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Aluminum Alloy 7075, Plate and Sheet
This document has been reaffirmed to comply with the SAE 5-year Review policy.
This document has been taken directly from Federal Specification QQ-A-250/12F and contains only minor editorial and format changes required to bring it into conformance with the publishing requirements of SAE technical standards.
The original Federal Specification was adopted as an SAE standard under the provisions of the SAE Technical Standards Board (TSB) Rules and Regulations (TSB 001) pertaining to accelerated adoption of government specifications and standards. TSB rules provide for (a) the publication of po
rtions of unrevid government specifications and standards without connsus voting at the SAE Committee level, (b) the u of the existing government specification or standard format, and (c) the exclusion of any qualified product list (QPL) ctions.
The complete requirements for procuring 7075 aluminum alloy plate and sheet described herein shall consist of this document and the latest issue of AMS-QQ-A-250.
Issued AUG 1997Reaffirmed
APR 2007
This specification covers the specific requirements for 7075 aluminum alloy plate and sheet.
1.2.1Tempers: The plate and sheet are classified in one of the following tempers as specified (See 6.3
and 6.4): O, T6, T62, T73, T651, T7351, or F temper. Definitions of the tempers are specified in AMS-QQ-A-250.
See AMS-QQ-A-250.
3.1Chemical Composition:
3.1.1The chemical composition shall conform to the requirements specified in Table I.
TABLE I. Chemical Composition 1/
Element Minimum Maximum
Zinc 5.1 6.1
Magnesium 2.1 2.9
Copper 1.2 2.0
Other Elements, each--0.05
Other Elements, total--0.15
Aluminum Remainder
1/Analysis shall routinely be made only for the elements specifically
mentioned in Table I. If, however, the prence of other elements is
indicated or suspected in amounts greater than the specified limits,
further analysis shall be made to determine that the elements are
not prent in excess of specified limits
3.2Mechanical Properties:
3.2.1Mechanical Properties of Material as Supplied: The mechanical properties perpendicular to the
direction of the final rolling, except for material under 9 inches in width, shall conform to the
requirements of Table II for the temper specified. For material under 9 inches in width, the
mechanical properties parallel to the direction of final rolling shall conform to the requirements of Table II for the temper specified.
TABLE II. Mechanical Properties (See 6.6)
Temper Thickness
Yield Strength at
0.2 percent Offt
or at extension
Elongation in
2 inches or 4
times D 2/, 3/
(UOS) 1/
under load
O0.015 - 0.49940.0 4/21.0 4/0.0040 4/10
0.500 - 2.00040.0 4/ -- --10 T6 and0.008 - 0.01174.063.00.0083 5 T62 5/0.012 - 0.03976.067.00.0085 7
0.040 - 0.12578.068.00.0086 8
0.126 - 0.24978.069.00.0087 8 T6510.250 - 0.49978.067.00.0085 9 and T620.500 - 1.00078.068.00.0086 7 5/, 7/ 1.001 - 2.00077.067.00.0085 6
2.001 - 2.50076.064.00.0082 5
2.501 -
3.00072.061.00.0079 5
3.001 - 3.50071.058.00.0076 5
3.501 -
4.00067.054.00.0072 3 T730.040 - 0.24967.056.00.0074 8 T73510.250 - 1.00069.057.00.0075 7
1.001 -
2.00069.057.00.0075 6
2.001 - 2.50066.052.00.0070 6
月经可以吃草莓吗2.501 -
3.0006 6
3.001 - 3.50063.049.00.0067 6
3.501 -
4.00061.048.00.0066 6
F All6/6/6/6/ 1/Properties are minimum, unless otherwi specified, abbreviated: UOS.
2/Not required for material 1/2 inch or less in width.
3/D reprents specimen diameter.
5/Material in the T62 temper is not available from material producers.
6/No requirements.
7/The properties specified for the T651 temper are tho formerly specified for the T6 temper. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
3.2.2Mechanical Properties After Heat Treatment: In addition to conforming to the requirements of --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
3.2.1, material in the tempers identified in the following paragraphs shall, after having been
procesd to tempers also identified therein, have properties conforming to tho specified in
Table II, as applicable. in the Annealed (O) and As-Fabricated (F) Tempers: Material in the O and F tempers,
without the subquent imposition of cold work or forming operations, shall, after proper solution and artificial aging treatments, develop the properties specified for the T6 and T62 tempers.
Material in the O and F tempers, without the subquent imposition of cold work or forming
operations, shall be heat treatable to the properties specified for the T73 temper. Such capability shall be demonstrated when specified (See 6.2 and 6.4). in the T6, T73, and T7351 Tempers: Material in the T6, T73, and T7351 tempers,
without the subquent imposition of cold work or forming operations, shall be heat treatable to the properties specified for the T6 and T62 tempers. Such capability shall be demonstrated
when specified (See 6.2 and 6.4).
九鼎轩脆毛肚火锅3.2.2.3Material in the T6 and T651 Tempers: Material in the T6 and T651 tempers shall be heat
treatable to the properties specified for the T73 and T7351 tempers, as applicable. Such
capability shall be demonstrated when specified (See 6.4).
3.2.3Bend-Test: Bend specimens taken from material shall be capable of withstanding, without cracking,
the bend-test specified in AMS-QQ-A-250. The values for bend factor "N" are given in Table III.
TABLE III. Bend Test Factor "N"
Thickness, inch O T6 and T62
0.008 - 0.0201 7
0.021 - 0.0622 8
0.063 - 0.0913 9
0.092 - 0.125410
0.126 - 0.249511
0.250 - 0.499614
3.3Internal Defects:
When specified (See 6.4), plate shall be ultrasonically inspected (See AMS-QQ-A-250). Acceptance limits shall be as specified in Table IV.
Resistance to Stress-Corrosion Cracking:
Material 0.750 inch and thicker in the T73 and T7351 tempers shall exhibit no evidence of stress-corrosion cracking when subjected to the test specified in
Acceptance Criteria for Stress-Corrosion Cracking: Resistance to stress-corrosion cracking for each
lot of 7075-T73 and T7351 material shall be established by testing the previously lected tension sample to the following criteria:
a.Determine electrical conductivity and tensile properties
b.If the conductivity is below 38.0 percent International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS), the
material is considered unsatisfactory and must be reprocesd, regardless of property level c.If the conductivity is 40.0 percent IACS or higher and tensile properties meet the minimum
values specified herein, the material is considered to be satisfactory
d.If conductivity is 38.0 to 39.9 percent IACS inclusive, if tensile properties meet the minimum
limits specified herein, and if the yield strength does not exceed the specified minimum by more than 11.9 ksi, the material is considered to be satisfactory
e.If conductivity is below 40.0 percent IACS and the yield strength exceeds the specified
minimum value by 12.0 ksi or more, the material is considered suspect
f.When material is considered suspect, it may be given additional cond step aging or be
In addition to the marking required in AMS-QQ-A-250, material in the T6, T651, T73, and T7351 tempers shall be identified by an inspection lot number marked in at least one location on each piece.
TABLE IV. Ultrasonic Discontinuity Acceptance Limits 1/
Thickness Inches Maximum Weight per Piece
Discontinuity Class 2/
0.500 - 1.4992,000B 1.500 - 3.0002,000A 3.001 - 4.000
1/Discontinuities in excess of tho listed in Table IV may be allowed subject to approval of the procuring activity, if it is established that they will be removed by machining or that they are in non-critical areas.2/The discontinuity class limits are defined in AMS-QQ-A-250.