1. S&OP是一种按月度进行的规划流程,它需要企业中层和高层管理的共同参与,包括总裁(总经理、COO)。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
2. 每个S&OP运转周期(一个月)都经历需求规划、供应规划、S&OP预备会议、公孙仪相鲁而嗜鱼S&OP高层会议等阶段。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
3. 书面的S&OP政策明确了S&OP参与人员与角色、以及每个流程中的每个步骤的目标和时间安排。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
4. 做好长期的预备会议和高层会议的时间安排,确保参与人员都能按时出席。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
5. 如果总裁未能如期出席S&OP高层会议,将重新安排会议日期。如果其它会议参与人员未能出席,则另外安排他们的指定代替人员出席,并允许这些代替人员参与决策流程。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
6. S&OP高层会议的日程安排应该提前至少两个工作日拟定,并通知相关会议出席人员,同时说明会议将做哪些主要的决策。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
7. S&OP高层会议关注的是产品家族的需求与供应,而不是某个单独的品项。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
8. 产品家族的数量控制在5-15个之间。另外,在S&OP预备会议阶段适当采用子产品家族。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
9. 市场与销售部负责销售预测工作。他们清楚自己的职责所在:提供可靠的、合理的销售预测、至少每月进行一次销售预测审查,更新销售预测数据。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
10. 运营部负责运营规划工作。他们同样清楚自己的职责所在:提供与销售预测相匹配的生产计划,并达到需求/供应战略的要求,同时确保获得最佳的生产成本效应。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
11. 在S&OP预备会议和S&OP高层会议中,检查客户服务绩效指标(一次性准时发货率)。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
12. 在S&OP预备会议和S&OP高层会议中,每个产品家族的供需战略将按季度进行严格审查,旨在提高客户服务水平、缩减成品库存成本、以及缩短未交付订单(Backlog)的目标水平。 | 是 | 电工高级技师不完全 | 不 |
13. S&OP流程覆盖了企业经营的重要组成部分,必须延长至未来12个月。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
14. S&OP工作表将所有关键数据信息呈现在一张纸上(on one page),其中包括计划的历史绩效、客户服务数据、销售预测和运营计划。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
2年级上册语文 l5.除了数据信息外,S&OP工作表还记录相关的定性信息(事件记录),这些信息将以“假设和问题”的形式出现。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
l6. 为了确定产能负载问题,在产品族与产能不是一一对应的情况下,应该进行分别的产能展示。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
17. 无论任何时候,S&OP预备会议和S&OP高层会议都不能疏忽新产品导入议题。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
18.每月进行S&OP中的运营计划与主生产排程(MPS)的对比,以确保主生产排程(MPS)按照S&OP高层会议所确定的水平执行。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
l9. S&OP是一个决策流程——预备会议先确定向S&OP高层会议提交哪些提议,S&OP高层会议再决定采纳哪些方案。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
20. 财务&会计部的成员在S&OP预备会议和S&OP高层会议都扮演重要的角色,他们将确保S&OP帮助企业实现预期的财务目标。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
21. 在S&OP高层会议中,将S&OP转化为金额表达的形式,然后将其与商业计划(年度预算、运营计划)进行对比。如果有必要,可调整商业计划以反映它的可行性。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
22. 为了达到持续改进的效果,在每次S&OP高层会议结束之前,对会议工作进行简短的评估。反馈意见由所有参与人员提供。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
23. 在S&OP会议结束后的两天内,将S&OP会议的所有决策备忘录传达给相关人员。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
24. S&OP流程已经成为考虑所有主要供需问题的框架。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
25. 在以下6个绩效指标中,至少4个指标已经得到改善:提高客户服务水平、降低客户未交付订货(Backlog)水平、缩短客户的订货提前期、提高成品库存的周转率(年总销售成本÷平均库存)、避免无计划的加班、降低员工的雇用和解聘成本。 | 是 | 不完全 | 不 |
计分标准: 是=1 不完全=1/2 不普通型=0 | |||
+ = # 是 #不完全 总分 | |||
23-25: 优秀 20-22: 好 17-19: 良 低于17:糟糕 | |||
1. Sales & Operations Planning is a monthly process involving both middle management and top management, including the president (general manager, COO). | yes | partial | no |
2. The monthly S&OP cycle consists of a Demand Planning pha, a Supply Planning pha, a Pre-SOP meeting, and an Executive S&OP meeting that includes the president. | yes | partial | no |
3. A written Sales & Operations Planning policy details the participants, responsibilities, timing-a11d objectives of each step in the process. | yes | partial | no |
4. Meeting dates for the Pre-SOP and Executive S&OP meetings arc scheduled well into the future, maximize attendance. | yes | partial | no |
5. The Executive S&OP meeting is rescheduled if the president is unable to attend. Other participants who cannot attend a given meeting are reprented by their designated alternates, who are empowered to participate in the decision-making process. | yes | partial | no |
6. A written agenda is issued at least two work days before each Executive S&OP meeting, highlighting major decisions that need to be made at that meeting. | yes | partial | no |
7. The Executive S&OP meeting operates at an aggregate, family level and rarely focus on individual items. | yes | partial | no |
8. The number of product families is in the range of 5 to 15. Subfamilies are ud in the Pre-SOP steps where appropriate. | yes | partial | no |
9. Sales &Marketing "owns" the Sales Forecast. They understand and accept their responsibility: to provide forecasts that are reasoned, reasonable, reviewed at least monthly, and reducing the total demand. | yes | partial | no |
10. Operations "own" the Operations Plan. They understand and accept their responsibility: to develop plans that support tile Sales Forecast, meet the demand/supply strategies, and are cost-effective production. | yes | partial | no |
11. Customer rvice performance measures (on-time and complete shipments) are reviewed at each Pre-SOP and Executive S&OP meeting. | yes | partial | no |
12. Demand/supply strategies for each product family arc formally reviewed quarterly in the Pre-SOP and Executive S&OP meetings with a view towards increasing customer rvice targets-reducing flnisi1cd goods inventory targets, and reducing customer order backlog targets. | yes神奇的海洋 | partial | no |
13. The S&OP process covers all important parts of the business and extends at least twelve months into the future. | yes | partial | no |
14. The S&OP spreadsheet contains all key information on one page: past performance to plan, customer rvice statistics, and future forecasts and operations plans. | yes | partial | no |
l5. In addition to quantitative infom1atioru the S&OP spreadsheet also shows qualitative. Verbal information in the form of assumptions anti issues that need to be recognized. | yes | partial | no |
l6. To identify plant overload/underload problems, parate capacity displays are ud where there is not a one-for-one match between product families and production. | yes | partial | no |
17. New product development issues that may impact the demand/supply relationship are a permanent agenda item for both the Pre-SOP and Executive S&OP meetings. | yes | partial | no |
秘书英语怎么说18. The Master Production Schedule is compared, at least monthly, with the Operations Plan in S&OP to ensure that the Master Schedule is t at the levels authorized in the Executive S&OP meeting. | yes | partial | 财务部长no |
l9.Sales &Operations Planning is a decision-making process-The Pre-SOP Team decides what recommendations to make to the executive group, and the Executive S&OP Team decides to accept tho recommendations or adopt an alternative. | yes | partial | no |
20. Members of the Finance &Accounting function play an important role in both the Pm- SOP phas and in the Executive S&OP meeting itlf to ensure that the plans have financial validity. | yes | partial | no |
21. In the Executive S&OP meeting, dollarized versions of the Sales & Operations Plan are compared with the Business Plan (annual budget, operating plan).As appropriate, the Business Plan is updated to reflect the new realities identified in S&OE. | yes | partial | no |
22. In the spirit of continuous improvement, a brief critique of the Executive S&OP meeting is held before the end of each meeting. Feedback is solicited from all participants. | yes | partial | no |
23. Minutes of the S&OP meeting detailing all decisions made arc distributed within two work days after the meeting. | yes | partial | no |
24. The Sales & Operations Planning process has become the framework for decision-making regarding all major demand/supply issues. | yes | partial | no |
25. Improvement has been achieved in at least four of the following six performance areas: higher customer rvice, lower customer order backlogs, shorter customer lead times, higher turnover of the finished goods inventory, reduced unplanned overtime, lower hiring and layoff cost. | yes | partial | no |
23-25: Excellent 20-22: Good 17-19: Fair Less than: Poor | |||
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