RESEARCH PRODUC T S Stable isotope labeled武当山武术
Media products
• Bacterial Cell Growth
• Inct Cell Growth
• Mammalian Cell Growth
• Yeast Cell Growth
Minimal Media for Bacterial Cell Growth
Spectra 9 (E. coli and Other Bacteria)
Spectra 9 is a cost effective medium for E. coli bacterial growth and protein expression. It is comprid of labeled salts and labeled carbohydrates, and is supplemented with Celtone® Ba Powder (1g pow
der per liter Spectra 9) which contains amino acids, vitamins, peptides and other esntial nutrients.
Spectra 9 is available as a ready-to-u solution and should not be diluted. Each lot is tested for sterility, cell growth and protein expression.
Available in 0.5L & 1L sizes
products for Bacterial Minimal Media教学形式
* Products ud for “spar” 13C Labeling.众望所归
Larger quantities are available, plea inquire.
rich Bacterial Cell Growth Media
Celtone® powder (E. coli and Other Bacteria)
CIL’S most flexible media, Celtone Ba Powder is a mixture of amino acids, peptides, vitamins and other esntial nutrients, which provide a “rich” environment for excellent bacterial cell growth and high protein expression.
The advantage of Celtone powder is that rearchers can formulate a custom medium bad on their specific rearch needs. Depending on cell line and desired performance, this powdered media can be ud at concentrations ranging from 1g to 10g per Liter. Truly exceptional performance has been achieved with M9 salts, 2-3g/L gluco and 1g of ammonium chloride. The powder is easy to u and store and has the longest shelf life of any fully-rich bacterial growth medium.
Celtone Ba Powder alone does not constitute a complete medium. Appropriately labeled salts and carbohydrates are needed
O is required for reconstitution for products containing deuterium. Each lot is
to make a complete medium. Plea note that D
tested for cell growth and protein expression.
Available in 0.5g & 1g sizes.
Celtone® Complete (E. coli and Other Bacteria)
Celtone Complete Medium is a “rich” bacterial cell growth medium derived from an algal source with a growth rate comparable to LB, allowing for inoculation and induction within one working day. Celtone contains amino acids, nucleic acids, peptides, vitamins, salts and other esntial nutrients and provides excellent cell growth and high protein expression.
Celtone Complete Medium is formulated as a ready-to-u medium without need for dilution or pH adjustment. Each lot is tested for sterility, cell growth and protein expression.
Available in 0.1L & 1L sizes.
rich Bacterial Cell Growth Media
Bioexpress®1000 (E. coli and Other Bacteria)
CIL’s all-time classic bacterial cell growth medium. This “fully rich” media is comprid of a complex mixture of gluco, amino acids, peptides, vitamins, minerals and cofactors. Prepared from algal cell
hydrolysates and procesd using a proprietary procedure, BioExpress® 1000 yields excellent growth and expression characteristics for a number of different bacterial systems.
BioExpress is supplied as a 100 mL sterile liquid concentrate (10x), and reconstitutes to 1L with no final pH adjustment required.
A 10 mL sample size (reconstitutes to 100 mL) is also available. Plea note that D清蒸龙虾
O is required for reconstitution for products
containing deuterium.
* Products ud for “spar” 13C labeling
Silantes® E. coli-Od2
Silantes E. col i-OD2 is made from bacterial hydrolysate and contains primarily amino acids, some low MW oligopeptides and almost no carbohydrates. The bacterial strain ud is a chemolithoautotrophic organism which grows on inorganic substrates that are isoto-pically labeled. Silantes OD-Media have the same characteristics as conventional LB media: high expression rates and short fermenta-tion times. Silantes OD media are ready-to-u sterile solutions and can be ud instantly for the fermentation of bacteria. Silantes media require only the addition of antibiotics and special nutrients needed for the specific expression system.
Available as 0.2L and 1L.
Bioexpress®2000 for inct expression Systems
The Baculovirus Expression Vector System (BEVS), first introduced in the mid-80s, has grown to become the most versatile and widely ud eukaryotic vector system employed for the expression of recombinant proteins in cultured inct cells. The BEVS is bad on the infection of inct cells with recombinant baculovirus (BV) carrying the gene of interest with the subquent expression of the corresponding recombinant protein by the inct cells. The most popular inct cell lines ud in conjunction with the BEVS are Sf9 (Spodoptera frugiperda) and High Five™ (Trichopulsia ni). BioExpress® 2000 is packaged as two components: a solid powder
(a proprietary blend of inorganic salts and labeled amino acids) and a liquid component (fatty acid solution). Amino acid lective label-ing is possible with BioExpress®2000 becau the amino acid content is chemically defined.
Available as a 1L kit and a 200 mL sample kit.
Mammalian Cell Growth Media
Bioexpress®6000 for Mammalian expression Systems
Many complex proteins, many of the being important drug targets, such as kinas and GPCRs, often cannot be expresd with
E. coli in a correctly folded and active state. It is widely believed that the expression of recombinant mammalian proteins in mammalian cell lines show the greatest promi to produce correctly folded proteins with the greatest number of post-translational modifications (e.g., N-linked glycosylation, phosphorylation, and acetylation). This media should work well with cell lines grown in DMEM. Amino acid lective labeling is possible with BioExpress® 6000 becau the amino acid content is chemically defined.
Available as a 1L kit and a 200 mL sample kit.
Yeast Cell Growth Media
Silantes® Yeast-Od2
Yeast is ud for the expression of eukaryotic proteins, since this host facilitates high protein expression and many post-translational protein modifications characteristic for mammalian cells. Silantes rich growth OD-Media for yeast are ready to u. The problem
of optimizing standard minimal media containing gluco or methanol as a sole carbon source therefore does not ari.
Available as 1 Liter
Yeastone 5.0 - Coming soon – Yeastone 5.0 for Pichia Pastoris & Saccharomyces Cerevisiae