
更新时间:2023-05-23 06:29:21 阅读: 评论:0

acidus = to be sour capere = to take
acer = sharp celer = swift
agere = todo pp. actus centum = hundred
agogos(h) = leader centrum = centre
alere = to nourish cernere = to parate ,to sift ,
to decree ,to oberrve pp. certus altus = high certus = certain
alter = other khronos(h) = time
amare = to love caedere = to cut
angere = to strangle circus = circle ,ring
angulus = angle citare = to cau to move ,to summon anima = breath clamare = to cry out
animus = mind clinare = to bend ,to lean
annus = year claudere = to shut
anthrope(h) = man coquere = to cook
aptus = fit cognoscere ,gnoscere = to know aqua = water communis = common
arme = weapons cor = the heart小论文的格式
armare = to arm corpus = body
art = art kosmos(h) = order ,univer
ars = skill computare = to count庄子的作品
audire = to hear cooperire = to clo ,to cover augere = to increa pp. auctus creare = to make
avis = bird crescere = to grow
bhand(s) = to bind credere = to believe
barra = bar crimen = accusation ,crime
battere = to beat krinein(h) = to judge
bainein(h) = to go cruc ,crux= cross
bellum = war culpa = blame ,guilt
bios(h) = life cultivare = to till ,to work at
brevis = short cubare = to lie down
cadere = to fall currere = to run
八一祝词calc ,calx = lime curare = to take care of
campus = plain,field cutere = to strike ,to shake pp. cussus candidus = =bright,white debere = to owe
canere = to sing pp. cantus deus = god
caput = head demos(f) = the people
capere = to hold,to take,to catch ,to ize dent,dens = tooth
carrus = car dermat ,derma(h) = skin
currere = to run dicare = to proclaim , to tell
caro = flesh dicere = to say
cast(a) = to throw dignus = worthy
cavus = hollow dividere = to devide pp. divisus cedere = to go ,to yield pp. cessus docere = to teach
domus = hou fligere = to strike pp. flictus
dam(s) = to tame flor ,flos = flower
dominus = lord fluere = to blow
donare = to give folium = leaf pl. folia
dormire = to sleep formare = to form ,fashion
doxa ,dokein(h) = opinion fortis = strong
trahere = to draw ,to pull fundus = ba ,bottom dramein(h) = to run frangere = to break pp. fractus dromos(h) = racecour fugere = to flee
ducere = to lead fundere = to pour pp. fusus durare = to last gamos(h) = marriage
dynamis(h) = power generare = to produce
oikos(h) = hou genus = race
ego = I gignere = to bear ,to beget electricus = electric ,amber genesis(h) = origin ,source emere = to take ,to buy gerere = to carry
aequalis = equal gradi = to walk
errare = to wander ,to err gradus = step
es = to be gramma = letter
fari = to speak graphein = to write
fabula = story grandis = grand ,great ,large facies = face gratus = pleasing
front ,frons = forehead ,front gratia = flavour
facere = to make ,to do gravis = heavy
fallere = to deceive pp. falsus gregare = to collect
fari = to speak grex = flock
faram(a) = to go habere = to have ,to hold ,to keep fendere = to strike happ(n)= good luck
ferre = to carry ,to bring ,to bear helios(h) = good luck
fervēre = to boil heres = heir
fari = to speak herba = grass
festum = festival pl. festa haerere = to stick
fidere = to trust horrere = to tremble
fides = faith humanus = human
fingere = to shape ,figure homo = man
filum = thread , to spin humus = the ground
finire = to end hydr ,hydri = water
finis = end ,bound hypnos(h) = sleep
firmus = firm insula = island
figere = to fasten pp. fixus ire = to go
flamma = flame jacere = to throw ,to cast flagrare = to burn jungere = to join
自制车床flare = to blow pp. flatus dies = day
flectere = to bend diurnailis = daily
journée(f) = day mater = mother
judicare = to judge mēchanē(h) = machine
judex = judge medicus = to heal
jurare = to swear medius = middle
jus = law ,right melan ,melas(h) = black
labor = to work memor = to remember
lapsare = to slip ,to glide ment ,mens = mind
latum = to bring ,to bear mercari = to trade
latus = side merces = reward ,pay
lavare = to wash merx = merchandi
laxare = to loon merere = to gain ,to buy ,to purcha luein(h) = to loon mergere = to sink ,to dip pp. mersus legere = to choo ,to gather to read metron(h) = measure
pp. lectus migrare = to wander
legare = to appoint ,to nd milit ,miles = soldier
legalis = lawful minere = to jut ,to project
levare = to rai minutus = small
levis = light mirari = to wonder
liber = free mirare = to behold
libr , liber = book mittere = to nd ,to throw pp. missus licēre = to be permitted miscere =
to mix pp. mixtus

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