complaint is common in life. there are always things not satisfactory to people. it is easy to criticize and find fault with others. the nagging person is always complaining. he complains about his leader, his colleagues and even his wife. his grievnnee and grumbling makes both himlf and others unhappy. complaint mends no holes. instead it results ha hostility between beth the giver and the receiver of the complaint.初一的作文
黄金雀the man who is a failure is loud of picking holes in others. a man of success is always praising others for their merits, for he es only the strong points of others and learns from their strong points to enlarge his own ego.
教师业务学习笔记the man who complains only es the weak points of others and he thinks that he himlf is perfect. so he learns little or nothing from others, and, by and by. he los his own superiority.
what we should do is the opposite of complaint-- prai. an ounce of prai is worth a poun
写景文d of criticism. a man of good wishes always respects others and appreciates their work and efforts. he congratulates others on their achievements and succeos. he feels happy about them as it they were his own. he speaks highly of them. in return, he himlf is respected and appreciated.
so, let us complain less and prai more, in order to make our world full of good wishes.