Q: There have been two confirmed imported cas of influenza A H1N1 on the mainland recently. Hong Kong has asked the US Department of Health and Human Services to improve quarantine measures at points of exit to reduce imported cas elwhere. Has the Foreign Ministry made any requests in this regard to the US through diplomatic channels? If not, do you have any plans to do so?
安昌古镇 答:中国政府实行了准时、有效的疫情防控措施。有关部门也准时公布了疫情在中国的有关状况和信息,这些状况有关国家都是特别清晰的。我们盼望通过国际合作,共同遏制甲型H1N1病毒的流行,早日克制这一疫情。我们将进一步加强这方面的合作。
南通旅游景点 A: The Chine Government has taken timely and effective flu prevention and control measures. Competent departments have also timely relead updates on flu-related information. The relevant countries are well aware. We hope to work together to contain the spread of the dia as soon as possible through international cooperation, and will continue to strengthen cooperation in this regard.
Q: Recently Australia announced in its White Paper that it will enhance its weapon system, including submarines, and claimed that the most important trend in defence is the ri of China. And according to reports, the Australian Government has informed the Chine Government in advance that the above measures do not target China or any other country. Do you think the story holds water?
A: I answered this question at veral previous press conferences. China adheres to the road of peaceful development, adopts a defence policy that is defensive in nature, and does not po a threat to any country. China is a staunch force for peace and stability in
幼儿园毛线粘贴画Asia-Pacific and the whole world. The fact is witnesd by all and known by all countries in the world.