1.【“因果报应”的地道表达】美语中有几种比较多的说法:1.pay the price付出代价;得到报应。 2.Karma (因果报应):You derve it, it’s karma 你活该,因果报应。 3.What Goes Around Comes Around.出来混迟早要还的。4.Tit for tat:以牙还牙/恶有恶报。 5.Eye for an eye.以眼还眼
2. 【悲观情绪的表达】1.I am very confud about that.对此我很迷惑。 2. No such luck! 没那么好运气! 3.I don't feel like talking/doing anything.我不想说话/做任何事。4. You are dead meat! 你死定了 5.It's hopeless.没希望了。6.It's the end of the world for me.对我来说这简直是世界末日。
3. 【关于by的短语搭配】by accident偶然, 不小心 by chance偶然, 意外地 by mistake错误地,无意中(做错) by far到目前为止 by heart熟记 by all means尽一切办法, 一定 by no means决不 by means of用...方法,依靠 by onelf单独,独自地 by the way在途中, 顺便。
4. 【和食物有关的短语表达】1.the apple of one’s eye掌上明珠 2.go bananas/nuts(become crazy)情绪失控 3.peach and cream完美无缺 4.butter up someone溜须拍马 5.hot potato(难以处理的)棘手问题 6.big chee大人物,重要人物 7.tough cookie 非常坚
强的人人 8.spill the beans 泄露秘密
5. 【"眼睛"】揉(眼) rub 眨眼 blink 睁(眼) open 闭(眼) clo 眯眼 squint 使眼色 wink 刺眼的 dazzling 扫视 glance 一瞥 glimp 凝视:gaze 抛媚眼 eer/ogle 鸟瞰 have a bird`s eye view of 盯视 stare 怒视 glare 蔑视 despi/scorn 吸引眼球的 eye-catching。
6. 【时下最IN的英语口语】我了个去:holy crap;额滴神啊:律动oh my God;我的天哪:Jesus Christ;太牛B了:freaking awesome;神马东西:what the hell;傻了吧唧:古龙小说经典排名stupid ass;闭嘴吧你:shut the fuck up;臭不要脸:you've got such a nerve;胡说八道:totally nonn;我看行:it will work。
7. 【三字短句】1. Oh, poor thing! 噢,真可怜!2. Better than nothing. 有总比没有好。3. It'll work out.总会有办法的。 4. I've en wor. 这还算好的呢。5. You never know. 很难说/世事难料。6. Go for it! 勇敢一点!7. Do your best! 尽你最大努力!8. 调离单位离别感言Hang in there! 坚持下!
8. 【“不是那样的”地道表达】1.What does it look like? 看起来怎样?2.It's not what it looks l
厦门免税店ike.不是你们看到的那样。 3.It's not like that.不是那样的。4.This is not how it looks.事情不是表面看来的这样5.That will not always be the ca.情况不会永远是这样6.So that explains it.原来如此
9. 【各种“睡觉”】1.have a nap 打个小盹 2.doze off 打瞌睡 3.have a siesta 午睡4.catch some more sleep.小睡片刻 5.light sleeper 睡觉轻的人 6.sleep around the clock 睡了一整天 7.sleep on it 把问题留在第二天解决/考虑一晚上 8.sleep it off借睡消愁/通过睡觉来恢复疲劳,缓解疼痛忧愁
10. 【随便你的几种地道表达】1) Whatever. 2)It's up to you. 3)Anything you say. 4)Just do what you like. 5) As you wish.学院派风格6) Have your way. 6) You are the boss. 7) Suit yourlf. 8) It depends on you. 9) I don't care! 10) Who cares!
11【扑克英语】big joker 大王;little joker 小王;club 梅花;diamond 方块;face cards花牌(J、Q、K) ;heart 红桃;spade 黑桃; jack 钩儿;king 老K;ace 尖儿;pocket 手上的底牌;straight flush 同花顺; straight 顺子;shuffle 洗牌;out 不跟;pass 不要。。。
12.. 【你有多忙?】be as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌,busy as a beaver 忙得团团转,have one's hands full 应接不暇,be up to one's neck 忙得不可开交,in the middle of something 正忙着做某事,a million things 有很多很多事情要做
13. 【三字短句】 1. It's about time. 正是时候。2. It's beyond me.我不懂。3. It's kid's play.那真太容易了!4. It's rush hour.这是上班高峰时间。5. It's shaping up.进展顺利。6. it’s a deal/date! 一言为定!7. Leave me alone! 别管我!不要理我!8. Let's go Dutch.让我们各付各的。
14. :【Home相关词组表达】home-cooked meal 家常菜; home bird 宅人(喜欢在家里不爱外出的人);stay-at-home-husband家庭主男;homemaker 家庭主妇(建立家庭的人);home team主队;home phone住宅电话; home office 书房;home page 网站主页;home town 家乡;home leave探亲假
15. 【三字短句】 1. That can't be!这怎么可能!2. She ignored me. 她根本不理我。3. You got me.你难倒我了。4. I'm not satisfied. 我不满意。5. I'm just looking.我只是看看。6.That's a steal.真便宜。7. What's for lunch? 午餐吃什么? 8. You don't say! (惊讶)真的
16. 【各种油】煤油kerone或paraffin;柴油diel fuel(oil);汽油gasoline或petrol;无铅汽油unleaded (gasoline/petrol);石油oil/petroleum;原油crude;橄榄油olive oil;菜籽油canola oil;黄油butter;鱼肝油cod liver~;植物油cooking(vegetable)oil;猪油lard;防晒油suntan oil/sun cream
镜字成语17.【WHO公布的十大垃圾食品】1.油炸食品fried foods 2.腌制食品Pickled foods3.加工肉食品我最喜欢的你Processing of meat products 4.饼干Biscuit5.汽水Soft drinks 6.方便面和膨化instant noodles and expanded food7.罐头Canned foods 8.果脯Prerves 9.冷冻甜品Frozen desrt products10.烧烤Barbecue food
18.【父母对baby常用词】daddy爸; mommy妈; doggie/bow-wow小狗狗; birdie小鸟; binkie橡皮奶嘴(pacifier); pooh-pooh拉粑粑; Tee-tee/wee-wee尿尿;tummy小肚肚(stomach); wawa水; tootsies脚(feet); go potty上厕所;做梦和别人打架 make nice 乖听话; didy尿布(diaper); choo-choo火车(train)
19. :#常用英语短句# We are still in a bit of mess. 屋里还很乱。The shower doesn’t have hot water. 淋浴没有热水。The washbasin leaks. 洗脸池漏水。The toilet is clogged. 抽水马桶堵了。The faucet is broken. 水龙头坏了。The drainage of the bathtub is clogged. 浴缸的排水孔堵了。
20. 【趣味音译词汇(2)】 20.sandwich三明治 21.mango芒果 22.lemon柠檬 23.yoga 瑜伽 24.champagne香槟 25.nylon尼龙 26.hacker黑客 27.humbuger汉堡 28.salad沙拉 29.golf高尔夫30.bowling保龄 31.toufu豆腐 32.litchi荔枝 33.pizza披萨 34.typhoon台风 35.T-shirt T恤 36.hormone荷尔蒙
21. 【各种动物常用短语表达】1.lead a dog's life过穷困潦倒的日子 2.treat sb. like a dog 不把某人当人看 3.sick as a dog病的很重 4.work like a dog拼命工作 5.in the doghou丢脸/失体面 6.not a dog's chance一点机会也没有 7.rain cats and dogs下倾盆大雨 8.a lazy dog懒汉