Going to the dentist is an important part of maintaining good oral health. Here are some common English phras related to going to the dentist:
1. Have a dental check-up - 进行牙科检查
2. Get a filling - 填补牙洞
3. Have a tooth pulled - 拔牙
4. Get a root canal - 进行根管治疗
5. Have braces put on - 矫正牙齿
6. Get a tooth cleaning - 洗牙
7. Get a crown - 安装牙冠
礼仪规范 8. Have a wisdom tooth extracted - 拔智齿
方貌 9. Get a dental implant - 植入牙齿
朗诵比赛作文 10. Have a tooth whitening - 美白牙齿
It is important to visit the dentist regularly to prevent dental problems and maintain good oral health. Remember to brush and floss daily to keep your teeth and gums healthy.。