述职报告ppt模板高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 Back on the Hor(答案在最后)洗手操
心灵鸡汤精选Back on the Hor
Failure is only the opportunity more intelligently to begin again.
~Henry Ford
When I was nine years old, I badly wanted a dog, but my sister was allergic. Knowing my love for animals, my parents allowed me to graduate straight from caring for gerbils and walking the neighbor’s dog to getting a pony. Bonnie was a dappled brown Shetland pony with a blond mane and tail.
While I was a lucky child, I was not a pampered child. I paid for Bonnie with my allowance and money I’d earned from doing extra chores. I had no previous hor experience, and I had to learn everything about Bonnie’s needs becau she was my responsibility. I learned how to feed, water and care for her every day. I hauled bales of hay, sacks of feed and buckets of water. I cleaned her stall, 蚋怎么读wielding a pitchfork and pushing a wheelbarrow. I learned how to brush Bonnie and pick the stones out of her hooves without getting kicked or stepped on.
My parents had no previous experience with hors either, so we learned together. They helped by hauling the grain and hay from the feed mill, and scheduling Bonnie’s regular hoof trims and veterinary exams. We learned how to properly fit Bonnie’s bridle and strap on her saddle.
My first riding lesson on Bonnie was in an outdoor arena with a wood fence. The painted white boards that circled the ring were nailed to the outsides of wooden posts.
I was feeling fine in the saddle, riding around the oval ring, when Bonnie bolted排骨炖 suddenly. Tho horizontal boards were mounted low so as to stop a full-size hor from exiting, but Bonnie was short enough to duck her head and run under one of the boards. She fit, but I did not. Hanging on for dear life, I slammed into the board and knocked it off the posts to which it was nailed. The force of the blow knocked me off Bonnie. As I slid off her right side, the saddle spun around until it was hanging upside down from her belly with my left foot stuck in the stirrup. Bonnie, now at a gallop破处门我的奇思妙想, dragged me along the ground by my left foot. I still remember the ground scraping along my back as my head bounced up and down and the sky appeared and disappeared. Mercifully, my left foot finally came free. I was left lying on my back with the wind knocked out of me, the dust from Bonnie’s hasty retreat clouding up all around.校园趣事300字
Mom and Dad hurried over to asss the damage. Fortunately, I was a sturdy child. Altho
ugh I was covered with dust and would soon be black and blue, I wasn’t bleeding profuly and didn’t have any broken bones. We didn’t wear helmets in tho days, and I was a bit dazed肾的功能是什么, but my skull was intact, and my head emed to be okay. Mom tended to me as I caught my breath, while Dad hiked off to the far pasture to retrieve Bonnie and the saddle that was hanging upside down from her belly.
What had spooked Bonnie so suddenly? We hadn’t en or heard anything. Dad said that he’d found a nail protruding from the underside of the saddle. The jab from the nail must have penetrated the saddle blanket and startled Bonnie. Dad fixed the nail so it didn’t protrude and re-cured the saddle on Bonnie’s back.
Once Bonnie and I had calmed down and were reassured, trying again was the only option. It was prented humanely, with plenty of support and an explanation for why the ride would be much smoother the cond time — the nail had been fixed! It helped that Bonnie was exhausted from her gallop to the far corner of the pasture, and that Dad held the reins and led Bonnie around the ring with me back up in the saddle.
Bonnie and I learned that trying again could change things. Most people have heard the old saying, “Get back on the hor that threw you.” People usually u that saying figuratively, but I learned it quite literally. As an impressionable nine-year-old, I learned without a doubt that something that had spun completely out of control into terrifying chaos just a few minutes earlier could turn out to be quite enjoyable the cond time. We had survived the chaos! I learned to try again, and to try differently the next time to achieve a better result.
That experience had an enormously positive effect on my life. I think of all the times since then when something went terribly wrong, and I knew viscerally that I could try again and expect a completely different outcome. Like when I was in graduate school and my professor told me I wasn’t graduate school material. I was stunned, but I didn’t give up. I fired him as my advisor, found an advisor who believed in me, and earned two graduate degrees. Or when I lost my job due to a corporate acquisition and layoff. Instead of panicking, I took time to write a book and think about what I really wanted to do. Then I found a better job at a higher salary.
I learned to try again, and to try differently the next time to achieve a better result.
My wi parents helped Bonnie learn the lesson well, too. From then on, Bonnie and I were friends, exploring many happy trails together while the saddle and I stayed up top!