Suggested Technique for Configuring Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 to Run
with a Borrowed Licen
The Licen Borrowing functionality gives urs the ability to launch Pro/ENGINEER applications on clients without being connected to the licen rver. The licen rver must be running FLEXlm 8.4a or later and must u a Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 Licen Pack (version 25) with borrowing enabled. With licen borrowing, you can:
l Choo from a pool of available licens高血压什么引起的
l Specify the expiration date of the licen
l Work remotely on design and manufacturing projects
Following is an example of a licen file with the borrowing enabled:
INCREMENT PROE_FOUNDATION ptc_d 25.0 permanent 12 \
LO=(3,7,10,17,34,40,45,51,55,62, \
66,69,71,73,106,115,126) BORROW" BORROW=240 \
ISSUER=PTC ISSUED=01-jan-1998 NOTICE="PTC Internal \
U Only" SN=SCN123456,SCN234567 SIGN=9FB63234D472
Configure the Startup Configuration to be Borrowed:
1.Run ptctup.bat from the <Pro/ENGINEER_loadpoint>\bin directory.
2.Click Next until the "Optional Configuration Steps" screen. Select "Additional Licen
Configurations" and click Next.
Select Add.
同学留言In the "Select Licens" screen, assign an appropriate name for the borrowable startup configuration. Select the Licen to Run to be borrowed, as well as any additional floating options an
d startup extensions that need to be borrowed. Select OK, then Configure to create the new startup configuration.
Setup Licen Borrowing:
1.Brow to the <Pro/ENGINEER_loadpoint>\bin directory and run the proe_borrow.bat file on
Windows. On UNIX, this file is called proe_borrow. This file opens a dialog box in which you can specify a startup configuration.
Select the configuration created in the previous step.长寿老人
2.Specify the number of days (between 0 and 5) that the licen will be borrowed for. The start
date for borrowing the licen is today s date. The end date is bad on the number of days requested. If 0 days is lected, the licen will be returned at 11:59pm of the same day.
拔萝卜的故事3.Click Start to launch Pro/ENGINEER in the Borrow Configuration mode. Select #Help
#Technical Support Info. All licens listed under Licen Information and Configured Option Modules have been borrowed. Select #Tools #Floating Modules to add any additional floating options to the borrowed list.
4.Exit Pro/ENGINEER. The ur is now able to disconnect from the licen rver and u the
borrowed licen.
A borrowed licen can contain multiple borrowed configurations that can expire at any time. Each ti
me you start Pro/ENGINEER using the borrowed configuration, Pro/ENGINEER checks for and removes the expired borrowed licen files. You can borrow licens again, if required.
Determining the Borrowed Licen Status
You can run Ptcstatus to determine the following information on the status of borrowed licens: Licens that have been borrowed
Expiration date for each of the borrowed licens
Licen rver information for borrowing licens
Local borrowed licen information
Below is an example of the ptcstatus output when a licen has been borrowed from the rver:
Displaying status for licen file: D:\ptc\flexlm\licensing\licen.dat
咏桂Licen Server: rver01
Licen In U Free
------- ------ ----
电脑如何更新系统PROE_FLEX3C 0 50
^(ur1@rver01) PROE_FOUNDATION ctam03d 7788 101
Design_Animation* 1 9
^(ur1@rver01) 137 ctam03d 7788 201
ModelCHECK 1 9
^(ur1@rver01) 158 ctam03d 7788 301
Displaying borrow licen status for: ur1@rver01
Licen Expire Date
------- -----------
PROE_FOUNDATION Sat May 22 00:00:00 2004
137 Sat May 22 00:00:00 2004
158 Sat May 22 00:02:11 2004
* = Licen Extensions - Available only on startup.
^ = Borrowed Licen.
Press any key to continue . . .
Current Limitations With Licen Borrowing:
TAN 125363: Borrowed Licens for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 Cannot be Returned Early.
Copyright © 2010, Parametric Technology Corporation