联通卡怎么查话费Lesson 78 The last one?
After reading an article entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. I smoked with concentration and pleasure as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette. For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered terribly. I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: a bad temper and an enormous appetite. My friends kept on offering me cigarettes and cigars. They made no effort to hide their amument whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. After ven days of this I went to a party. Everybody around me was smoking and I felt extremely uncomfortable. When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction. My wife was delighted that things had returned to normal once more. Anyway, as Brian pointed out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking. He himlf has done it lots of times!
New words and expressions ⽣词和短语
1. entitle
1) v. 以......为名;授权国庆节的画画
eg: If something entitles you to something, it gives you the official right to have or do it.
eg: The novel is entitled Pride and Prejudice.
eg: This licen entitles you to ll drug.
词组拓展:be entitled to (do) sth. 对...享有权利, 值得; 有(做某事)的资格[权利]
eg: Women employees are entitled to a maternity leave of three months.
记忆点拨: en(动词前缀,使……)—title(标题)(使有标题)
2. calm
1) v. 使镇定
eg: I gave the frightened child some candies to calm him.一年存款利率
adj. 平静的
After a night of storm, the a is now calm.
词组拓展:keep calm保持镇定
calm down镇定下来
calm before the storm暴风⾬前的平静
相关表达: calmness n.平静, 冷静, 镇静
词义辨析: calm, peaceful, quiet, still
(1) calm (relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upt)
eg: The sky is blue, and the a is calm.
eg: Although she was frightened, she answered with a calm voice.
(2) Peaceful (a peaceful time, place, or situation is quiet and calm without any worry or excitement) 指“和平的”表⽰“没有骚扰和战争的”
a peaceful environment和平环境。
(3) quiet (not making much noi, or making no noi at all)指“ 没有吵闹声的”、“ 没有噪⾳的”,它强调“声⾳很低、很少” 或“全然⽆声”
eg: He had a quiet life
(4) still (quiet and calm) 指“没声⾳的”、“没动静的”,
the still hours before dawn黎明前的寂静时刻。
3. nerve n. 神经
eg: the feeling of being nervous becau you are worried or a little frightened
eg: He was a bundle of nerves when making the speech.
eg: I drank a large glass of beer to calm my nerves.
词组拓展: get on sb's nerves使⼈⼼烦不安;使⼈⼼神不定
strain every nerve竭尽全⼒
相关表达:nervous adj. 神经紧张的,不安的
eg: I can hardly concentrate on reading with all that noi around.
eg: The factory is concentrating on designing new products.
eg: Yoga is an exerci which can improves your powers of concentration.
eg: As a simultaneous translator I must listen and translate with great concentration.
相关表达:concentrate v. 集中
1) v. to experience physical or mental pain受苦,受害;
eg: I have been suffering from a bad headache.
eg: My grandmather died suddenly and didn’t suffer.
2) to be in a very bad situation that makes things very difficult for you 受损失
eg: Many private business suffered a great loss during the recession.
The enemy forces suffered heavy casualties.
词义辨析: bear,endure,stand,suffer,tolerate
bear (to bravely accept or deal with a painful, difficult, or uptting situation [= stand])⼴义的指容忍各种事情的能⼒
eg: He can't bear people smoking while he's eating.
Endure (to be in a difficult or painful situation for a long time without complaining)尤指长期⾯对痛苦、艰难的能⼒:
eg: There are limits to what the human body can endure.
stand(to be able to accept or deal well with a difficult situation [= tolerate])指精神上坚毅,有决⼼:
eg:The pain was too inten to stand.
eg: Actors who can't stand criticism shouldn't perform in public.
Suffer(to experience physical or mental pain)指顺从和克制
eg: He suffered their insults in silence.
Tolerate(to be able to accept something unpleasant or difficult, even though you do not like it)主要⽤于指除痛苦之外的⼀些事情,含有尽管保留但勉强接受之意
6. symptom n. something wrong with your body or mind which shows that you have a
particular illness症状;a sign that a rious problem exists征兆
eg:Symptoms include headaches and fever.
eg: Cough is one of the symptoms of having pneumonia
eg: After studying his symptoms, the doctor diagnod he had got a fever.
eg: The strike is a symptom of the declination of economy.
eg: The crime rate is a symptom of social unrest.
7. temper n. a tendency to become angry suddenly or easily脾⽓
eg: He lost his temper when he saw his roommate using his toothbrush.
eg: If he can’t learn how to control his temper, he will lost his job.
词组拓展:keep one's temper忍住⽓;不发⽕
lo one's temper发⽕;⽣⽓
out of temper发⽕;动怒
相关表达:good-tempered adj.好脾⽓的
bad-tempered adj.坏脾⽓的
temperament n.⽓质,性格
a nervous temperament易紧张的性格
8. appetite n. 胃⼝,⾷欲
eg: Too much ice cream spoiled my appetite.
eg: Swimming gives me a great appetite.
词组拓展:lo/have/spoil/give appetite 失去⾷欲,有⾷欲,破坏⾷欲,促进⾷欲
谚语: Appetite comes with eating. [谚]胃⼝越吃越⼤(贪得⽆厌)。
A good appetite is a good sauce. [谚]饥不择⾷。
9. produce
1) v. to show, bring out, or offer something so it can be en or considered拿出;⽣产;eg: The old man produced his passport to the officer with trembling hands.
eg: If you can not produce more evidence, you will be ntenced to death.
eg: Grapes produced in this farm are mainly ud to make wine.
相关表达:product n.产品,产物production n.⽣产
10. urge v. to strongly advi someone to do something⼒劝,怂恿;n. 强烈欲望
eg: Jack urged me to resign and start my own business.
eg: I urged that you consider this decision carefully.
eg: I felt a sudden urge to smoke.
相关表达:urgent adj.急迫的,紧张的
11. satisfaction
n. a feeling of happiness or pleasure becau you have achieved something or got what you wanted满意,满⾜
eg: She got great satisfaction from helping others.
eg: He looked at his painting with a smile of satisfaction.
相关表达:satisfy v.使满意
satisfactory adj.令⼈满意的
satisfied adj.感到满意的
dissatisfaction n.不满
12. delighted adj. very plead and happy 欣喜的
eg: We are delighted that the president will be watching our performance.
eg: We are delighted to know our best friend had a lovely baby.
eg: Jone was delighted when she received the admissions letter from Harward University.
相关表达:delight n. 欣喜
词义辨析:pleasure delight joy都含“快乐”、“愉快” 的意思。
pleasure(the feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction that you get from an experience)是常⽤词, 指“以任何形式表现出的或默默的快乐与满⾜”
eg: It's my pleasure to help you.
delight(a feeling of great pleasure and satisfaction)语意⽐pleasure 强, 指“极⼤的快乐”, 尤指“以⼀种活泼的态度表现出来的