JJG1-1999 钢直尺检定规程 Verification Regulation of Steel Rule JJG2-1999 木直(折)尺检定规程V.R. of Wooden Rule (Wooden Folded Rule) JJG4-1999 钢卷尺检定规程V.R.of Steel Tape JJG5-2001 纤维卷尺、测绳检定规程V.R.of Fiber Tapes and Measuring Ropes JJG7-2004 直角尺检定规程V.R.of Squares JJG8-1991 水准标尺检定规程V.R.of Level Rod JJG10-2005 专用玻璃量器检定规程V.R.of Special Glassware JJG13-1997 模拟指示秤检定规程V.R.of Analogue Indication Weighing Instruments JJG14-1997 非自动指示秤检定规程V.R.of Non-lf-indication Weighing Instruments JJG16-1987 邮用秤试行检定规程V.R.of Postal Scale JJG17-2002 杆秤检定规程V.R.of Steelyard Scale JJG18-1990 医用注射器检定规程V.R.of Glass Syringes for Medical U JJG18-2008 医用注射器检定规程V.R.of Glass Syringes for Medical U JJG19-1985* 量提检定规程V.R.of Volumetric Cylinder With Handle JJG20-2001 标准玻璃量器检定规程V.R.of Standard Capacity Measures(glass) JJG21-1995 千分尺检定规程V.R.of Micrometer JJG21-2008 千分尺检定规程V.R.of Micrometer JJG22-2003 内径千分尺检定规程V.R.of Internal Micrometers JJG24-2003 深度千分尺检定规程V.R.of Depth Micrometers JJG25-2004 螺纹千分尺检定规程V.R.of Screw Therad Micrometer JJG26-2001 杠杆千分尺、杠杆卡规检定规程V.R.of Micrometers with Dial Comparater and Indicating Snap Gauge JJG28-2000 平晶检定规程V.R.of Optical Flats JJG30-2002 通用卡尺检定规程V.R.of Vurrent Calipers JJG31-1999 高度卡尺检定规程V.R.of Height Gauge JJG33-2002 万能角度尺检定规程V.R.of Universal Bevel Protactors JJG34-1996 指示表(百分表和千分表)检定规程V.R.of Dial Gauges(reading in 0.01mm and 0.001mm)[过期] JJG34-2008 指示表(指针式、数显式)检定规程Dial Ganges(dial and digital) JJG35-2006 杠杆表检定规程V.R.of Dial Test Indicator JJG37-2005 正弦规检定规程V.R.of Sine Bars JJG39-2004 机械式比较仪检定规程V.R.of Comparator of Machinery Type JJG40-2001 X射线探伤机检定规程V.R.of X-Ray Flaw Detectors JJG41-1990 三针检定规程V.R.of Thread Measuring Wires[过期] JJG42-2001 工作玻璃浮计检定规程V.R.of Working Glass Hydrometers JJG45-1999 光学计检定规程V.R.of Optimeter JJG46-2004 扭力天平检定规程V.R.of Torsion Balance JJG47-1990 抖晃仪检定规程V.R.of Wow Flutter Meter JJG48-2004 硅单晶电阻率标准样片检定规程V.R.of Standard Slice of Single Crystal Silicon Resistivity JJG49-1999 弹簧管式精密压力表和真空表检定规程V.R.of Bourdon Tube Precision Pressure Gauge and Vacuum Gauge JJG50-1996 石油产品用玻璃液体温度计检定规程V.R.of Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer for Petroleum Products JJG51-2003 带平衡液柱活塞式压力真空计检定规程V.R.of Pressure-Vaccum Gauge with Equilibrium Liquid Column JJG52-1999 弹簧管式一般压力表、压力真空表和真空表V.R.of Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge,Pressure Vacuum Gauge and Vacuum Gauge for General U JJG55-1984 测长仪检定规程V.R.of Horizontal Metroscope JJG56-2000 工具显微镜检定规程V.R.of Universal Measuring Microscopes and Makers Microscopes JJG57-1999 光学数显分度头检定规程V.R.of Optcal Digital Dividing Head JJG58-1996 半径样板检定规程V.R.of Radius Gauge JJG59-2007 活塞式压力计检定规程V.R.of Standard Piston Type Pressure Gange JJG60-1996 螺纹样板检定规程V.R.of Scriew Thread Gauge JJG62-2007 塞尺检定规程V.R.of Feeler Gauge JJG63-2007 刀口形直尺检定规程V.R.of Straight Edge JJG64-1990 超低频信号发生器检定规程V.R.of Super-Low Frequency Signal Generator JJG66-1990 高频电容损耗标准试行检定规程V.R.of RF Capacitive Loss Standard Set JJG67-2003 工作用全辐射温度计检定规程V.R.of Total Radiation Pyrometers JJG68-1991 工作用隐丝式光学高温计检定规程V.R.of for Working Disappearing Filament of Optical Pyrometer JJG69-1990 高频Q标准线圈试行检定规程V.R.of RF Q Standard Coil JJG70-2004 角度块检定规程V.R.of Angle Gauge Blocks JJG71-2005 三等标准金属线纹尺检定规程V.R.of Standard Metallic Scale(Grade III) JJG72-1980 线纹比较仪检定规程V.R.of Linear Comparator JJG73-2005 标准玻璃线纹尺检定规程V.R.of Linear Comparator JJG74-2005 工业过程测量记录仪检定规程V.R.of the Recorders for Industrial process Measurement JJG75-1995 标准铂铑10-铂热电偶检定规程V.R.of the Standard Platinum Rhodium 10/Platinum Thermocouple JJG77-2006 干涉显微镜检定规程V.R.of Interference Microscope young不等式JJG80-1981 正切齿厚规检定规程V.R.of Tangential Gear Thickness Gauge JJG81-1981 公法线检查仪检定规程V.R.of Common Normal Tester JJG82-1998 公法线类千分尺检定规程V.R.of the Class of Common Normal Micrometer JJG86-2001 标准玻璃浮计检定规程V.R.of Standadr Glass Hydrometers JJG90-1983 齿轮齿向及径向跳动仪检定规程V.R.of Gear Tooth Direction and Concentricity Tester JJG92-1991 万能测齿仪检定规程V.R.of Universal Gear Tester JJG94-1981 齿轮双面啮合综合检查仪检定规程V.R.of Dual-Flank Gear Rolling Tester JJG95-1986 齿轮单面啮合检查仪检定规程V.R.of Single-Flank Gear Rolling Tester JJG96-1986 小模数齿轮双面啮合检查仪检定规程V.R.of Small Module Dual -Flank Gear Rolling Tester JJG97-2001 测角仪检定规程V.R.of Goniometers JJG98-2006 机械天平检定规程V.R.for Mechanical Balance JJG98-1990 非自动天平检定规程V.R.for Non-automatic Balances JJG99-2006 砝码检定规程V.R.of Weights JJG100-2003 全站型电子速测仪检定规程V.R.of Electronic Tachometer Total Station JJG101-2004 接触式干涉仪检定规程V.R.of Contact-Type Interferometer JJG103-2005 合象水平仪检定规程V.R.of Electronic Levels and Coincidence Levels JJG105-2000 转速表检定规程V.R.of Tachometers JJG106-1981 指针式精密时钟检定规程V.R.of Chronometer with Pointer Indication JJG107-2002 单机型和集中管理分散计费型电话计时计费器V.R.of Single and Dispersion Control Centrely Telephone Accounters JJG109-2004 百分表式卡规检定规程V.R.of Snap Gauge Reading in 0.01mm JJG110-1979 标准温度灯检定规程V.R.of Standard Temperature Lamp[过期] JJG110-2008 标准温度灯检定规程V.R.of Standard Temperature Lamp JJG111-2003 玻璃体温计检定规程V.R.of Clinial Thermometers JJG112-2003 金属洛氏硬度计(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T标尺)检定规程V.R.of Metallic Rockwell Hardness Testers(scales A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,N,T) JJG113-2003 标准洛氏硬度块(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T标尺)检定规程V.R. of Metallic Rockwell Hardness Reference Blocks(scales A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,N,T) JJG114-1999 贝克曼温度计检定规程V.R.of Beckmann Thermometer JJG115-1999 标准铜-铜镍热电偶检定规程V.R.of the Standard Copper/Copper Nickel Thermocouple JJG117-2005 平板检定规程V.R.of Surface Plates JJG118-1996 扭簧式比较仪检定规程V.R.of Micro-Kator JJG119-2005 实验室pH(酸度)计检定规程V.R.of Laboratory pH Meters JJG120-1990 波形监视器检定规程V.R.of Wave Form Monitor JJG121-1990 视频杂波测试仪检定规程V.R.of Video Noi Meter JJG122-1986 DO6型精密有效值电压表检定规程V.R.of the Preci True RMS Voltmeter Type DO6 JJG123-2004 直流电位差计检定规程V.R.of D.C.Potentiometers JJG124-2005 电流表、电压表、功率表及电阻表检定规程V.R.of Amperemeters,Voltmeters,Wattmeters and Ohmmeters JJG125-2004 直流电桥试行检定规程V.R.of D.C Bridges JJG126-1995 交流电量变换为直流电量电工测量变送器检定规程V.R.of Measuring Transducers for Electrical Quantities Electrical Quantities JJG128-2003 二等标准水银温度计检定规程V.R.of standard Mercury in Glass thermometer(Grade II) JJG130-2004 工作用玻璃体温度计检定规程V.R.of Liquid in Glass Thermometer for Working JJG131-2004 电接点玻璃水银温度计检定规程 Verification Regulation of Electric Contact Mercury-in-Glass Thermometer JJG133-2005 汽车油罐车容量检定规程V.R.of Tank Cars Capacity JJG134-2003 磁电式速度传感器检定规程V.R.of Electromagnetic Velocity Transducers JJG137-1986 CC-6型小电容测量仪检定规程V.R.of Small capacitance Measuring Instrument Type CC-6 JJG138-1986 CCJ-1C型精密电容测量仪检定规程V.R.of Precision Capacitance Measuring Instrument Type CCJ-1C JJG139-1999 拉力、压力万能材料试验机检定规程V.R.of Universal Tension and Comperssion Testing Machine JJG140-1998 铁路罐车容积检定规程V.R.of the Volume of Railway Tank Car JJG140-2008 铁路罐车容积检定规程V.R.of the Volume of Railway Tank Car JJG141-2000 工作用贵金属热电偶检定规程V.R.of Working Noble Metal Thermocouples JJG142-2002 非自行指示轨道衡检定规程V.R.of Nonlf Indicating Railweighbridges JJG143-1984 标准镍铬-镍硅热电偶检定规程V.R.of Standard Ni-Cr/Ni-Si Thermocouple JJG144-2007? 标准测力仪检定规程V.R.of Standard Dynamometer JJG145-1982 摆锤式冲击试验机检定规程V.R.of Pendulum Impact Testing Machine JJG145-2007 摆锤式冲击试验机检定规程V.R.of Pendulum Impact Testing Machine JJG146-2003 量块检定规程V.R.of Gauge Blocks JJG147-2005 标准金属布氏硬度块检定规程V.R.of Metallic Brinell Hardness Reference Blocks JJG148-2006 标准维氏硬度块检定规程V.R.of Vickers Hardness Reference Block JJG150-2005 金属布氏硬度计检定规程V.R.of Metallic Brinell Hardness Testers JJG151-2006 金属维氏硬度计检定规程V.R.of Metallic Vickers Hardness Testers 因为爱情有JJG153-1996 标准电池检定规程V.R.of Standard Cell JJG154-1979 JJG154-2005 标准毛细管粘度计检定规程V.R.of Standard Capillary Viscometer JJG155-1991 JJG155-2005 工作毛细管粘度计检定规程V.R.of Working Capillary Viscometer JJG156-2004 架盘天平检定规程V.R.of Table Balances JJG157-1995 JJG157-2005 非金属拉力、压力和万能试验机检定规程V.R.of Tension Comperssion and Universal Testing Machine for Nonmetallic[过期] JJG157-2008 非金属拉力、压力和万能试验机检定规程V.R.of Tension Comperssion and Universal Testing Machine for Nonmetallic JJG158-1994 标准补偿式微压计检定规程V.R.of Standard Compensated Micromanometer JJG159-1994 二、三等标准双活塞式压力真空计检定规程V.R.of Standard Dual Piston Type Pressure Vaccum Gauge(Grade II&III) JJG159-2008 双活塞式压力真空计检定规程V.R.of Standard Dual Piston Pressure Vacuum Gauge JJG160-2007 标准铂电阻温度计检定规程V.R.of Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer JJG161-1994 一等标准水银温度计检定规程V.R.of Standard Mercury in Glass Thermometer(Grade I) JJG162-2007 冷水水表检定规程Cold Water Meter[过期] JJG162-2009 冷水水表检定规程Cold Water Meter JJG163-1996 电容工作基准检定规程V.R.of Working Standards for Capacitance JJG164-2000 液体流量标准装置检定规程V.R.of Standard Facilities for Liquid Flowrate JJG165-2005 钟罩式气体流量标准装置检定规程V.R.of Standard Bell Provers of Gas Flow JJG166-1993 直流电阻器检定规程V.R.of DC Resistors JJG167-1995 标准铂铑30-铂6热电偶检定规程V.R.of Standard Pt Rh-30/Pt Rh-6 Thermocouple JJG168-2005 立式金属罐容量检定规程V.R.of Vertical Metal Tank Capacity JJG169-1993 互感器校验仪检定规程V.R.of Instrument Transformer Test Set JJG171-2004 液体相对密度天平检定规程V.R.of Ralative Density Balance for Liquid JJG172-1994 倾斜式微压计检定规程V.R.of Tilting Tube Micromanometer JJG173-2003 信号发生器检定规程V.R.of Signal Generators JJG175-1998 JJG175-2005 测试电容传声器检定规程V.R.of Measuring Condenr Microphones JJG176-2005 声校准器检定规程V.R.of Sound Calibrators JJG177-2003 圆锥量规检定规程V.R.of Taper Gauges JJG178-1996 可见分光光度计检定规程V.R.of Visible Range Spectrophotometer JJG178-2007 紫外、可见、近红外分光光度计检定规程Ultraviolet,Visible,Near-Infrared Spectrophotometers JJG179-1990* 滤光光电比色计检定规程V.R.of Photoelectric Colorimeter with Filter JJG180-2002 电子测量仪器内石英晶体振荡器检定规程V.R.of Crystal Oscillators inside the Electrical Measuring Instruments JJG181-2005 石英晶体频率标准检定规程V.R.of Quartz Crystal Frequency Standards JJG182-2005 奇数沟千分尺检定规程V.R.of Micrometers with Brismatically Arranged Measuring Faces JJG183-1992 标准电容器检定规程V.R.of Standard Capacitor JJG184-1993 液体气体铁路罐车容积检定规程V.R.of the Volume of Liquefied Gass Railway Tank Car JJG185-1997 JJG185-2005 500Hz~1Mz测量水听器检定规程V.R.of Measuring Hydrophone in the Range 500Hz~1MHz JJG186-1997 动圈式温度(指示/指示位式调节)仪表检定规程V.R.of Moving-Coil Indicators and Step-indication Controllers Associated for Measuring Temperature JJG188-2002 声级计检定规程V.R.of Sound Level Meters JJG189-1997 机械式振动试验台检定规程V.R.of Mechanical Vibration Generator for Testing JJG190-1997 电动式振动试验台检定规程V.R.of Electrodynamic Vibration Generator System for Testing JJG191-2002 水平仪检定器检定规程V.R.of Calibrators for the Level JJG194-2007 方箱检定规程V.R.of Box Plate JJG195-2002 连续累计自动衡器(皮带秤)检定规程V.R.of Continuous Totalizing Automatic Weighing Instruments JJG196-2006 常用玻璃量器检定规程V.R.of Working Glass Container JJG197-1979 LCCG-1型高频电感电容测量仪试行检定规程V.R.of LCCG-1 Type HF Inductance and Capacitance Meter JJG198-1994 速度式流量计检定规程V.R.of Velocty Flowmeter JJG199-1996 JJG199-2005 猝发音信号源检定规程V.R.of Tone Burst Generator JJG200-1980 外差式频率计检定规程V.R.of Heterodyne Frequency Meter JJG201-1999 指示类量具检定仪检定规程V.R.of Tester for Dial Indicator Gauge JJG201-2008 指示类量具检定仪检定规程Tester for Dial Indicator Gauges JJG202-2007 自准直仪检定规程V.R.of Autocollimator JJG204-1980 气象用通风干湿表检定规程V.R.of Meteorological Ventilation Psyhrometer JJG205-2005 机械式温湿度计检定规程V.R.of Mechaniacl Thermohygeometers JJG207-1992 气象用玻璃液体温度表检定规程V.R.of Meteorological Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer JJG208-1980 气象仪器用机械自记钟检定规程V.R.of Meteorological Mechanical Recording-Clock JJG209-1994 体积管检定规程V.R.of Pipe Prover JJG210-2004 水银气压表检定规程V.R.of Mercurial Barometers JJG211-2005 亮度计检定规程V.R.of Luminance Meter JJG212-2003 色温表检定规程V.R.of Colour Temperature Meters JJG213-2003 分布(颜色)温度标准灯检定规程V.R.of Standard Lamps for Distribution(Colour)Temperature JJG214-1980 JJG214-2005 滚动落球粘度计试行检定规程V.R.of Viscosimeter for Roll Down Ball Type JJG218-1991 电感工作基准检定规程V.R.of Working Standards for Inductance JJG219-2003 铁路轨距尺检定规程V.R.of Track Gauging Rules for Standard Gauge Railway[过期] JJG219-2008 铁路轨距尺检定规程V.R.of Track Gauging Rules for Standard Gauge Railway[更新] JJG223-1996 海洋电测温度计检定规程V.R.of Sea Electic Measuring Thermometer JJG225-2001 热能表检定规程V.R.of Heat Meters JJG226-2001 双金属温度计检定规程V.R.of Bimetallic Thermometer JJG227-1980 标准光学高温计检定规程V.R.of the Standard Optical Pyrometer JJG228-1993 JJG228-2005 静态激光小角光散射光度计检定规程V.R.of Static Low Angly Lar Light Scattering Spectrophotometer JJG229-1998* 工业铂、铜热电阻检定规程V.R.of Industrial Platinum Copper Resistance Thermistor JJG230-1980 XFD-7A型低频信号发生器试行检定规程V.R.of XFD-7A Yype LF Signal Generator JJG233-1996 压电加速度计检定规程V.R.of Piezoelectric Accelerometer JJG233-2008 压电加速度计检定规程V.R.of Piezoelectric Accelerometer JJG234-1990 动态称量轨道衡检定规程V.R.of a Motion Weighing Railway Track Scale JJG236-1994 一等标准活塞式压力真空计V.R.of Standard Piston Gauge for Gauge Pressure Range -0.1~0.25MPa(Grade I) JJG237-1995 指针式时间间隔测量仪检定规程V.R.of Time Interval Measuring Instrument with Needle Indication JJG238-1995 数字式时间间隔测量仪检定规程V.R.of Digital Time Interval Measuring Instrument JJG239-1994 二、三等标准活塞式压力真空计检定规程V.R.of Standard Piston Pressure Vacuum Gauge(Grade II&III) JJG240-1981 一等标准液体压力计试行检定规程V.R.of Liquid Manometer(Grade I) JJG241-2002 精密杯型和U型液体压力计检定规程V.R.of Precision Liquid Manometers for Cistern and U-tube JJG242-1995 特斯拉计检定规程V.R.of Teala-Meter JJG244-2003 感应分压器检定规程V.R.of Inductive Voltage Divider JJG245-2005 光照度检定规程V.R.of Illuminance meter JJG246-2005 发光强度标准灯检定规程V.R.of Standard Lamp of Luminous Intensity JJG247-1991 总光通量标准白炽灯检定规程V.R.of Incandescent Standard Lamp for Total Luminous Flux JJG247-2008 总光通量标准白炽灯检定规程V.R.of Incandescent Standard Lamp for Total Luminous Flux JJG248-1981 工作标准激光小功率计试行检定规程V.R.of Woking Standard of Lar Power Meter in Low Range JJG249-2004 0.1mW~200W激光功率检定规程V.R.of 0.1mW~200W Lar Power Meter JJG250-1990 电子电压表检定规程V.R.of Electronic Voltmeter JJG251-1997 失真度测量仪检定规程V.R.of Distortion Meter Calibrator JJG252-1981 RS-2及RS-3型校准接收机检定规程V.R.of Calibration Receiver Type RS-2 and RS-3 JJG253-1981 用II1-2型衰减标准装置检定衰减器检定规程V.R.of Calibrating Attenuator by II1-2 Type Attenuation Standard Equipment ? JJG254-1990 补偿式电压表检定规程V.R.of Compensation Voltmeter JJG255-1981 三厘米波导热敏电阻座检定规程V.R.of Wavguide Thermistor Mount for X-Band JJG256-1981 DYB-2型电子管电压表检定仪检定规程V.R.of Tube Voltmeter Verification Device DYB-2 JJG257-2007 转子流量计检定规程V.R.of Rotameter JJG258-1988 水平螺翼式水表检定规程V.R.of Horizotal Spiral Blade Water Meter 夏恭JJG259-2005 标准金属量器检定规程V.R.of Standard Metal Tank JJG261-1981 标准压缩式真空计试行检定规程V.R.of Standard Comeression Vacuum Gauge JJG262-1996 模拟示波器检定规程V.R.of Analogue Oscilloscope JJG264-1981 容重器试行检定规程V.R.of Test Weight Apparatus[更新] JJG264-2008 容重器检定规程V.R.of Measuring Instruments for Cereals Density JJG266-1996 卧式金属罐容积检定规程V.R.of Metallic Horizontal Tank JJG268-1982 GZZ2-1型转筒式电码探空仪检定规程V.R.of Model GZZ2-1 Turning Cylinder Code-Type Radiosonde JJG269-2006 扭转试验机检定规程V.R.of Torsion Testing Machines JJG270-1995 血压计和血压表检定规程V.R.of the Desk Sphygmomanometer JJG270-2008 血压计和血压表检定规程V.R.of the Desk Sphygmomanometer JJG271-1996 数显式百分表检定仪检定规程V.R.of Digital Display Tester for Dial Indicator[更新] JJG272-2007 空盒气压表和空盒气压计检定规程V.R.of Aneroid Barograph and Aneroid Barometer JJG274-2007 双管水银压力表检定规程V.R.of Double Tube Mercury Barometer JJG275-2003 双刃刀具角度规检定规程V.R.of Protractors for Multiple Point Tool JJG276-1988 JJG276-2005 高温蠕变、持久强度试验机检定规程V.R.of High Temperature Creep and Stress Rupture Testing Machine JJG277-1998 JJG277-2005 标准声源检定规程V.R.of Reference Sound Source JJG278-2002 示波器校准仪检定规程V.R.of Oscilloscope Calibrators JJG279-1981 WFG-1B型高频微伏表检定规程V.R.of HE Microvoltmeter Type WFG-1B JJG280-1981 M4-1(MTO-1)型标准热敏电阻电桥检定规程V.R.of Standard Thermistor Bridge Type M4-1(MTO-1) JJG281-1981 波导测量线检定规程V.R.of Waveguide Slotted Line JJG282-1981 同轴热点薄膜功率座检定规程V.R.of Coaxial Thin Film Thermoe-Lectric Power Head JJG283-2007 正多面棱体检定规程V.R.of Angular Polygon JJG285-1993 带时间比例、比例积分微分作用的动圈式温度指示调节仪表检定规程V.R.of MOVING Coil Temperature Indicating Instrument With Time Proportional orPID Action JJG287-1982 气象用双金属温度计检定规程V.R.of Meteorological Bimetallic Thermograph岑的读音 JJG288-2005 颠倒温度表检定规程V.R.of Deep Sea Reversing Ther-mometers JJG289-2005 表层水温表检定规程V.R.of Bucket Thermometers JJG291-1999 腹膜电极溶解氧测定仪检定规程V.R.of Film Electrode Dissolved Oxygen Meter JJG291-2008 覆膜电极溶解氧测定仪检定规程 JJG292-1996 铷原子频率标准检定规程V.R.of Rubidium Gas Cell Frequen-cy Standards JJG294-1982 半自动周节检查仪试行检定规程V.R.of Semiautomatic Citcular-Pitch Tester[更新] JJG297-1997 JJG297-2005 标准硬质合金洛氏(A标尺)硬度块检定规程V.R.of Standard Hardmetals Rock-well(A? scale)Hardness Test Black JJG298-2005 中频标准振动台(比较法)检定规程V.R.of Standard Vibrator in Middle Frequency Band(Comparison Method) JJG299-1982 工作标准感光仪检定规程V.R.of Working Standard Sensito-meter JJG300-2002 小角度检查仪检定规程V.R.of Small Angle Testers JJG302-1983 水泥罐容积检定规程V.R.of Conctete Tank-Tank Volume JJG303-1982 频偏测量仪检定规程V.R.of Frequency Deflection Meter JJG304-2003 A型邵氏硬度计检定规程V.R.of Shore A Durometers JJG306-2004 24m因瓦基线尺检定规程V.R.of 24 m Invar Wire JJG307-2006* 机电式交流电能表检定规程V.R.of Electromechanical Meters for Measuring Alternating -current Electrical Energy JJG308-1983 超高频毫伏表检定规程V.R.of SHF Electronic Millivolt-meter JJG309-2001 500K~1000K黑体辐射源检定规程V.R.of the Blackbody Radiators at the 500K~1000K JJG310-2002 压力式温度计检定规程V.R.of Filled System Thermometers JJG311-1996 焦距仪检定规程V.R.of Focometer JJG312-1983 激光能量计检定规程V.R.of Lar Energy Meter JJG313-1994 测量用电流互感器检定规程V.R.of Current Taransformers of Measuring Service JJG314-1994 测量用电压互感器检定规程V.R.of Voltage Transformers of Measuring Service JJG315-1983 直流数字电压表检定规程V.R.of DC Digital Voltmeter JJG316-1983 磁通量具试行检定规程V.R.of Magnetic Flux Measure JJG317-1983 磁通表试行检定规程V.R.of Magnetic Flux Meter JJG318-1983 DO-2型高频电压校准装置检定规程V.R.of HF Voltage Calibration Apparatus Types DO-2? and the Like JJG319-1983 超高频微伏表检定规程V.R.of VHF Microvolt Meter JJG320-1983 波导噪声发生器检定规程V.R.of Waveguide Noi Generator JJG321-1983 串联高频替代法检定衰减器检定规程V.R.of Calibratiov Attenuator by Series RF Substitution JJG322-1983 回转衰减器检定规程V.R.of Rotory Vane Attenuator JJG323-1983 波导型标准移相器检定规程V.R.of Waveguide Srandard Pha Shifter JJG326-2006 标准转速装置试行检定规程V.R.of Standard Equipment for Revolrtion Speed? JJG330-2005 机械式深度温度计检定规程V.R.of Mechanical Bathythermo-graphs JJG331-1994 激光干涉比长仪检定规程V.R.of Lar Interference Comparator JJG332-2003 齿轮渐开线样板检定规程V.R.of Gear Involute Master? JJG338-1997 电荷放大器检定规程V.R.of Charge Amplifier JJG340-1999 1Hz~1000Hz测量水听器检定规程V.R.of Measuring Hydrophone in the Frequency Range 1 hz to1000 Hz JJG341-1994 光栅线位移测量装置检定规程V.R.of Grating Linear Displacement Measuring Device JJG342-1993 JJG342-2005 凝胶色谱仪检定规程V.R.of Gel Chromatogtaph JJG343-1996 光滑极限量规检定规程V.R.of Smooth Limit Gauge JJG344-2005 镍铬-金铁热电偶检定规程V.R.of Ni-Cr/Au+0.07.at%Fe Thermocouple JJG346-1991 JJG346-2005 肖氏硬度计检定规程V.R.of Shore Hardness Tester JJG347-1991 JJG347-2005 标准肖氏硬度块检定规程V.R.of Srandard Shore Hardness Test Block JJG348-1984 谐振式波长计试行检定规程V.R.of Resonance Type Waveneter? JJG349-2001 通用计数器检定规程V.R.of Universal Counters? JJG350-1994 标准套管铂电阻温度计检定规程V.R.of Standard Capsule Platinium Resistance Thermometer JJG351-1996 工作用廉金属热电偶检定规程V.R.of Working Ba Metal Ther-mometer 蚊子声音JJG352-1984 永磁材料标准样品磁特性试行检定规程V.R.of Sample of the Mag-netic Properties of Permanent Mag-net Materials JJG353-2006 633nm稳频激光器检定规程V.R.of 663nm Frequency Stabilized Lars JJG354-1984 软磁材料标准样品试行检定规程V.R.of Standard Sample of the Mag-netic Properties of Soft Magnetic Materials JJG356-2004 气动测量仪检定规程V.R.of Pneumatic Measuring Instru-ment for micrometers JJG357-1984 6460型热电薄膜功率计试行检定规程V.R.of the Thin Film Thermoelec-tric Power Meter Type 6460 JJG358-1984 RR-2A型干扰场强测量仪试行检定规程V.R.of Modle RR-2A Interference and field Strength? Measuring Instru-ment JJG359-1984 633nm频率特性测试仪试行检定规程V.R.of 633nm Frequency Respon Test Set?[过期] JJG359-2006 633nm频率特性测试仪试行检定规程V.R.of 633nm Frequency Respon Test Set? JJG360-1984 同轴测量线检定规程V.R.of Coaxial Slotted Line JJG361-2003 脉冲电压表检定规程V.R.of Pul Voltmeter JJG362-1984 DO16型超高频微伏电压校准装置试行检定规程V.R.of Modle DO 16 UHF Micro -volt Voltage? Calibrating Equipment JJG363-1984 半导体点温计检定规程V.R.of Semiconductor Themistor Themometer JJG364-1994 表面温度计检定规程V.R.of Surface Thermometer JJG365-1998 电化学电极气体氧化分析器检定规程V.R.of Electrochemical Electrode Gas Oxygen Amalyr JJG365-2008 电化学氧测定仪检定规程V.R. of Electrochemical Oxygen Meter JJG366-2004 接地电阻表检定规程V.R.of Earth Resistance Meters? JJG367-1984 热敏电阻粮温计检定规程V.R.of Thermister Thermometer for Grain JJG368-2000 工作用铜-铜镍热电偶检定规程V.R.of? the Working Copper / Cop-per-Nickel Thermocople JJG369-1993 JJG369-2005 塑料球压痕硬度计检定规程V.R.of Plastic Ball Indentation Hardness Testing Machine JJG370-2007 在线振动管液体密度计检定规程V.R. of Vibration Tube Liquid Density Meter on Line JJG371-2005 量块光波干涉仪检定规程V.R.of Gauge Block Interfe-rometers JJG372-1985 称量法储罐液体计量系统试行检定规程V.R.of Standard Meter Tank on the Truck JJG373-1997 JJG373-2005 四球摩擦试验机检定规程V.R.of Four-ball Friction Testing Machine JJG374-1997 电平振荡器检定规程V.R.of Level Oscillator JJG375-1996 单光束紫外-可见分光光度计检定规程V.R.of? Ultraviolet Visible Range Spectrophotometer? in Single Beam JJG376-1985 电导仪试行检定规程V.R.of Electrolytic Conductance Meter JJG376-2007 电导仪试行检定规程V.R.of Electrolytic Conductance Meter JJG377-1998 放射性活度计检定规程V.R.of Radioactivity Meter JJG379-1995 大量程百分表V.R.of Wide Range Dial Gauges Reading in 0.01mm JJG380-1995 轴承圆锥滚子直径、角度、直线度测量仪检定规程V.R.of Instruments for Measuring the Dameter ,Angle and Straightness of Bearing Tapered Roller JJG381-1986 BX-21型低频数字相位计检定规程V.R.of the Modle BX-21 LF Digital Pha Meter JJG383-2002 光谱辐射亮度标准灯检定规程V.R.of Spectral Radiance Standard Lamps JJG384-2002 光谱辐射照度标准灯检定规程V.R.of Specterl Irradiance Standard Lamps JJG385-1985 总光通量标准荧光灯试行检定规程V.R.of standard Fluorescent Lamps for Toral Luminous Flux[过期] JJG385-2008 总光通量标准荧光灯试行检定规程V.R.of standard Fluorescent Lamps for Toral Luminous Flux[更新] JJG386-1985 总光通量标准荧光高压贡灯试行检定规程V.R.of Standard Fluorescent High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamps for Totel Lumious Flux JJG387-2005 同轴电阻式衰减器检定规程V.R.of Coaxial Attenuator? JJG388-2001 纯音听力计检定规程V.R.of Pure-tone Audiometers JJG389-2003 仿声耳检定规程V.R.of Artificial Ears? JJG390-1985 JJG390-2005 船用pH计检定规程V.R.of Shipboard PH? Meter? JJG391-1985 JJG391-2005 负荷传感器检定规程V.R.of Load Call JJG392-1996 JJG392-2005 感应式盐度计检定规程V.R.of Induction Salinomerer JJG393-2003 辐射防护用X、γ辐射剂量当量(率)仪和监测仪检定规程V.R.of and Gamma Radiation Do Equivalent (Rate) Meters and Monitors Ud in Radiation Protection JJG394-1997 超声多普勒胎儿监护仪超声源检定规程V.R.of Ultrasonic Source for Ultra-sonic Doppler Fetal Monitor? JJG395-1997 定碳定硫分析仪检定规程V.R.of Carbon-Sulfur Amalyzer? JJG396-2002 电感测微仪检定规程V.R.of Inductive Micrometers JJG401-1985 球径仪检定规程V.R.of Spherometer JJG404-2003 铁路轨距尺检定器检定规程 V.R.of Calibrater for Railway Track Gauging Rule[过期] JJG404-2008 铁路轨距尺检定器检定规程 V.R.of Calibrater for Railway Track Gauging Rule[更新] JJG405-1986 硅钢片(带)标准样品试行检定规程V.R.of the Standard Specinen of Magnetic Sheet and Strip JJG406-1986 弱磁材料标准样品试行检定规程V.R.of Standard Specimen of Magnetic Materials JJG407-1986 电工纯铁标准样品试行检定规程V.R.of the Standard Specimen of? Electrical Iron JJG408-2000 齿轮螺旋线样板检定规程V.R.of Gear Helix Master JJG409-1986 射频同轴热电转换标准检定规程V.R.of Thermal Voltage Convertors in RF Coaxial Guide Systems JJG410-1994 精密交流电压校准源检定规程V.R.of Preci AC Voltage Calibration Source JJG411-1997 JJG411-2005 锤击式布氏硬度计检定规程V.R.of Hammering Type Brinell Hardness Tester JJG412-2005 水流型气体热量计检定规程V.R.of the Water-Flow Gas Calorimeter JJG413-1999 皮革面积测量机检定规程V.R.of Leather Area Measuring Machine JJG414-2003 光学经纬仪检定规程V.R.of Optical Theodolites JJG415-2001 工作用辐射温度计检定规程V.R.of Working Radiation Thermometers JJG416-1986 铂铱合金管镭源检定规程V.R.of Radium Source Inclod Pt-Ir(10%) Container JJG417-2006 γ谱仪检定规程V.R.of γ-Ray Spectrometer JJG418-1986 HL18型雷达综合测试仪检定规程V.R.of Radar Tester Type HL 18 JJG420-1986 高频标准零电平表检定规程V.R.of High Frequency Standard Level Meter JJG421-1986 CJ-2型高频介质损耗测量仪检定规程V.R.of CJ-2 Type HF Dielectrometer JJG422-1986 WD-1型微电位计检定规程V.R.of Micropotentiometer Type WD-1 JJG423-1986 RR7型干扰场强测量仪检定规程V.R.of Type RR 7 Interference Field Strength Measuring Apparatus JJG424-1986 TO7(TO7A)型衰减标准装置检定规程V.R.of Attenuation Calibration Set Type TO 7(TO 7A) JJG425-2003 水准仪检定规程V.R.of Levels JJG427-2004 带表千分尺检定规程V.R.of Micrometers with Gauge JJG429-2000 圆度、圆柱度测量仪检定规程V.R.of Measurement Standard In-strument of Roundness and Cylindricity JJG431-1986 EEM6型轻便三杯风向风速表检定规程V.R.of Portable 3-Cup Anemome-ter Type DEM6 JJG433-2004 比相仪检定规程V.R.of Pha Comparators JJG434-1986 彩色电视副载频校频仪检定规程V.R.of TV Colour Subcarrier Fre-quency Comparator JJG435-1986 同轴衰减型中功率座检定规程V.R.of Coaxial Mid-Power Mountwith Attenuator JJG439-1986 中频精密截止式衰减器检定规程V.R.of Intermediate Frequency Pre-cision Waveguide Below Cut-off At-tenuator JJG440-1986 工频单相相位表检定规程V.R.of 50Hz Single-pha Phaso-meter JJG440-2008 工频单相相位表检定规程V.R.of Industry Frequency Singlepha Phaso Meter JJG441-1986 交流电桥检定规程V.R.of Alternating Current Bridge[过期] JJG441-2008 交流电桥检定规程V.R.of Alternating Current Bridge JJG442-1986 UHF电视扫频仪检定规程V.R.of UHF Television Sweep Scope JJG443-2006 燃油加油机检定规程V.R.of Fuel Dispenrs JJG444-2005 标准轨道衡检定规程V.R.of Standard Rail-weigh-bridges JJG445-1986 直流标准电压源检定规程V.R.of DC Standard Voltage Source JJG446-1986 931B型有效值差分电压表检定规程V.R.of Model 931 B RMS Differen-tial Voltmeter JJG447-1986 1103-(1~4)型同轴功率传递标准座试行检定规程V.R.of Coaxial Transfer Standard Mount Models 1103-(1~4) JJG448-2005 瓦级超声功率计检定规程V.R.of Ultrasonic Power Meters for Watt Level JJG449-2001 倍频程和1/3倍频程滤波检定规程V.R.of Octave-Band and One-Third-Octave Band Filters JJG450-1986 JJG450-2005 果品硬度计试行检定规程V.R.of Fruit Pressure Tester JJG451-1986 储罐液体称量仪标准器试行检定规程V.R.of Standardmeter for Store Liquid JJG452-2006 黑白标准密度片试行检定规程V.R.of Black and White Step Tablet JJG453-2002 标准色板检定规程V.R.of Colour Standard Plates JJG454-1986 硬度计球压头检定规程V.R.of Spherical Indenters for Hardness Testers JJG455-2000 工作测力仪检定规程V.R.of Working Dynamometers JJG456-1992 直接辐射表检定规程V.R.of Pyrheliometer JJG457-1986 单管水银压力表检定规程V.R.of Single Tube Mercury Ma-nometer JJG458-1996 总辐射表检定规程V.R.of Pyranometer JJG459-1986 辐射电流表检定规程V.R.of Microammeter for Radiation Instruments JJG461-1986 靶式流量便送器检定规程V.R.of Target(Bluff Body)Type Flow Transducer JJG462-2004 二等标准电离真空计检定规程V.R.of Secondary Standard Ioniza-tion Vacuum Gauges JJG463-1996 热台法熔点测定仪检定规程V.R.of Melting-Point-Measuring Instruments with Thermo-Micro-Method JJG464-1996 JJG464-2005 生化分析仪检定规程V.R.of Ceinical Chemistry Analyzer JJG465-1986 球径仪样板试行检定规程V.R.of Spherometer Special-Gauge JJG466-1993 气动指针式测量仪检定规程V.R.of Pointer Pneumatic Measuring Instruments JJG467-1986 孔径测量仪试行检定规程V.R.of Precision Bore Diameter Measuring Instrument JJG471-2003 轴承内外径检查仪检定规程V.R.of Bearing Inside and Outside Diameter Testers JJG472-2007 多齿分度台检定规程V.R.of Precies Angle Dividing Table JJG473-1995 套管尺检定规程V.R.of Casing Coupling Meter JJG474-1986 木才万能试验机检定规程V.R.of Universal Testing Machine for Wood JJG475-1986 JJG475-2005 电子式万能材料试验机检定规程V.R.of Electronic Universal Testing Machine JJG475-2008 电子式万能材料试验机检定规程V.R.of Electronic Universal Testing Machine JJG476-2001 抗折试验机检定规程V.R.of Flexure Testing Mahine JJG478-1996 α、β和γ表面污染仪检定规程V.R.of Alpha Beta and Gamma Surface Contamination Instruments JJG480-2007 X射线测厚仪检定规程V.R.of X-Ray Thickness Gauge[更新] JJG482-2005 实验室标准传声器(自由场互易法)检定规程V.R.of Laboratory Standard Microphones(Free-Field Reciprocity Method) JJG483-1987 杂音计检定规程V.R.of Psophometer JJG484-1987 直流测温电桥检定规程V.R.of the DC Bridges for Measuring Temperature JJG484-2007 直流测温电桥检定规程V.R.of the DC Bridges for Measuring Temperature JJG485-1987 万能比例臂电桥检定规程V.R.of the Universal Radio Bridges JJG486-1987 微调电阻箱试行检定规程V.R.of Microadjustment Resistance Box JJG487-1987 三次平衡双电桥检定规程V.R.of three Steps Balance Double Bridge JJG488-1998 校表仪检定规程V.R.of Watch Tester JJG488-2008 校表仪检定规程V.R.of Watch Tester JJG490-2002 脉冲信号发生器检定规程V.R.of Pules Generators JJG491-1987 1GHz取样示波器检定规程V.R.of 1 GHz Sample Oscilloscope JJG492-1987 铯束原子频率标准检定规程V.R.of Cesium Beam Frequency Standard JJG493-1987 软磁材料音频磁特性标准样品(交流磁化曲线及幅值磁导率)检定规程V.R.of Audio Magnetic Properties of Standard Specimen of Soft Magnetic Materials (A-C Magnetization Curve and Amplitude Permeability) JJG494-2005 高压静电电压检定规程V.R.of High voltage Electrostratic voltmeter JJG495-2006 直流磁电系检流计检定规程V.R.of DC Magnetoelectric Galvanometers JJG496-1996 工频高压分压器检定规程V.R.of High Voltage Divider at Power Frequency JJG497-2000 碰撞试验台检定规程V.R.of Bump Testing Machines JJG499-2004 精密露点仪试行检定规程V.R.of Precision Dew-Point Hygrometer JJG500-2005 电解法湿度仪检定规程V.R.of Electrolytic Hygrometers JJG501-2000 频谱分析仪检定规程V.R.of Spectrum Analyzers JJG502-2004 合成信号发生器检定规程V.R.of Synthesized Signal Generators JJG503-1987 PB-2型十进频率仪检定规程V.R.of Model PB-2 Decimal Frequency Meter JJG504-1987 CLX-2型和CLX-20A/20B型大接头平板型同轴测量线检定规程V.R.of Model CLX-2/CLX-20A/20B Parallel-plate Coaxial Slotted Line with Big Sixe Connector JJG505-2004 直流比较仪式电位差计D.C.Comparator Potentiometers JJG506-1987 直流比较仪式电桥检定规程V.R.of DC Comparator Bridge JJG508-2004 四探针电阻率测试仪检定规程V.R.of Resistivity Measuring Instruments with Four-Prope Array Method JJG511-1987 微弱光照度计检定规程V.R.of Low Light level illuminance Meter JJG512-2002 白度计检定规程V.R.of the Whiteness Meters JJG513-1987 直读式验电器型个人剂量计试行检定规程V.R.of Direct-reading Electroscope type Personal Dometer JJG515-1987 轻便磁感风向风速表试行检定规程V.R.of Portable Induction Anemometer JJG516-1987 BJ2920(HQ2)型数字式晶体三极管综合(直流)参数测试仪检定规程V.R.of Model BJ2920(HQ2)Digtal DC Characterization Tester for Bipolor Transister JJG517-1998* 出租汽车计价器检定规程V.R.of Taxi Meter JJG518-1998 皮托管检定规程V.R.of Pitot Tubes JJG520-2005 粉尘采样器检定规程V.R.of Dust Samplers JJG521-2006 环境监测用X、γ辐射空气吸收剂量率仪检定规程V.R.of X and Gamma Radiation Air KERMA Ratemeters for Environental Monitoring JJG523-1988 200型万能比较仪检定规程V.R.of Universal Comparator 200 JJG524-1988 雨量器和雨量量筒检定规程V.R.of Raingauge and Measuring Cylinder JJG525-2002 斜块式测微仪检定器检定规程V.R.of Wedge-feet calibrator for Micrometers JJG527-1988 定角式雷达测速仪试行检定规程V.R.of Angled Nozzle Radar Measuring Speedometer JJG527-2007 机动车超速自动监测系统检定规程Automatic Monitor System for Vehicles Speeding JJG528-2004 机动车雷达测速仪检定规程V.R.of Vehicles Radar Measuring Speedometers JJG530-1988 低频移相器试行检定规程V.R.of Low Frequency Phar Shifter JJG531-2003 直流电阻分压箱检定规程V.R.of the DC Resistive Volt Ratio Box JJG532-1988 三厘米波导热标准负载检定规程V.R.of Waveguide Standard Load at X-band JJG533-2007 标准模拟应变量校准器检定规程V.R.of Standard Calibrator of Strain Analogue Quantity JJG533-1988 标准模拟应变量校准器检定规程V.R.of Standard Calibrator of Strain Analogue Quantity[过期] JJG534-1988 “1107-1~1107-5”系列波导射频功率传递标准检定规程V.R.of Model"1107-1~1107-5"Series Waveguide RF Power Transfer Standard JJG535-2004 氧化锆氧分析器检定规程V.R.of Zirconia Oxygen Analyzers JJG536-1998 旋光仪及旋光糖量计检定规程V.R.of Polarimeter and Saccharimeter JJG537-2006 荧光分光光度计检定规程V.R.of Flurescence Spectro photometer JJG539-1997 数字指示秤检定规程V.R.of Digital Indicating Weighing Instrument JJG540-1988 工作用液体压力计试行检定规程V.R.of Liquid Manometer for Working JJG541-2005 落体式冲击试验台检定规程V.R.of Falling Body Type Shock Testing Machines JJG542-1997 金-铂热电偶检定规程V.R.of Gold-Platinum Thermocouple JJG543-1996 心脑电图机检定规程V.R.of Electrocardiograph and Eletroencephalograph JJG543-2008 心脑电图机检定规程V.R.of Electrocardiograph and Eletroencephalograph JJG544-1997 压力控制器检定规程V.R.of Pressure Controller JJG545-2006 频标比对器检定规V.R.of Frequency Comparator JJG546-1988 直流比较电桥检定规程V.R.of DC Comparison Bridgeg JJG547-1988 尘埃粒子计数器试行检定规程V.R.of Dust Particles Counter[过期] JJG548-2004 测汞仪检定规程V.R.of Mercury Analyzers JJG549-1988 JJG549-2005 方波极谱仪试行检定规程V.R.of Square Wave Polarograph JJG550-1988 JJG550-2005 扫描电子显微镜试行检定规程V.R.of Scanning Electron Microscope JJG551-2003 二氧化硫气体检测仪检定规程V.R.of Sulfur Dioxide Cas Detectors JJG552-1988 血细胞计数板试行检定规程V.R.of Chambers for Counting Blood Cells JJG553-1988 血液气体酸碱分析仪检定规程V.R.of Blood Gas Acid-Ba Ana-lyr JJG555-1996 非自动秤通用检定规程General Verification Regulation for Nonautomatic Weighing Instrument JJG556-1988 JJG556-2005 轴向加荷疲劳试验机检定规程V.R.of Axial Load Fatigue Testing Machines JJG557-1988 标准扭力计检定规程V.R.of Standard Torstonmeter JJG558-2006 饮用量器试行检定规程V.R.of Measure for Drinking JJG559-1988 车速里程表试行检定规程V.R.of Speed and Mileage Metre for Cars JJG561-1988 RJ-3型近区电场测量仪试行检定规程V.R.of Model RJ-3 Near-Zone Electric-Field Measuring Instruments JJG562-1988 DCHY-801型近区电场测量仪试行检定规程V.R.of Model DCHY-801 Near-Zone Electric-Field Measuring Instruments JJG563-2004 高压电容电桥检定规程V.R.of High Voltage Capacitance Bridges JJG564-2002 重力式自动装料衡器(定量自动衡器)检定规程V.R.of Automatic Gravimetric Filling Instruments JJG566-1996 电机线圈游标卡尺检定规程V.R.of Vermier Caliper for Coil of Generator JJG567-1989 检衡车检定规程V.R.for Test Weight Cars of Railway Track Scale JJG569-1988 最大需量电能表(电度表)试行检定规程V.R.of Alternating-Current Watt-Hour Meters with Maximum Demand Indicator JJG570-2006 电容式测微仪试行检定规程V.R.of Capacitance Comparator JJG571-2004 读数、测量显微镜检定规程V.R.of Reading Microscope and Measuring Microscope JJG572-1988 带电动PID调节电子自动平衡记录仪检定规程V.R.of the Electronic-Automatic Balanced Recorder with PID -Action JJG573-2003 膜盒压力表检定规程V.R.of capsule Pressure Gauges JJG574-2004 压陷式眼压计检定规程V.R.of Impression Tonometers JJG575-1994* 锗γ谱仪体源活度测量装置检定规程V.R.of Ge-γ-ray Spectometer for Activity Measurement Device of Voluminous Source JJG576-1988 工作用钨铼热电偶检定规程V.R.of Working Tungsten-Rhenium Thermocouple JJG577-2005 膜式燃气表检定规程V.R.of Diaphragm Gas Meters JJG579-1998 验光镜片箱检定规程V.R.of Trial Ca Lens JJG580-2005 焦度计检定规程V.R.of Focimeters JJG581-1999 医用激光源检定规程V.R.of Lar for Medicine JJG583-1988 JJG583-2005 杯突试验机检定规程V.R.of Cupping Testing Machine JJG584-1989 售粮专用秤试行检定规程V.R.of Cales for Selling Grain JJG585-1989 高压水表检定规程V.R.of Water Meters at High Pressure JJG586-2006 皂膜气体流量标准装置试行检定规程V.R.of Soap Film Flow meter JJG587-1997 浮子式验潮仪检定规程V.R.of Float-type Gauge JJG588-1996 冲击峰值电压表检定规程V.R.of Impul Peak Voltmeter JJG589-2001 外照射治疗辐射源检定规程V.R.of Radiation Source Ud in the External Beam Radiotherapy JJG589-2008 医用电子加速器辐射源检定规程 JJG591-1989 γ射线辐射源(辐射加工用)检定规程V.R.of γ-Ray Radiation Source(for Radiation processing) JJG593-2006 个人监测用X、γ辐射热释光剂量测量装置检定规程[更新]V.R.of Thermoluminescence Dosimetry Systems Ud in Personal and Environmental Monitoring for X and Gamma Radiation JJG594-1989 袖珍式橡胶国际硬度计检定规程V.R.of Pocket Hardness Meter of International Rubber Hardness Degree JJG595-2002 测色色差计检定规程V.R.of Colorimeters and Colour Difference Meters JJG596-1999 电子式电能表检定规程V.R.of Electrical Energy Meters with Electronice JJG597-2005 交流电能表检定装置检定规程V.R.of Verification Equipment for AC Electrical Energy Meters JJG598-1989 直流数字电流表试行检定规程V.R.of DC Digital Ampermeter JJG599-1989 低失真信号发生器检定规程V.R.of Low Distortion Oscillator JJG600-1989 存贮示波器检定规程V.R.of Storage Oscilloscope JJG601-2003 时间检定仪检定规程V.R.of Time Interval Generators JJG602-1996 低频信号发生器V.R.of Low Frequency Signal Generator JJG603-2006 频率表检定规程V.R.of Frequency Meters JJG607-2003 声频信号发生器检定规程V.R.of Audio-Frequency Signal Genetators JJG608-1989 JJG608-2005 悬臂梁式冲击试验机检定规程V.R.of Cantilever-Beam(Izod-Type)Impact Testing Machine JJG610-1989 JJG610-2005 巴克尔硬度计检定规程V.R.of Barcal Impressor JJG611-1989 RR3A型干扰场强测量仪检定规程V.R.of Model RR3A Interference and Field Strength Measuring Instrument JJG612-1989 虹吸式雨量计检定规程V.R.of Siphon Rainfau Recorder JJG613-1989 电接风向风速仪检定规程V.R.of Contact Anemorumbometer JJG614-2004 二等标准水银气压表检定规程V.R.of Secondary Standard Mercury Barometer JJG615-2006 售油器检定规程V.R.of Retail Appliance for Vegtable Oil JJG617-1996 数字温度指示调节仪检定规程V.R.of Digital Temperature Indicators and Contrallers JJG618-1999 高精密玻璃水银温度计检定规程V.R.of High Precision Mercury-in-Glass Thermometer JJG619-2005 p.V.T.t法气体流量标准装置检定规程V.R.of Gas Flow Calibration Facility to p.V.T.t JJG620-1994 临界流流量计检定规程V.R.of Critical Flowmeter JJG620-2008 临界流文丘里喷嘴检定规程V.R.of Critical Flow Venturi Nozzle JJG621-2005 液压千斤顶检定规程V.R.of Hydralic Jack JJG622-1997* 绝缘电阻表(兆欧表)检定规程V.R.of Megohm-meter JJG623-2005 电阻应变仪检定规程V.R.of resistance Strain Gauge Indicators JJG624-2005 压力传感器动态校准检定规程V.R.of Dynamic Transducers JJG625-2001 阿贝折射仪检定规程V.R.of Abbe Refractometer JJG626-2003 球轴承轴向游隙测量仪检定规程V.R.of Measuring Instrument for Axial Clearance of Ball Bearing JJG628-1989 SLC9型直读式海流计检定规程V.R.of Direct Reading Current Meter Model SLC9 JJG629-1989 多晶X射线衍射仪检定规程V.R.of Polycrystalline X-Ray Diffractometer JJG630-2007 火焰光度计检定规程V.R.of Flame Photometer JJG631-2004 氨自动监测仪检定规程V.R.of Ammonia Analyzers JJG632-1989 JJG632-2005 动态力传感器检定规程V.R.of Dynamic Force Sensors JJG633-2005 气体容积式流量计检定规程V.R.of Gas Displacement Meters JJG635-1999 一氧化碳、二氧化碳红外线气体分析器检定规程V.R.of Monooxide and Carbon Diaxide Infrared Gas Analyzer JJG637-2006 高频标准振动台试行检定规程V.R.of High Frequency Standard Vibrator JJG638-1990 液压式振动试验台检定规程V.R.of Hydraulic Vibraton Generater System JJG639-1998 JJG639-2005 医用超声诊断仪超声源检定规程V.R.of Ultrasonic Source for Medical Ultrasonic Diagnostic Equipment JJG640-1994 差压式流量计检定规程V.R.of Differential Pressure Type Flowmeter JJG641-2006 液化石油气汽车槽车容量试行检定规程V.R.of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tand Car Capacity JJG642-1990 球形金属罐容量试行检定规程V.R.of Spherical Metal Tank Capacity JJG642-2007 球形金属罐容量试行检定规程V.R.of Spherical Metal Tank Capacity JJG643-2003 标准表法流量标准装置检定规程V.R.of Flow Standard Facilities by Master Meter Method JJG644-2003 振动位移传感器检定规程V.R.of Vibration Displacement Transducers JJG645-1990 三型钢轨探伤仪检定规程V.R.of III-mode Ultrasonic Flaw Detector for Rail JJG646-2006 移液器检定规程V.R.of Locomotive Pipette JJG647-1990 罐和桶试行检定规程V.R.of Tanks and Barrels JJG648-1996 非连续累计自动衡器检定规程V.R.of Discontinuous Totalising Automatic Weighing Instrument JJG649-1990 数字称重显示器试行检定规程V.R.of Digital Weighing Indicator JJG652-1990 JJG652-2005 旋转纯弯曲疲劳试验机检定规程V.R.of Rotating Pure Bending Fatigue Testing Machines JJG653-2003 测功装置检定规程V.R.of Equipment of Power Measuring JJG654-1990 JJG654-2005 超声硬度计检定规程V.R.of Ultrasonic Hardness Testers JJG655-1990 JJG655-2005 噪声剂量计检定规程V.R.of Noi Dosimeters JJG656-1990 JJG656-2005 硝酸根自动监测仪检定规程V.R.of Nitrate Automatic Monitor JJG657-2006 呼出气体酒精含量探测器检定规程V.R.of Detector for Alcoholic Quantity from Breathing-out Gas JJG658-1990 JJG658-2005 烘干法谷物水分测定仪检定规程V.R.of Instruments for Measuring the Moisture Content of Grain with Baking Method JJG660-2006 图形面积量算仪检定规程V.R.of Patten Area Measuring Instruments JJG661-2004 平面等倾干涉仪检定规程V.R.of Flatness Interferometer with Isoclinic Circle fringe JJG662-2005 顺磁式氧分析器检定规程V.R.of Paramagnetic Oxygen Analyzers JJG663-1990 热导式氢分析器检定规程V.R.of Thermal Conductivity Hydrogen Analyzer JJG665-2004 毫瓦级超声功率计检定规程V.R.of Ultrasonic Power Meter for Milliwatt Level JJG666-1990 定负荷橡胶国际硬度计检定规程V.R.of Dead-Load Hardness Testing Machine in International Rubber Hardness Degree JJG667-1997 液体容积式流量计检定规程V.R.of Liquid Positive Displacement Flow Meter JJG668-1997 工作用铂铑10-铂/铂铑13-铂短型热电偶检定规程V.R.of the Working Platnum-10% Rhodium Platinum and Platinum-13% Rhodium Thermocouple with Short Length JJG669-2003 称重传感器检定规程V.R.of Load Cell JJG670-1990 柔性周径尺检定规程V.R.of Tape for Measuring Circumference and Diameter of Flexible Part JJG671-1990 丝杆动态测量仪检定规程V.R.of Instrument for Dynamical Measurement of Lead Scrwe JJG672-2001 氧弹热量计检定规程V.R.of the Bomb Caalorimeter JJG674-1990 JJG674-2005 标准海水检定规程V.R.of Standard Sea Water JJG676-2000 工作测振仪检定规程V.R.of Working Measuring Vibration Instruments JJG677-2006 光干涉式甲烷测定器检定规程V.R.of Interference Type Methane Measuring Device JJG678-1996 催化燃烧式甲烷测定器检定规程V.R.of Catelysis Combustion Type Methane Measuring Device JJG678-2007 催化燃烧式甲烷测定器检定规程V.R.of Catelysis Combustion Type Methane Measuring Device JJG680-1990 烟尘测试仪检定规程V.R.of Measuring Apparatus for Dust Content in Stack JJG680-2007 烟尘测试仪检定规程V.R.of Measuring Apparatus for Dust Content in Stack JJG681-1990 JJG681-2005 色散型红外分光光度计检定规程V.R.of Dispersive Infrared Spectrophotometers JJG682-1990 双光束紫外可见分光光度计检定规程V.R.of Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometers JJG683-1990 气压高度表检定规程V.R.of Barometric Altimeter JJG684-2003 表面铂热电阻检定规程V.R.of Surface platinum Resistance Thermometer JJG686-2006 热水表检定规程V.R.of Hot Water Meter JJG687-1990 液态物料定量罐装机检定规程V.R.of Quantitative Filling Machine for Liquid State Material JJG687-2008 液态物料定量灌装机检定规程V.R.of Quantitative Filling Machine for Liquid State Material JJG688-1990 机动车排放气体测试仪检定规程V.R.of Vehicle Exhaust Emission Measuring Instruments JJG688-2007 汽车排放气体测试仪检定规程Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Measuring Instruments JJG689-1990 紫外、可见、近红外分光光度计检定规程V.R.of UV-VIS-NIR Spectropho-tometer JJG690-2003 高绝缘电阻测量仪(高阻计)检定规程V.R.of High Insulation Resistance Meters JJG691-1990 分度记度(多费率)电能表检定规程V.R.of Multilate Alternating-Current Watt-Hour Meters JJG692-1999 数字式电子血压计(静态)检定规程V.R.of the Digital Electronic Sphygmomanometer(static) JJG693-2004 可燃气体检测报警器检定规程V.R.of the Alarmer Detectors of Combustible Gas JJG694-1990 JJG694-2005 原子吸收分光光度计检定规程V.R.of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer JJG695-2003 硫化氢气体检测仪检定规程V.R.of Sulfur Hydrogen Gas detectors JJG696-2002 镜向光泽度计和光泽度板检定规程V.R.of Specular Gloss Meters and Gloss Plates JJG700-1999 气相色谱仪检定规程V.R.of Gas Chromatograph JJG701-1990 毛细管法熔点测定仪V.R.of Melting-Potnt-Measuring Instruments with Capillary Method JJG701-2008 熔点测定仪检定规程V.R.of Melting -Point Measuremnt Instruments JJG702-2005 船舶液货计量舱容量检定规程V.R.of Ship's Liquid Cargo Tand Capacity JJG703-2003 光电测距仪检定规程V.R.of Electro-optical Distance Meters JJG704-2005 焊接检验尺检定规程V.R.of Callipers for Welding Inspection JJG705-2002 液相色谱检定规程V.R.of Liqid Chromatographs JJG707-2003 扭矩扳子检定规程V.R.of Torque Wrenches JJG708-1990 度盘轨道衡试行检定规程V.R.of a Dial Railway Track Scale JJG709-1990 非机动牵引动态称量轨道衡检定规程V.R.of a Motion Weighing Railway Track Scale Non Locomotive Traction JJG711-1990 明渠堰槽流量计试行检定规程V.R.of Weirs and Flumes for Flow Measurement JJG714-1990 JJG714-2005 血细胞分析仪检定规程V.R.of Blood Cell Analyzer JJG715-1991 水质综合分析仪检定规程V.R.of Water Quality Synthetical Analy Instrument JJG717-1991 标准辐射感温器检定规程V.R.of the Standard Total Radiation Pyrometer JJG718-1991 温度巡回检测仪检定规程V.R.of Mobile Detecting Meter of Temperature JJG719-1991 直流电动势工作基准检定规程V.R.of Working Standard of Direct-Current Electromotive Force JJG720-1991 宽频带频率稳定度时域测量装置检定规程V.R.of Wide Band Frequency Stability Measurement Set in Time Domain JJG721-1991 500MHz鉴相式相位噪音测量装置检定规程V.R.of 500MHz Pha Noi Measurement Set(Pha Detector Method) JJG722-1991 标准数字时钟检定规程V.R.of Standard Digital Clock JJG723-1991 时间间隔发生器检定规程V.R.of Time Interval Generator JJG723-2008 时间间隔发生器检定规程V.R.of Time Interval Generator JJG724-1991 直流数字式欧姆表检定规程V.R.of DC Digital Ohmmeter JJG725-1991 晶体管直流和低频参数测试仪检定规程V.R.of DC and LF Characterization Tester for Transister JJG726-1991 标准电感器检定规程V.R.of Standard Inductors JJG728-1991 一等标准膨胀法真空装置检定规程V.R.of Expansion Vacuum Apparatus(Grade I) JJG729-1991 二等标准动态相对法真空装置检定规程V.R.of Dynamic Relative Vacuum Apparatus(Grade II) JJG733-1991 总光通量工作基准灯检定规程V.R.of Working Standard Lamps for Total Luminous Flux JJG734-2001 力标准机检定规程V.R.of Force Standard Machines JJG735-1991 γ射线水吸收剂量标准剂量计(辐射加工级)检定规程V.R.of the Standard Dosimeter of Water Absorbed Do for γ - Rays(radiation Processing Level) JJG736-1991 气体层流流量传感器检定规程V.R.of Gas Laminar Flow Transducer JJG737-1997 0Hz~30MHz可变衰减器检定规程V.R.of 0Hz~30MHz Variable Attenuator JJG738-2005 出租汽车计价器标准装置检定规程V.R.of Standard Equipment for Taximeter JJG739-2005 激光干涉仪检定规程V.R.of Lar Interferometers JJG740-2005 研磨面平尺检定规程V.R.of Milling Straight Edges JJG741-2005 标准钢卷尺检定规程V.R.of Standard Steel Tapes JJG742-1991 JJG742-2005 恩氏粘度计检定规程V.R.of Engler Viscosimeter JJG743-1991 JJG743-2005 流出杯式粘度计检定规程V.R.of Flow Cups Viscosimeter JJG744-2004 医用诊断X射线辐射源检定规程V.R.of Medical Diagnostic X-ray Radiation Source JJG745-2002 机动车前照灯检测仪检定规程V.R.of Headlamp Testers for Motor Vehicle JJG746-2004 超声探伤检定规程V.R.of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector JJG747-1999 里氏硬度计检定规程V.R.of Leeb Hardness Tester JJG748-2007 示波极谱移检定规程V.R.of Oscilloscopic Polarograph JJG749-2007 心脑电图机检定仪检定规程V.R.of Calibration Device for Electrocaldiograph and Electroenceph-alograph JJG750-1991 装入机动车辆后的车速里程表试行检定规程V.R.of Speedrand Milage Meter for Non-disintegrated Cars JJG751-1991 4πγ电离室活度标准装置检定规程V.R.of Activity Standard Device for4πγ Ionization Chamber JJG752-1991 锗γ谱仪活度标准装置检定规程V.R.of Activity Standard Device for Ge-γ-Ray Spectrometer JJG754-2005 光学传递函数测量装置检定规程V.R.of Measuring Equipment for Optical Transfer Function JJG755-1991 紫外辐射照度工作基准装置检定规程V.R.of Working Standard Equipment for UV irradiance JJG756-1991 光稧密度工作基准装置检定规程V.R.of Working Standard Equipment for Optical Wedge Density JJG757-2007 离子计检定规程V.R.for Ionometer JJG758-1991 罗维朋比色计检定规程V.R.of Lovibond Comparable Colorimeter JJG759-1997 静压法油罐计量装置检定规程V.R.of Hydrostatic Tand Gauging JJG760-2003 心电监护仪检定规程V.R.of Electro Cardiac Monitors JJG761-1991 JJG761-2005 电极式盐度计检定规程V.R.of Electrode Type Salinometer JJG762-2007 引伸计检定规程V.R.of Extensometers JJG763-2002 温盐深测量仪检定规程V.R.of CTD Measuring Instruments JJG764-1992 立式激光测长仪检定规程V.R.of Vertical Lar Metroscope JJG765-1992 平面标准器检定规程V.R.of Flatness Standard JJG766-1992 角位移传动链误差检查仪检定规程V.R.of Angular Displacement Transmission Chain Error Tester JJG767-1992 0.05~1mm薄量块检定规程V.R.of Thin Gauge Block For Length form 0.05 up to 1mm JJG768-2005 发射光谱仪检定规程V.R.of Emission Spectrometer JJG769-1992 扭矩标准机检定规程V.R.of Torque Standard Machine JJG 770-1992 柯氏干涉仪检定规程Koster Interference Comparator JJG771-1992 手握式雷达测速仪检定装置试行检定规程V.R.of Hand held Radar Measuring Speed Meter JJG772-1992 电子束辐射源(辐射加工用)检定规程V.R.of Electron Beam Radiation Source(for Radiation Processing) JJG773-1992 近距离γ射线后装治疗辐射源检定规程V.R.of After Loading γ-Radiation Source for Brachytherapy JJG775-1992 γ射线辐射加工工作剂量计检定规程V.R.of Working Dosimeter for γ-Ray Radiation Processing JJG776-1992 微波辐射与泄漏测量仪检定规程V.R.of Microwave Radiation and Leakage Energy Measuring Instrument JJG777-1992 选频电平表检定规程V.R.of Selective Level Meter JJG778-2005 噪声统计分析仪检定规程V.R.of Noi Level Statistical Analyzers JJG779-2004 车速里程表标准装置检定规程V.R.of Speed and Milege Meter for Standard Eqipment JJG780-1992 交流数字功率表检定规程V.R.for AC Digital Powermeter JJG781-2002 数字指示轨道衡检定规程V.R.of Digital Indicating Rail-weighbridges JJG782-1992 低频电子电压表V.R.of LF Electronic Voltmeter JJG784-1992 深沟球轴承跳动测量仪检定规程V.R.of Radial Ball Bearing Sway Tester JJG785-1992 深沟球轴承套圈滚道直径、位置测量仪检定规程V.R.of Instrument for Measuring Place and Parallel of Radial Ball Bering Outes Race JJG785-2009 深沟球轴承套圈滚道直径、位置测量仪检定规程V.R.of Instrument for Measuring Place and Parallel of Radial Ball Bering Outes Race JJG786-1992 组合式形状测量仪检定规程V.R.of Combined Appearance Measuring Instrument JJG788-1992 α、β标准平面源检定规程V.R.of the α、β Standard Plane Source JJG790-2005 实验室标准传声器(耦合腔互易法)检定规程V.R.of Laboratory Standard Microphones(Coupler Reciprocity Method) JJG791-2006 冲击力法冲击加速度标准装置检定规程(更新)V.R.of Calibration Set of Shock Acceleration by Impact Force JJG793-1992 标准漏孔检定规程V.R.of Standard Leak JJG794-1992 风量标准装置检定规程V.R.of Standard Facility for Air Delivery JJG795-2004 耐电压测试仪检定规程V.R.of Withstanding Voltage Testers JJG796-1992 高频驻波比电桥检定规程V.R.of RF SWR Bridge JJG797-1992 扭矩板子检定仪检定规程V.R.of Calibrating Instrument for Torque Wrenchs JJG798-1992 标准仿真乳突检定规程V.R.of Standard Artificial Mastoids JJG800-1993 JJG800-2005 电位溶出分析仪检定规程V.R.of Potential Stripping Analyzer JJG801-2004 化学发光法氮氧化物分析仪检定规程V.R.of Chemiluminescent NO/Nox Analyzer JJG802-1993 失真度仪检定装置检定规程V.R.of Distortion Meter Calibrator JJG803-1993 时间合成器检定规程V.R.of Time Synthesizer JJG805-1993 JJG805-2005 滑轮式预加张力检具检定规程V.R.of Prdteusioned Examining Tool with Pulley JJG806-1993 医用超声治疗机超声源检定规程V.R.of the Ultrasonic Source of Ultrasonic Therapeutic Equipment for Medical U JJG807-1993 利用放射源的测量仪表检定规程V.R.of Measuring Instruments Utilizing Radioactive Sources JJG808-1993 JJG808-2005 标准测力杠杆检定规程V.R.of Standard Lever for Measuring Force JJG809-1993 数字式石英晶体测温仪检定规程V.R.of Digital Temperature Indicators with Quartz Crystal Sensors JJG810-1993 波长色散X射线荧光光谱仪检定规程V.R.for Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers JJG811-1993 核子皮带秤检定规程V.R.of Nuclear Conveyor Belt Scales JJG812-1993 干涉虑光片检定规程V.R.of Interference Filter JJG813-1993 光纤光功率计检定规程V.R.of Optical Fiber Power Meter JJG814-1993 JJG814-2005 自动电位滴定仪检定规程V.R.of Automatic Potentiometric Titrator JJG815-1993 电子采血秤检定规程V.R.of Taking Blood Electronic Scale JJG817-1993 混凝土回弹仪检定规程V.R.of the Concrete Test Hammer JJG818-2005 磁性、电涡流式覆层厚度测量仪检定规程V.R.of Magnetic and Eddy Current Measuring Instrument for Coating Thickness JJG819-1993 轴承套圈厚度变动量检查仪检定规程V.R.of Instrument for Measuring Thickness Variation of Bearing Ring JJG820-1993 JJG820-2005 手持糖量(含量)计及手持折射仪检定规程V.R.of Hand Saccharimeter(Content-meter)and Hand Refractometer JJG821-2005 总有机碳分析仪检定规程V.R.of Total Organic Carbon Analyzer JJG822-1993 钠离子计检定规程V.R.for Sodium Ionometer JJG823-1993 JJG823-2005 离子色谱仪检定规程V.R.for Ion Chromatograph JJG824-1993 生物化学需氧量(BOD3)测定仪检定规程V.R.of Biochemical Oxygen demand after 5 days (BOD5) Analyzer JJG825-1993 测氡仪检定规程V.R.of Radon Meter JJG826-1993 JJG826-2005 二级标准分流式温度发生器检定规程V.R.for Secondary Standard Divided Flow Humidity Generator JJG827-1993 分辨力板检定规程V.R.of Resolution Target 带鼠字的成语JJG828-1993 激光千分尺平行度检查仪检定规程V.R.of Lar Measuring Instrument for Parallelism of Micrometer JJG829-1993 电动温度变送器检定规程V.R.of Temperature Electrical Transmitter JJG830-2007 深度百分表试行检定规程V.R.of Depth Gauge Reading in 0.01mm JJG831-1993 JJG831-2005 铸造用湿型表面硬度计试行检定规程V.R.of Green sand Mould Surface Hardness Tester for Castings JJG832-1993 标准玻璃网格板检定规程V.R.of Standard Grid Plate JJG833-2007 标准铂铑10-铂热电偶检定规程 JJG834-2006 动态信号分析仪检定规程V.R.of Dynamic Signal Analyzer JJG835-1993 速度-面积法流量装置检定规程V.R.of Flowrate Facilities by Velocity-Area Method JJG836-1993 感应同步器检定规程V.R.of Linear Displacement Inductor JJG837-2003 直流低电阻表检定规程V.R.of DC Low Resistance Meters JJG838-1993 晶体管特性图示仪校准仪检定规程V.R.of Calibrator for Transister Specificity Oscilloscope JJG839-1993 噪声系数测试仪(指针式)检定规程V.R.of Noi Figure Meter JJG840-1993 函数信号发生器检定规程V.R.of Function Generator JJG841-1993 微波频率计数器检定规程V.R.of Microwave Frequency Couters JJG842-1993 直流电能表检定规程V.R.of DC Kilowatt-hour Meter JJG843-2007 泄漏电流测量仪(表)检定规程V.R.of Leakage Current Instrument and Meter JJG844-1993 JJG844-2005 回潮率测定仪检定规程V.R.of Regain Testing Machine JJG845-1993 原棉水份测定仪检定规程V.R.of raw Cotton Moisture Tester JJG846-1993 光散射式数字粉尘测定仪检定规程V.R.of Digital Dust Measuring Meter of Light Scattering Method JJG847-1993 虑纸式烟度计检定规程V.R.of Filter-Type Smokemeters JJG850-2005 光学角规检定规程V.R.of Optical Angle Gauge JJG851-1993 电子束辐射加工工作剂量计检定规程V.R.of Working Dosimeters for Electron Beam Radiation Processing JJG852-2006 中子周围剂量当量(率)仪检定规程V.R.of? Neutron Ambient Do Equivalent(Rate)Meters JJG853-1993 低本底α、β测量仪检定规程V.R.of Low Background Alpha and/or Beta Measuring Instrument JJG854-1993 低加速度长持续时间激光-多普勒冲击校准装置检定规程V.R.of Shock Calibration System of Low Acceleration and Long Duration by Using Lar-Doppler Effect JJG855-1994 数字式量热温度计检定规程V.R.of Digital Calorimetric Thermometer JJG856-1994 500℃以下工作用辐射温度计检定规程V.R.of the Working Radiation Thermometers Below 500℃ JJG857-1994 锗电阻温度计检定规程V.R.of the Germanium Reststance Thermometers JJG858-1994 标准铑铁电阻温度计检定规程V.R.of the Standard Rhodium-Iron Resistance Thermometers JJG860-1994 压力传感器(静态)检定规程V.R.of the Pressure Transducer(Static) JJG861-1994 酶标分析仪检定规程V.R.of ELISA Analytical Instruments JJG861-2007 酶标分析仪检定规程V.R.of ELISA Analytical Instruments JJG862-1994 全差示分光光度计检定规程V.R.of the Differential Spectrophotometer JJG863-2005 V棱镜折射仪检定规程V.R.of V-Prism Refractormeter JJG864-1994 旋光标准石英管检定规程V.R.of Quartz Control Plate JJG866-1994 顶焦度标准镜片检定规程V.R.of Standard Lens of Vertex Power JJG866-2008 顶焦度标准镜片检定规程V.R.of Standard Lens of Vertex Power JJG867-1994 光谱测色仪检定规程V.R.of Spectrocolorimeter JJG868-1994 JJG868-2005 毫瓦级标准超声源检定规程V.R.of Standard Ultrasonic Sources for Milliwatt Level JJG869-2002 电话电声测试仪检定规程V.R.of Electro-acoustical Measuring Instrument for Telephone Sets JJG870-1994 JJG870-2005 携带式布氏硬度计检定规程V.R.of Potable Brinell Hardness Tester JJG871-1994 JJG871-2005 远红外生丝水分检测机检定规程V.R.of Far Infrared Conditioned Instrument for Inspecting Moisture of Raw Silk JJG872-1994 磁通标准测量线圈检定规程V.R.of Standard Measuring Coils of Magnetic Flux 蜗居爱情JJG873-1994 直流高阻电桥检定规程V.R.of DC High Resistance Bridge JJG874-2007? 温度指示控制仪检定规程V.R.of Temperature Indication Controller JJG875-2005* 数字压力计检定规程V.R.of Digital Pressure Gauges JJG876-1994 船舶气象仪检定规程V.R.of Ship Meteorological Instrument JJG877-1994 JJG877-2005 蒸气压渗透仪检定规程V.R.of Vapour Pressure Osmometer JJG878-1994 JJG878-2005 熔体流动速率仪检定规程V.R.of Extrusion Plastometer JJG879-2002 紫外辐射照度计检定规程V.R.of Ultraviolet Irradiance Meters JJG880-2006 浊度计检定规程V.R.of Turbidimeters JJG881-1994 标准体温计检定规程V.R.of Standard Clinical Thermometer JJG882-2004 压力变送器检定规程V.R.of Pressure Transmitters JJG884-1994 JJG884-2005 塑料洛氏硬度计检定规程V.R.of Plastic Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine JJG885-1995 滚动轴承宽度测量仪检定规程V.R.of Instruments for Measuring Rolling Bearing width JJG886-1995 圆锥滚子轴承套圈滚道直径、角度测量仪检定规程V.R.of Tester for Measuring Race-way Diameter and Angle of Taperde Roller Bearing Ring JJG887-1995 圆锥滚子标准件测量仪检定规程V.R.of Standard Tapered Roller Tester JJG888-1995 圆柱螺纹量规检定规程V.R.of Cylindrical Screaw thread JJG890-1995 电容式条干均匀度仪检定规程V.R.of Textile yarn Evenness Tester-Capacitance Method JJG891-1995 JJG891-2005 电容法和电阻法谷物水份测定仪检定规程V.R.of Instruments for Measuring the Moisture Content of Grain with Capacitance and Resistance Methods JJG892-2005 验光机检定规程V.R.of Eye Refractometers JJG893-2007 超声多普勒胎心仪超声源检定规程V.R.of Ultrasonic Source for Ultrasonic Doppler Fetal Heart Beat Detector JJG894-1995 标准环规检定规程V.R.of Standard Ring Gauge JJG895-1995 光纤折射率分布和几何参数测量仪(折射近场法)检定规程V.R.of the Characterization System for the Refraction Index Profile and Geometric Parameters of Optical Fiber JJG896-1995 光纤损耗和模场直径测量仪检定规程V.R.of the Characterization Systems for the Loss and Mode Field Diameter of Optical Fiber JJG897-1995 质量流量计检定规程V.R.of Mass Flow Meters JJG898-1995 微型橡胶国际硬度计检定规程V.R.of Micro-Hardness Testing Machine in International Rubber Hardness Degree JJG899-1995 JJG899-2005 石油低含水率分析仪检定规程V.R.of Analyzer of Low Water Content in Petroleum 早产的原因JJG901-1995 JJG901-2005 电子探针分析仪检定规程V.R.of Electron Probe Microanalyzer JJG902-1995 光透沉降粒度测定仪检定规程V.R.of Patical Size Meter by Photodimention JJG903-1995 激光标准衰减检定规程V.R.of Standard Attenuators for Lar JJG905-1996 刮板细度计检定规程V.R.of Fineness of Grind Gage JJG906-1996 滚筒反向式制动检验台检定规程V.R.of Roller Opposite Forces Type Brake Tester JJG907-2006 动态公路车辆自动衡器检定规程V.R.of Automatic Instruments for Weighing Road Vehicles in Motion JJG908-1996 滑板式汽车侧滑检验台检定规程V.R.of Slipe plate Type Automobile Side Slipe Tester JJG909-1996 滚筒式车速表检验台检定规程V.R.of Roller Type Speedometer Tester JJG909-2009 滚筒式车速表检验台检定规程V.R.of Roller Type Speedometer Tester JJG910-1996 摩托车轮偏检测仪检定规程V.R.of Tester for Wheel Deflection of Motorcycles JJG911-1996 钢丝测力仪检定规程V.R.of Dynamometers for Steel Wires JJG912-1996 治疗水平电离室剂量计检定规程V.R.of Ion Chamber Dosimeters Ud in Radiotherapy JJG913-1996 浮标式氧气吸入器检定规程V.R.of Buoy Type Oxygen Inhaler JJG914-1996 六氟化硫检漏仪检定规程V.R.of the Leak Detector of Sulfur Hexafluoride JJG915-1996 一氧化碳检测报警器检定规程V.R.of Carbon Monoxide Detector JJG915-2008 一氧化碳检测报警器检定规程V.R.of Carbon Monoxide Detector JJG916-1996 气敏色普法微量氢测定仪检定规程V.R.of Gas-Sensitive Ghromatograph for Measuring Trace Hydrogen JJG917-1996 JJG917-2005 棉花测色仪检定规程V.R.of Cottong Colorimeter JJG918-1996 水泥胶沙振动台检定规程V.R.of Vibrator for Compacting Mortar Specimen JJG919-1996 pH计检定仪检定规程V.R.of Verificating Meter for pH Meter JJG919-2008 pH计检定仪检定规程V.R.of Verificating Meter for pH Meter JJG920-1996 漫透射视觉密度计检定规程V.R.of Diffu Transmission Visual Densitometer JJG921-1996 公害噪声振动计检定规程V.R.of Noi-Vibration Meter for Measuring Environmental Pollution JJG922-1996 眼光仪顶焦度标准器检定规程V.R.of the Standard Device of Vertex Power for Refractometers JJG922-2008 眼光仪顶焦度标准器检定规程V.R.of the Standard Device of Vertex Power for Refractometers JJG923-1996 啤酒色度仪检定规程V.R.of Beer(EBC) Clolrimeter JJG924-1996 转矩转速测量装置检定规程V.R.of Tacho-Torque Measuring Device JJG925-2005 净全辐射表检定规程V.R.of Net Pyrradiometers JJG926-1997 记录式压力表、压力真空表及真空表检定规程V.R.of the Record Pressure Gauge、Pressure Vacuum Gauge and Vacuum Gauge JJG927-1997 轮胎压力表检定规程V.R.of Type Pressure Gauge JJG928-1998 超声波测距仪检定规程V.R.of Utrasonic Ranger JJG929-1998 数显测高仪检定规程V.R.of Digital Display Height Measuring Instrument JJG930-1998 基桩动态测量仪检定规程V.R.of Pile Dynamic Measuring Instrument JJG931-1998 冲击试验机摆锤力矩测量仪检定规程V.R.of Instruments for Measuring Monent of Pendulum of Impact Tester JJG932-1998 压阻真空计检定规程V.R.of Piezoresistive Vacuum Gauge JJG933-1998 γ射线探伤机检定规程V.R.of Apparatus for Gamma Radiography JJG934-1998 γ射线料位计检定规程V.R.of Gamma Ray Level Meter JJG935-1998 γ射线厚度计检定规程V.R.of γ-Ray Thickness Gauge JJG936-1998 示差扫描热量计检定规程V.R.of the Differential Scanning Calorimeter JJG937-1998 色谱检定仪检定规程V.R.of Verificating Meter for Chromatograph JJG938-1998 刀具预调测量仪检定规程V.R.of the Tool Pretting Instrument JJG939-1998 非色散原子荧光光度计检定规程V.R.of Non-disper Atomic Fluoreacence Spectrometer JJG940-1998 催化燃烧型氢气检测仪检定规程V.R.of Catalysis Combustion Type Hydrogen Test Device JJG941-1998 荧光亮度检定仪检定规程V.R.of Flurescent Luminance Meter JJG942-1998 浮球式压力计检定规程V.R.of Ball Pneumatic Dead Weight Tester JJG943-1998 总悬浮颗粒物采样器检定规程V.R.of Total Suspended Particulate Sampler JJG944-1999 金属韦氏硬度计试行检定规程V.R.of Metallic Webster Hardness Testing Machine JJG945-1999 原电池法气体氧分分析器检定规程V.R.of Gas O2 Analyzer with Galvanic Cell JJG946-1999 压力验潮仪检定规程V.R.of Pressure Tide Gauge JJG947-1999 声学验潮仪检定规程V.R.of Acoustic Tide Gauge JJG948-1999 数字式电动振动试验系统检定规程V.R.of Digital Electrodymatic Vibration Testing System JJG949-2000 经纬仪检定装置检定规程V.R.of Theodolite Verification Devices JJG950-2000 水中油份浓度分析仪检定规程V.R.of Oil Content in Water Analyzers JJG951-2000 模拟式温度指示调节仪检定规程V.R.of Analogue Temperature In-dicators and Controllers JJG952-2000 瞳距仪检定规程V.R.of Pupil Distance Meters JJG953-2000 精密时间间隔测量仪检定规程V.R.of Precision Time Interval Meters JJG954-2000 数字脑电图仪及脑电地形图仪检定规程V.R.of Digital Electroencphalo-gram Mapping and Brain Electric Acting Mapping JJG955-2000 光谱分析用测微密度计检定规程V.R.of Special Analysis Microdensitimeters JJG956-2000 大气采样器检定规程V.R.of Air Sampler JJG957-2000 逻辑分析仪检定规程V.R.of Logic Analyzer JJG958-2000 光传输用稳定光源检定规程V.R.of Stabilized Lar Sources for Optical Transmit JJG959-2001 光时域反射计OTDR检定规程V.R.of Optical Time Domain Reflectometer JJG960-2001 水准仪检定装置检定规程V.R.of Level Verification System JJG961-2001 医用诊断计算机断层摄影装置(CT)X射线辐射源检定规程V.R.of Medical Diagnostical X-ray Radiation Source for Computer Tomography(CT) JJG962-2001 X、γ辐射个人报警仪检定规程V.R.of Personal Warning Devices for X and γ Radiations JJG963-2001 通信用光波长计检定规程V.R.of Optical Wavelength Counters in Telecommunication JJG964-2001 毛血管电泳仪检定规程V.R.of Capillary Electrophoresis Instrument JJG965-2001 通信用光功率计检定规程V.R.of Optical Power Meter in Telecommunication JJG966-2001 手持式激光测距仪检定规程V.R.of Hand-held Lar Distance Meter JJG967-2001 机动车前照灯检测仪校准器检定规程V.R.of Calibrators for Headlamp Tester of Motor Vehicle JJG968-2002 烟气分析仪检定规程V.R.of Flue Gas Analyzers JJG969-2002 γ放射免疫计数器检定规程V.R.of Gamma Radioimmunoassay Counters JJG970-2002 变压比电桥检定规程V.R.of Transformers Turn Ratio Test Sets JJG971-2002 液位计检定规程V.R.of Liquid Level Measuring Devices JJG972-2002 离心式恒加速度试验机检定规程V.R.of Constant Acceleration Centrifugal Test Machines JJG973-2002 冲击测量仪检定规程V.R.of Measuring Instruments for Shock JJG974-2002 水泥软练设备测量仪检定规程V.R.of Measuring Instruments for Cemnet Bright Degumming Equipment JJG975-2002 化学需氧量(COD)测定仪检定规程V.R.of Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD)Meters JJG976-2002 投射式烟度计检定规程V.R.of Opacimeters JJG977-2003 IC卡公用电话计时计费装置检定规程V.R.of Timing and Charging Device for IC Card Public Telephone JJG978-2003 石油用高精密玻璃水银温度计检定规程V.R.of High Precision Mercury-in-Glass Thermometers for Ud Petroleum JJG979-2003 条码检测仪检定规程V.R.of Bar Code Verifiers JJG980-2003 个人声暴露计检定规程V.R.of Personal Sound Exposure Meters JJG981-2003 阿贝折射仪标准块检定规程V.R.of Standard Blocks for Abbe Refractometers JJG982-2003 电流电阻箱检定规程V.R.of D.C.Resistance Box JJG983-2003 单机型和集中管理分散型电话计费器检定仪检定规程V.R.of Verifying Instrument for Single and Dispersion Controlled Centrally Telephone Accounter JJG984-2004 接地导通电阻测试仪检定规程V.R.of Earth-Continuity Testers JJG985-2004 高温铂电阻温度计工作基准装置检定规程V.R.of Reference Standard Facility of High Temperature Platinum Resistance Thermometers JJG986-2004 木材含水率测量仪检定规程V.R.of Wood Moisture Content Measuring Meters JJG987-2004 线缆计米器检定规程V.R.of Cable Length Meter JJG988-2004 立式金属罐径向偏差测量仪检定规程V.R.of Vertical Metal Tank Deviation Measuring Instrument JJG989-2004 光删式测微仪检定规程V.R.of Grating Micrometer JJG990-2004 声波检测仪检定规程V.R.of Acoustic Detector JJG991-2004 阻抗听力计检定规程V.R.of Impedance Audiometers JJG992-2004 声强测量仪检定规程V.R.of he Measurement Instruments of Sound Intensity JJG993-2004 电动通风干湿表检定规程V.R.of Electric Ventilation Psychrometer JJG994-2004 数字音频信号发生器检定规程V.R.of Digital Audio Generators JJG995-2005 静态扭矩测量仪检定规程V.R.of Static Torque Measuring Devices JJG996-2005 压缩天然气加气机检定规程V.R.of Compresd Natural Gas Dispenrs JJG997-2005 液化石油气加气机检定规程V.R.of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Dispenrs JJG998-2005 激光小角度测量仪检定规程V.R.of Lar Measuring Instruments for Small Angles JJG999-2005 称重式数显液体密度计检定规程V.R.of Digital Liquid Density Meter-Weighed Method JJG1000-2005 电动水平振动试验台检定规程V.R.of Electrodynamic Horizontal Vibration Generator for Testing JJG1001-2005 机动车近光检测仪校准器检定V.R.of Calibrators for Near Headlamp Tester of Motor Vehicle JJG1002-2005 旋转黏度计检定规程V.R.of Rotational Visometers JJG1003-2005 流量积算仪检定规程V.R.of Flow Intergration Meters JJG1004-2005 氢原子频率标准检定规程V.R.of Hydrogen Atomic Frequency Standards JJG1005-2005 电子式绝缘电阻表检定规程V.R.of Electronic Insulating Resistance Meters JJG1006-2005 煤中全硫测定仪检定规程V.R.of Determinators for Total Sulfur in Coal JJG1007-2005 直流高压分压器检定规程V.R.of DC High Voltage Dividers JJG1008-2006 标准齿轮检定规程V.R.of Master Gears JJG1009-2006 直读式个人X、γ辐射剂量当量(率)监测仪检定规程V.R.of Direct Reading Personal Do Equivalent(rate)Monitors for X and Gamma Radiation JJG1010-2006 电子停车计时收费表检定规程V.R.of Electronic Parking Meters JJG1011-2006 角膜曲率计检定规程V.R.of Ophthalmometers JJG1012-2006 化学需氧量(COD)在线自动监测仪检定规程V.R.of On-Iine Automatic Determinator of Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) JJG1013-2006 头部立体定向放射外科γ辐射治疗源检定规程V.R.of γ Radiation Source Ud in Head Stereotactic Radiosurgery Therapy JJG1014-2006 机动车检测专用轴(轮)重仪检定规程V.R.of Special Axle (Wheel) Load Scale for Motor Vehicle Test JJG1015-2006 通用数字集成电路测试系统检定规程V.R.of General Digital Integrated Circuit Testing System JJG1016-2006 心电监护仪检定规程V.R.of Calibration Device for Electric Cardiac Monitor JJG1017-2007 1kHz~1MHz标准水听器检定规程V.R.of Standard Hydrophones in the Frequency Range 1kHz to 1MHz JJG1018-2007 1Hz~2kHz标准水听器检定规程V.R.of Standard Hydrophones in the Frequency Range 1Hz to 2 kHz JJG1019-2007 工作标准传声器(耦合腔比较法)检定规程V.R.of Working Standard Microphones (Coupler Comparison Method) JJG1020-2007 平板式制动检验台检定规程V.R.of Pllatform Brake Tester JJG1021-2007 电力互感器检定规程V.R. of Instrument Transformers in Power System JJG1022-2007 甲醛气体检测仪检定规程V.R.of Formaldehvde Gas Analyzer JJG1023-2007 核子密度及含水量测力仪检定规程V.R.of Testing Instrument for Density and Moisture with Nuclear Radiation Method JJG1024-2007 脉冲功率计检定规程V.R. of Pul Plower Meters JJG1025-2007 恒定加力速度建筑材料试验机检定规程V.R. of Building Material Testing Machine of Constant Loading Speed JJG1026-2007 医用螺旋CT检定规程V.R. of Medical Diagnostic X-Ray Radiation Source for Spiral Computed Tomography (CT) JJG1027-2007 医用60 Co远距离治疗辐射源检定规程V.R.of Medical Radiation Source for 60Co Teletherapy JJG1028-2007 放射治疗模拟定位X射线辐射源检定规程V.R.of X-ray Radiation Source for Radiotherapy Simulating Localization JJG1029-2007 涡街流量计检定规程V.R. of Vortex-shedding Flowmeter JJG1030-2007 超声流量计检定规程V.R. of Ultrasonic Flowmeter JJG1031-2007 烟支硬度计检定规程V.R.of Cigarettes Hardness Testers JJG1032-2007 标准光电高温Satandard Photoelectric Pyrometers JJG1033-2007 电磁流量计Electromanetic Flowmeters JJG1034-2008 光谱光度计标准滤光器检定规程Verification Regulation of Reference Filter for Calibration Spectrophotometer JJG1035-2008 通信用光谱分析仪检定规程Optical Spectrum Analyzers in Telecommunication JJG1036-2008 电子天平检定规程Verification Regulation for Electronic Balance JJG1037-2008 涡轮流量计检定规程Turbine flowmeter JJG1038-2008 科里奥利质量流量计检定规程Goriolis Mass Flow Meters JJG1039-2008 D型邵式硬度计检定规程V.R.of Shore D Durometer JJG1040-2008 数字式光干涉甲烷测定器检定仪检定规程Digital Measuring Ddevice for Optical Interference Methane Detector JJG1041-2008 数字心电图机检定规程Digital Electrocardiographs JJG1042-2008 动态(可移动)心电图机检定规程V.R.of Digital Electrocardiographs JJG1043-2008 脑电图机检定规程Electroencephalographs JJG1044-2008 卡尔·费休库仑法微量水分测定仪检定规程V.R.of Instrument for KF coulometry titration JJG1045-2008 泥浆密度计检定规程V.R.of Mud Density Meter JJG1046-2008 方形角尺检定规程V.R. of Square Gauge |
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