In Italian there are veral ways to express the concept of rving or helping onelf. The verb rvire means "to rve":幸福生活作文
歌词赏析>北京中医药大学录取分数线Il cameriere rve il caffè ai clienti. (The waiter rves coffee to the customers.)
沁人心脾什么意思The phra rvirsi da, which literally means "to rve onelf" refers to the concept of helping onelf:
Grazie lo stesso; ci rviamo da soli. (Thank you anyway; we'll rve (help) ourlves.)
The phra rvirsi di means "to u" or "to avail onelf of":
Per adesso mi rvo di questi libri. (For now I u the books)
上海篱笆网论坛And finally, the phra non rvire a nulla means "to be of no u":任命通知范文
Queste co non rvono a nulla. (The things are uless.)