When you need a lot of money, you first thing you do is to borrow money from your friend, while doing this sometimes may do harm to your friendship. First, your friends may not have too much money at hand, he or she maybe suffer from the lack of cash flow at that moment. Everyone has their own worries, when you borrow money, they always have to struggle for a while, their hesitations make you begin to doubt your friendship is true or whether your friends treat your as real one. Second, most people can't return the money in time, becau they have all kinds of difficulties, this will make your friends in a awkward situation. They are considering whether to ask you return the money, if they do, this will make you embarrasd; If they don't, they will lack of money. So it is better not to borrow money from your friend.
高考宣誓词 附译文:爱尔克的灯光
酸雨的形成原因 当你需要很多钱的时候,你第一件事做的就是向你朋友借钱,然而这样做有时候会伤害你的友谊。第一,你的朋友也许没有很多的钱在手上,他或她可能遭遇着流动资金的不足。每