1.铸造: casting , founding , foundry
2。砂型铸造: Sand casting process
3.特种铸造: Special casting process
4.铸件: casting
5。毛坯铸件: 考研热Rough casting
6.砂型铸件: Sand casting
7.试制铸件: Pilot casting
8。铸态铸件: as—cast casting
9.铸型[型]: mold
10.铸造工艺: Casting process, foundry technology
11。铸造用材料: Foundry materials
12.铸造工艺材料: Consumable materials
13。铸造设备: Foundry equipment, foundry facilities
14.铸工: Caster, founder, foundry worker
15.铸造工作者: foundryman
16。铸造车间: Foundry shop
17.铸造厂: Foundry
18。铸造分厂: Attached foundry, captive foundry, tied foundry
19。铸造三废: Foundry affluent
20。一批: A batch
21。一炉:香辣鸡胗 A cast, a heat, a melt
22。铸焊: Cast welding, flow welding
23。铸锭: ingot
1.铸造合金: Cast alloy
2。石斑鱼蒸多久共晶合金系: Eutectic alloy system
3.共晶合金: Eutectic alloy
4.亚共晶合金: Hypoeutectic alloy
5.过共晶合金: Hypereutectic alloy
6.共晶团: Eutectic cell
7.共晶温度: Eutectic temperature
8.共晶转变: Eutectic reaction, eutectic transformation
9.共晶组织: Eutectic structure
10.铸造复合材料: Cast composite
11.定向共晶复合材料: Directional eutectic composite
12。非晶态合金: noncrystalline alloy
13.合金元素: Alloying element
14。杂质合金: Tramp element
15.合金遗传性: Alloy heredity
16。铸态组织: As-cast structure
17。铁碳相图: iron-carbon pha diagram
18.碳化物: Carbide
19。渗碳物: cementite
20。碳化物形成元素: Carbide forming element
21。单铸试块: Separated test bar of casting
22。附铸试块: test lug
乘成语23。本体试样: Test specimen from casting itlf
24。过热: Superheating
25.过冷: supercooling, undercooling
26。成分过冷: constitutional supercooling
27。过冷度: degree of undercooling
28.加热相变点[Ac相变点]: Ac transformation temperature
29.冷却相变点[Ar相变点]: Ar transformation temperature
30.结晶: Crystallization
31.形核[成核]: Nucleation
32。均质形核[自发形核]: Homogeneous nucleation
33.非均质形核[非自发形核]: Heterogeneous nucleation
34.动力形核: Dynamic nucleation
35。大冲击形核: Big bang nucleation
36。形核剂: nucleant
37.形核率: Nucleation rate
38.成长: Growth
39.内生生长: Endogenous growth
40.外生生长: Exogenous growth
41。共生生长: Coupled growth
42.小平面型生长: Faceted growth
43。非小平面生长: nonfaceted growth
44。晶体生长界面[界面]: Growth interface of crystal, interface
45.吸气(金属): Gas absorption (metal)
1.铸钢: Cast steel
2.铸造碳钢: Carbon cast steel
3.铸造合金钢: Alloy cast steel
4.低合金铸钢: Low alloy cast steel
5.微量合金化铸钢: Micro-alloying cast steel, trace alloying cast steel
6。铁素体铸钢: ferritic cast steel
7。奥氏体铸钢: Austenitic cast steel
8。不锈钢: Stainless steel
9.无磁性铸钢: Non-magnetic cast steel
10.高锰钢: Austenitic mangane steel, high mangane steel
11.高强度铸钢: High strength cast steel
12。超高强度铸钢: Ultra high strength cast steel
13。课程设计耐磨铸钢: Wear resisting cast steel
14.耐热铸钢: Heat resisting cast steel
15。耐蚀铸钢: Corrosion resisting cast steel
16.石墨钢: Graphitic steel
17。铸钢锚链钢: Cast steel for chain cables