告示模板也许你会认为核能不会像煤炭和石油等化石燃料那样产生大气污染,也不会排放温室气体二氧化碳,但是你错了!其实事实完全相反。用于核电的原料之一是铀,铀浓缩设施需要依靠煤炭提供电力的工厂。这些工厂向大气排放了大量的的二氧化碳。此外铀浓缩过程还会排放大量氯氟烃,氯氟烃除了导致臭氧层变得稀薄以外,还是比二氧化碳强度高一万到两万倍的温室气体。此外由于核能发电热效率较低,比一般化石燃料电厂排放更多废热到环境中,故核能电厂的热污染较严重。而且,在核发电过程中,每年又要向空气和水中持续排放超过上千万居里的放射性同位素。尽管核工业坚持说,某些放射性物质从生物角度不会引起严重后果。但事实远非如此。First: Nuclear energy is green energy sources?
You might think that nuclear energy is not like coal and oil and other fossil fuels that produce air pollution, greenhou gas emissions of carbon dioxide will not, but you are wrong! Quite the opposite in fact. One of the raw materials for nuclear power is uranium, uranium enrichment facilities need to rely on coal to power plants. The factories are a lot of the atmosphere of carbon dioxide emissions. Besides uranium enrichment process also emit large quantities of chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs cau the ozone layer becomes thinner than in addition to, or higher than the carbon dioxide intensity 10000-充满杀气的图片
2 times of greenhou gas. Furthermore, since the thermal efficiency of nuclear power generation lower than the average fossil fuel power plants emit more heat to the environment, so the nuclear power plant thermal pollution is more rious. Moreover, in the process of nuclear power, but also to the annual emissions of air and water continue to exceed tens of millions of curies of radioisotopes. Although the nuclear industry insists that some of the radioactive material from a biological point of view does not cau rious conquences. However, far from it.
幼鸽怎么喂养核工业的真正经济价值从来就没有被认真地分析过,这其中包括铀浓缩的成本,发生核事故后的巨大经济索赔,拆卸到期反应堆成本,现有核反应堆的维护,核原料和废料的运输和将放射性核废料储存25万年的所需费用。这些总和比获得的商业价值高10倍乃至百倍千倍!核电的真实成本,是其燃料成本的上百倍。人类目前只是被核电站其燃料成本的低廉所迷惑!The true economic value of the nuclear industry has never been riously analyzed, including the cost of uranium enrichment, a nuclear accident the huge economic claims, the cost of dismantling the reactor due, maintenance of existing nuclear reactors, nuclear materials and waste transportation and radioactive nuclear waste storage cost of 25 million years. The total commercial value than the gain of 10 times or even hundred thousand times! The true costs of nuclear power is a hundred times its fuel costs. Nuclear p反开头的成语
ower plant is currently the only human being fooled by the low fuel costs!
第三:核能的利用安全吗?1988 年联合国发表了一项报告,警告说,如果打起核大战,地球上的50 亿人将有40 亿人在当时死伤或在战后饿死。我们都知道
宽宏大量的近义词进入20世纪90年代末,地区性1988 United Nations issued a report, warning that if the playing nuclear war, 50 billion people on earth will have 40 million people were killed or injured or starved to death after the war. We all know the power of nuclear materials in the manufacturing process design --- nsitive uranium enrichment technology, the name of some countries do not rule out the gui of peaceful u of uranium enrichment to develop their own nuclear technology for war, becau each one 1,000-megawatt The reactor can produce 200 kg per year of plutonium. Plutonium is the fuel needed for nuclear weapons. 5 kilograms of plutonium can produce a nuclear bomb. And a reactor can produce 200 kg per year of plutonium. Therefore, in theory, any country has a nuclear power pla
nt can produce 40 atomic bombs per year. "Beginning of the 20th century, late 90s, the regional nuclear crisis began to frequent outbreaks, first in South Asia India and
的核危机开始频频爆发,先是南亚地区的印度和巴基斯坦相继进行多次核试验,之后不久在中东地区,伊朗核问题也被正式捅上了台面,西方国家纷纷指责伊朗以和平研究为幌子研制核武器。就在国际社会为伊朗核问题一筹莫展的同时,原本就已经让人头大的朝鲜核问题再次出现反复,全球防扩散机制出现了最严重的危机已经是不争的事实。Pakistan conducted nuclear tests, the Middle East shortly after the Iranian nuclear issue was also stabbed on the table formally, the Western countries have accud Iran of developing nuclear weapons under the gui of peace studies. on the Iranian nuclear issue, the international community to do nothing while people had to have a big head again repeated North Korean nuclear issue, the global non-proliferation mechanism is the most rious crisis is an indisputable fact. becau nuclear technology is not only for the military will be a threat to human curity, and nuclear technology itlf is extremely dangerous. In fact the history of the nuclear leaks had caud endless disaster ... ...
西瓜的营养价值及功效产过程中产生的核废料,极少有人知道它处理的难度,这也是造成公众对核电站抱无所谓态度的主要原因。核废料不同于废电池,统一收集密闭封存就可以高Soviet Union in 1986 the Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion, contaminated an area of 390 square kilometers. In the past 20 years, the victims of the Chernobyl nuclear accident totaled more than 900 million people, completely eliminate this catastrophe on the natural environment at least 800 years, and continuing danger of nuclear radiation will last 10 years. In the United States in 1979, Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, Pennsylvania, a rious leakage of radioactive material. In 1977, Slovakia's nuclear reactor accidents caud by high temperature, nearly caud a massive environmental disaster. 1957 Soviet nuclear accident 70-80 years ago, tons of nuclear waste exploded and spread to 800 square kilometers of land on the • • • • In addition to the terrible nuclear accident, the nuclear production of nuclear waste generated in the process, very few people know the difficulty of treatment, which is causing public unconcerned attitude of the main reasons for nuclear power plants. Unlike nuclear waste batteries, a unified collection of airtight al can sit back and relax. Nuclear waste can not be
completely exhausted in the nuclear material still has a strong radioactive, and has left a long time, the characteristics of vere toxicity. Even if the storage of more than a million years, the
剧烈的特点。即使贮存过百万年,其残留物质中的核辐射剂量仍能超过允许剂量的一千万倍以上。然而不幸的是,当今处理核废料主流方式任然为封存填埋,要寻找一处安全、永久存放核废料的地点。这个地点要求物理环境特别稳定,长久地不受水和空气的侵蚀,并能经受住地震、火山、爆炸的冲击。但数百年后,这些存放地点会不会发生破坏是无法预料的。如果不能妥善处置将会给当地环境带来毁灭性影响。remaining nuclear material in the do of radiation dos still a million times more than allowed above. Unfortunately, today the mainstream way of dealing with nuclear waste is then either aled landfill, to find a safe, permanent storage of nuclear waste sites. This site requires the physical environment, especially stable, long erosion from water and air, and able to withstand earthquakes, volcanoes, the explosion. But a few hundred years later, the location of damage will not occur is unpredictable. If not properly dispod of will be devastating to the local environmental impact.
历史的教训告诉我们,核电站在运行时不能出半点差池。问题是" 人有失手,马有乱蹄",虽然我们可
为了人类的未来,应该严格限制人类使用核能。The lessons of history tell us that nuclear power is not the slightest in the run-time makes a mistake. The question is, "people have misd, hor hoof disorder", although many efforts we can through the emergence of this situation as much as possible to reduce or delay, but be absolutely impossible to eliminate human error. We strictly obrve all safety measures are only provided us with an approximate rather than complete safety. For the future of humanity, should strictly limit human u of nuclear energy.
作为全球第四大经济体,德国正在考虑永久放弃核能源转而制定了一个新的风电发展长远规划,到2050年占总用电量的50%。法国是世界上核电发电比例最高的国家,但是其政府早在几年前就已决定淘汰核电,并制订了一个时间表逐步实现能源无核化!美国清洁能源产业发展的一个重点目标是要大幅提升可再生能源在能源消耗中的比例奥巴马在就职演说中表达出对于发展新能源的热情:“我们将利用太阳、风和土壤来为我们的汽车和工厂提供能源”As the world's fourth-largest economy, Germany is considering a permanent switch to give up its nuclear energy has developed a new long-term wind
power development plan, by 2050 50% of the total electricity consumption. France is the world's countries with the highest proportion of nuclear power generation, but the government had already decided to pha out nuclear power veral years ago and developed a timetable for the progressive realization of the denuclearization of energy! U.S. clean energy industry as a key goal is to significantly increa renewable energy in energy consumption in the proportion of Barack Obama expresd in his inaugural speech, the enthusiasm for the development of new energy: "We will u solar, wind and soil for our cars and our factories
全球可再生的风能资源是整个世界预期电力需求的2倍。而且目前国际上已经能做到,风能度电成本低于核能,Human u of nuclear energy are now the main direction of nuclear power. However, in our view, the global "no nuclear" can still achieve a complete supply of energy. Wind power has been the world's fastest growing energy sources, more than 30% annual growth in installed capacity. Ren
ewable wind energy resources worldwide is expected electricity demand throughout the world 2 times. And now the international community has to do less than the cost of wind electricity of nuclear energy.中国水上飞机