- equitable doctrines (e.g. law of salvage at a)
- In a conflict between law & equity,equity should prevail.
compensatory, compensate
specific performance特定履行|实际履行
real/immoveable property(不动产)and / vs. personal/moveable property (动产)
15、c ommon law remedy/relief:普通法救济
(compensatory) damages金钱赔偿
16、e quity/equitable remedies/relief:衡平法救济
- injunction ( a temporary or final order to do or not to do a specific act)强制令
- specific performance (a party to an agreement is ordered by the court to perform his obligations according to the terms of the agreement)
- restitution
express (明示)vs. implied (默示)
provision, provide
jurisdiction 管辖区域,法域; (司法)管辖权
civil suit民事诉讼
the law of property财产法
before the judge在法庭上
17、a pply/applicable/available适用于
be subject to受。。。。的约束
●This ca is subject to Chine law.
●Chine law applies / is applicable to / is available to this ca.
judge-made law法官制定的法律
make the law制定法律
connote / mean
in contrast to, as contrasted with
subject matter标的
19、Two parallel court systems(Double Track system)双轨制
●Federal Court System联邦法院系统
- U.S. / Federal District Court联邦地区法院
- U.S. / Federal Court of Appeals联邦上诉法院
- U.S. / Federal Supreme Court联邦最高法院
●State Court System州法院系统
Trial / circuit Court审判法院|巡回法院
- State Appellate Court (Court of Appeals)上诉法院
- State Supreme Court最高法院
20、Separation of powers
- Legislative branch: Congress
- Executive branch: President
- Judicial branch: Courts
Checks and Balances
Judicial Review
- the ability of a court to decide on the constitutionality of legislation
●——大法官,justice Chief Justice Associate Justice
●——法官,judge Chief Justice Associate Justice
●——治安法官,justice of the peace
22、The U.S. Supreme Court, compo of nine justices, sits as the final and controlling voice over all the systems.美国联邦最高法院由9个大法官(1 Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justice)组成,对全部这些法律体系有最终的控制性的发言权。
23、issue 问题,争论点
litigant 诉讼当事人
plead (the ca)(向法庭)陈述案情; plead(在法庭)申辩,认罪,辩护;申诉; 答辩; 为…辩护, 抗辩
before a court
judgment / decision / holding appeal, appealable
hear, hearing
in which the court is located territory
tribunal court/judicial decisions
review / rehear 重审,再审,复审proceed through
as of right vs. discretionary discretion
24、Two-tiered system 两级审判制
25、Since 1988, review by the Supreme Court in civil cas is discretionary; virtually all civil appeals as of right to the highest court have been abolished.从1988年开始,最高法院对民事案件的复审有决定权;实际上,所有民事案件都可以作为(法定)权利而上诉到最高法院的作法已经被废除了。
26、(compromi) approach - (international conventions)
impo (on / upon sb.)
capital punishment
writ of certiorari
provided for by statute
27、ad hoc
V ersus (vs. or v.):
29、允许上诉(grant leave to appeal),
实习小组评语30、审查下级法院判决的诉讼文件移送命令(writ of certiorari)
31、US: Article III, ction 2 (UK: Section 3, paragraph 2; CN: Article 3, paragraph 2)
Plaintiff vs. Defendant
applicant / claimant vs. respondent
appellant vs. appellee
court of first / cond / last instance
court of last resort / final hearing / final judgment
higher/superior court vs. lower/inferior court
31、c onstitutional 1. 宪法规定的,合乎宪法的2. 宪法的
justice 1. 正义; 公正, 合理2. 法律制裁; 司法; 审判3. 法官
judicial 司法的, 法庭的, 审判的,法官的(e.g. judicial acceptance, judicial system,judicial decisions, judicial interpretation…)
judiciary 司法,司法系统法庭或法庭制度;(总称)法官,审判官; 司法系统,司法部; 法院的;
审判员的; 司法的
career judiciary 职业法官
learned judges (e.g. Lord Denning)
justice (supreme court), judge
bench (court) trial and / vs. jury trial
the rules and regulations 规章制度
provisions, treaties
laws, executive acts and regulations 法律,行政法令和条例
32、be called/admitted to the Bar具有开业律师资格
bar examination
the practicing bar 执业律师
the bench vs. the bar个人征信网
be required to be admitted to practice (law) but do not practice while on the bench
American Bar Association (ABA)
be admitted ( to practice) before the federal court
law firm
attorney / attorney at law / counlor(civil)
advocate 辩护律师
consultant, advisor, planner, negotiator
hou / corporate counl专职法律顾问,公司法律顾问
The United States Department of Justice
(UK) solicitor / barrister
Lawyer、Attorney、Attorney –at-law、Counlor、Counlor–at-law
JD,Juris Doctor——法律博士
LLM,Master of Laws——法学硕士
SJD,Doctor of Juridical Science——法学博士
33、unjust enrichment
connote / refer to / mean
be available
elements, requirements, conditions, requisites, prerequisites
Legal effect
create / make / form / conclude / enter into contracts
34、I t creates obligations for which some sort of legal enforcement will be available if performance
is not forthcoming as promid. 它设立了当不按约履行时,便可由某种法律强制手段保证实施的义务。
35、T hree elements in a transaction——contract
⏹ 1. The agreement-in-fact事实协议
⏹ 2. The agreement-in-written书面协议
⏹ 3. The t of rights and duties ……一系列权利与义务
36、ownership: tangible(有形的), intangible(无形的)
detailed / specific rules
govern / regulate
real property/ immovable property/ real estate(不动产)vs. personal property/ movable property/ chattel(动产)
bodies of law
37、Copyrights 版权
Patents 专利权
Shares of corporate stock 公司股权
Negotiable instruments 票据权
- e.g. cheques, promissory ,note, bills of exchange
38、v iolate (the rights, the law), violation
property rights
individual rights
personal rights infliction of physical injury commission, commit a crime, robbery, etc. criminal acts
tortious acts
transfer / convey (conveyance) law of contracts / torts legal mechanism expectations
40、Legal mechanism for protecting the expectations that ari from the making of agreements for t
he future exchange of various types of performance.合同法是保护预期利益的法律机制,该预期利益产生于就未来交易各类履行而制定的契约。
rai issues
breach of contract and tort : concurrence lea agreement loophole
42、fraud” conduct欺诈行为
43、Example of Contracts
⏹Employment contracts 雇佣合同
⏹Service Contracts 服务合同
⏹Building Construction 建造合同
化毒丸⏹Insurance Contracts
⏹Contract involving real property
⏹Sale of Intangibles(stocks, bonds, patents, copyrights,etc)
44、Expectation damages预期赔偿金
Agreed upon remedies补救协议
Equitable relief衡平救济
45、Formation of contract合同的成立
⏹contract formation
⏹both parties to the contract
⏹competent parties 有法定资格的主体,适格的主体/当事人
三要⏹legal capacity / ability 法律能力,法定资格,法定身份
⏹mutual asnt 合意
⏹meeting of the minds / mutuality of agreement 意思表示一致
⏹invitation to treat / of offer要约邀请
⏹counter offer反要约