Chapter III
Legal Persons
第三章 法 人
Section 1
General Rules
第一节 一般规定
Article 57
A legal person is an organization that has the capacity for enjoying civil-law rights and the capacity for performing civil juristic acts, and that independently enjoys civil-law rights and assumes civil-law obligations in accordance with law.
第五十七条 法人是具有民事权利能力和民事行为能力,依法独立享有民事权利和承担民事义务的组织。
1、legal person 法人
念念有词是什么意思2、enjoy 享有,享受
3、in accordangce with law 根据法律规定
4、capacity for enjoying civil-law rights 民事权利能力那天是情人节
5、the capacity for performing civil juristic acts 民事行为能力
蒹葭意思Article 58
A legal person shall be established in accordance with law.
A legal person shall have its own name, governance structure, domicile, and asts or fu
nds. The specific conditions and procedures for the establishment of a legal person shall be in accordance with laws and administrative regulations.
Where there are laws or administrative regulations providing that the establishment of a legal person shall be subject to the approval of a relevant authority, such provisions shall be followed.
第五十八条 法人应当依法成立。
1、 governance structure 组织机构
2、 domicile 住所
3、 asts 财产,资产
4、 funds 资金,基金,专款
5、 the specific condition 具体条件
6、 procedure 程序
7、 adminstrative regulation 行政法规
拽面的做法8、 subject to 根据,服从于,受......支配、必须优先满足......条件、视......而定
subject matter 标的
Article 59
A legal person’s capacity for enjoying civil-law rights and capacity for performing civil juristic acts are acquired when the legal person is established, and cea when the legal person is terminated.
第五十九条 法人的民事权利能力和民事行为能力,从法人成立时产生,到法人终止时消灭。
1、 acuqire 获得
2、 terminate终止;结束;解除(契约);停止
3、 cea 停止,终止,
Article 60
A legal person independently assumes civil liability to the extent of all of its asts.
第六十条 法人以其全部财产独立承担民事责任。
1、assume civil liability 承担民事责任
2、to the extent of all of its asts 以其全部财产
Article 61
The person with the responsibility of reprenting a legal person in conducting civil activities in accordance with law or the legal person’s articles of association is the legal reprentative of the legal person.
The legal conquences of the civil activities conducted by the legal reprentative in the legal person’s name shall be assumed by the legal person.
Any restrictions on the legal reprentative’s power to reprent the legal person which is stipulated in the articles of association or impod by the governing body of the legal person shall not be asrted against a bona fide third person.
第六十一条 依照法律或者法人章程的规定,代表法人从事民事活动的负责人,为法人的法定代表人。
1、 conduct civil activity 从事民事活动
2、 articles of association 公司章程
3、 legal reprentative 法定代表人
Article 62
Where a legal reprentative of a legal person caus damage to others while performing his responsibilities, the civil liability thus incurred shall be assumed by the legal person.
After assuming the aforementioned civil liability, the legal person has the right to indemnification, in accordance with law or its articles of association, against its legal reprentative who is at fault.
第六十二条 法定代表人因执行职务造成他人损害的,由法人承担民事责任。
1、be asssumed by 由......承担
2、indemnification 赔偿或补偿,使免受......损害,与hold/save harmless同一意思
参加婚礼穿什么3、is at fault 有过错
Article 63
The domicile of a legal person is the place where its principal administrative office is located. Where a legal person is required by law to be registered, the place of its principal administrative office shall be registered as its domicile.
第六十三条 法人以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。依法需要办理法人登记的,应当将主要办事机构所在地登记为住所。
1、the place where its principal administrative office is located 主要办事机构所在地
2、domicile 住所
Article 64
Where there is any change in any matter that has been registered during the term of existence of a legal person, the legal person shall apply to the registration authority for modification of its registration in accordance with law.
第六十四条 法人存续期间登记事项发生变化的,应当依法向登记机关申请变更登记。
1、 in any matter 任何事项,某一事项
2、 modidication 修改,变更
Article 65
The actual situation of a legal person, which is inconsistent with what is recorded upon registration, shall not be asrted against a bona fide third person.