当一个爆破音跟另一个爆破音相遇时往往失去爆破,这主要是因为两个辅音治安的间隔太小,这种现象在语音学上称为“失去爆破”或“特殊爆破”。爆破音和爆破音或其他的辅音相邻,第一个爆破音只形成阻碍,但不发生爆破,称作不完全爆破(incomplete plosion)。说话时,前一个单词的爆破音只保持发音部位(音不发出来)的同时,即向下一个单词起音的辅音过渡,不完全爆破得以实现。不完全爆破产生的元音大体上是由于省力原则造成的。
1.中good comrade did的/d/,连读时[d ]可以音不法出来
4 .look中的/k/
1. 不完全爆破(Incomplete Plosion)
a) 爆破音 + 爆破音 (即 [b] [p] [d] [t] [g] [k] 超级家教相邻时)— 前一个发不完全的爆破音 ,即只像原样形成阻碍,稍作停顿, 不送气 : She took good care of the children. / Ask Bob to sit behind me. / big boy /sharp pencil / what time / September / suitca / blackboard / handbag / goodbye / active/ Stop talking/ not bad / hard times/ quite different
b). 爆破音 + 破擦音 [ tʃ ] [dʒ] --爆破音不完全爆破, 即形成阻碍,稍作停顿, 不送气 : great changes / good jobs / that child / grandchild / picture / object white chalk/ loud cheers/ a big tree/ the first chapter/ a sweet dream
c) . 爆破音+ 摩擦音 [s] [z] [ʃ] [Ө] [ð] [f] [v] --城市职能爆破音不完全爆破, 即形成阻碍,稍作停顿, 不送气 : We heard David sing last night. / I’m convinced that Charlie has made the right choice. / Keep silent / a good zoo / night show / make sure / get through / just then / old friends / a good view / success / bloodthirsty / advance
2. 鼻腔爆破(Nasal Plosion )
[t] [d] + 鼻音 [m] [n]—[t] [d ]在词尾需通过鼻腔爆破(如certain / hidden), 在词中或短语中则形成阻碍,不完全爆破: Good morning./ good news / take mine / start now/ I don’t know / midnight / admit / utmost Attend meetings/ not mine/ help me/ not mine/ at noon/ not now/ odd numbers/ quite near
a different meaning/ an important matter/ urgent needs/ a loud noi/ a good memory
是日更定矣的是3. 舌侧爆破 (Lateral Plosion)
[t] [d] + 舌边音 [l]— [t] [d ]高兴拼音在词尾需由舌两侧爆破(如 little),在词中或短语中则形成不完全爆破: at last / good luck / straight line / I’d like to. / a bit louder / friendly / mostly gentle/ kettle/ middle/ loudly/ proudly/ rapidly/ candle/ handle/ idle/ needle/ battle at least/ at last/ at leisure/ at liberty/ at lunch/ an outline/ a red lantern/ the third lesson/ a good leader/ the cond longest/
4. 动词否定式的缩写形式,结尾的t 不发音。
He mustn’t do it. / You needn’t pay for it. / I wouldn’t let him go. / You don’t know him. / Ma
ry shouldn’t call him at work
1、 以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词:要连读 如:I’d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice. 这里like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读 即 /kə/ 注意: 以辅音结尾 指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同u[ju:.]niversity前面的定冠词必须用a 一样。
2、以辅音结尾的单词 + h开头的单词h不发音,与前面的辅
音连读 what wil(l he) [wili] 酒吧游戏do? Ha(s he) done it before? Mus(t he) [ti] go? Can he do it? Should he….? Tell him to ask her…. Lea(ve him) [vim]. For him (连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似)
1、 辅音[d]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[dэ]:?
2、 辅音[t]与[j]相邻时,被同化为过往不咎[t∫]: Can't you:。。。。?
3、 辅音[s]与[j]相邻时, 被同化为[∫]: Miss you