科技英语新闻翻译 MARGIE NEWMAN: "When you can go to a place and not only e what's next and e how to better u what's already here, but also connect with people who love it as much as you do, it's just kind of a special thing. A lot of people call South by Southwest Interactive the geek spring break. And that's pretty accurate."
纽曼: “当你来到这里,不仅能看到下一个技术热点,了解如何更好的运用当前 科技。还可以和有着相同兴趣的人一起交流。这是非常特别的经历。很多人把 SXSW 盛典称为奇客春假(怪人云集),这是相当准确的。
South by Southwest Interactive has en the successful launch of veral products. It helped push Twitter into mainstream popularity in two thousand ven. In two thousand nine, a company called Foursquare launched its mobile networking rvice at the festival. The rvice lets friends tell other friends where they are by "checking in" using a mobile application or a text message. Foursquare's owners say they now have more than six and a half million urs around the world.
SXSW 盛典见证了几个产品的成功推出。 2007 年该盛典推动了 Twitter 的 普及。 2009 年,
一家名为 Foursquare 的公司在 SXSW 盛典推出了手机网 络服务。这项服务允许朋友之间通过手机程序或短信 “检入”(checking in ) 分享自己所处的地理位置。 Foursquare 公司表示,现在他们在全球拥有超过 650 万用户。
组织部面试Margie Newman says quick respon codes are big news at
this year's festival. The codes turn URLs and text into
barcode-like images that can be scanned using a mobile phone
or a QR code reader.
纽曼表示,今年嘉年华上的最大热点就是QR码(二维条码的一种)。它将网 址和文本转换为类似图形的条形码,可以通过手机或QR码阅读器读取信息。
MARGIE NEWMAN: IlIt IOOkS Iike a SCanning device Iike When youl行风建设工作总结re at the grocery StOre but itls a SqUaree A IOt Of PeOPle aren如何开发大脑,t quite USing QR COdeS for marketing just yet in mainstream. BUt you画爸爸的简笔画lre Seeing a IOt Of it here. ItlS Very hot th
is year.11 CIOUd COmPUting is also expected to be a hot topic this year, as is group messaging. The five-day festival runs through MarCh fifteenth. HUndredS Of events are Planned each day. They include SPeeCheS by SOme Ofthe WOrldVS Ieading technology industry experts, hands・on training WOrkShOPS and many group discussions.
纽曼:''QR码看上去就就像你在杂货店购物时看到的那种扫描条码一样,区别 是QR码是正方形的。QR码尚未成为购物时的主流条码,但在这里你能看到 很多这种QR码。它是今年的热点。"云计算和群组通信也有望成为今年的热门 话题C为期5日的嘉年华到3月黑蜂蜜的作用与功效15日结束。每天都安排了数百项活动。包括 世界技术行业的主流专家的演讲,亲自动手的体验店和许多群组讨论。
MARGlE NEWMAN: "Without a doubt I WOUld Say SOUth by SOUthWeSt InteraCtiVe IS the PIaCe to be if you are into digital new media. YOU donvt Want to miss it. And in fact正确吃阿胶的方法z Part Of it is just being able to Say you Were here makes you One Of the COOI kidsr even if you didnlt go to One panel. JUSt having the badge th
at SayS you Were here kind Of makes you WOrth your SaIt if youlre Part Of the new media landscape."
纽曼:"毫无疑问,如果你从事新媒体行业,SXSW课中嘉年华是你不容错过的地 方。而事实上,嘉年华的一些东西足以让身处其中的你成为最时尚者之一,即 使你没有去任何一个展台。如果你是新媒体的一部分,拥有代表你来过这里的 徽章都让你觉得值得。"
出自 VOA Special English Technology Report
A shortwave radio might em like ancient technology the days. But for some people, it remains their only link to the wider world.
短波收音机如今看来可能像是一种很古老的技术。但对一些人来说,短波收音 机仍是他们与外界联系的唯一工具。
Ears to Our World is an organization bad in the United States.
It provides shortwave radios to schools and communities in some of the poorest areas of the world.
“聆听世界 ”(Ears to Our World )是一家总部位于美国的组织。该组织为
The radio is small, about the size of a book, and lf-powered.
Urs turn a crank. Winding it for two minutes provides about forty minutes of listening time. 这种收音机体积非常小,只有一本书大小。收音机自身可以发电,用户打开发 电手柄摇转 2 分钟,就能提供 40 分钟的收听时间。
Ears to Our World is supported by private donations and partners including Eton, the company that makes the Eton Grundig radios.