Continuous dynamic modelling of bimorph piezoelectric cantilevered actuators considering hysteresis effect and dynamic behaviour analysis 期刊名称: Mathematical & Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems坚定的锡兵读后感
作者: Ghafarirad, H.,Rezaei, S. M.,Sarhan, Ahmed A. D.,Zareinejad, M.
8月份表示说话的词语>笋干老鸭煲的做法作者机构: Amirkabir Univ Technol,Univ Malaya
自我画像年份: 2015年
期号: 第1-3期
关键词: dynamic behaviour analysis;bimorph piezoelectric
actuator;hysteresis;continuous modelling;
摘要:Bimorph Piezoelectric Cantilevered (BPC) actuators have been of increasing interest in micro-manipulation process during recent years. Due to properties such as transver vibration, the perfor
广东省职业技能鉴定指导中心mance and manoeuvrability have considerably improved, compared with conventional longitudinal piezoelectric actuators. Therefore, dynamic modelling of such actuators has been the centre of attraction. For this purpo, a target point on the actuator, e.g. the cantilever end tip, is usually considered as the actuator output. One degree of freedom lumped and continuous type dynamic models have been considered in prior rearch works. The types of modelling lead to two significant issues. First, the effect of higher vibrational modes in the actuator output is disregarded. Second, a minimum pha dynamic system is achievable for all