1、请验收轴系对中。 Plea check the alignment of the shafting.
2、请验收主机对中。 Plea check the alignment of M/E.
5、主机对中不好 The alignment of M/E is incorrect.
6、轴系对中不好 The alignment of shafting is incorrect.
7、曲轴拐档超差 The crankshaft deflection is over the allowance. (tolerance)
8、主机旁撑 M.E. side support./bracing
伦敦在哪里9、主机尾撑 M.E. stern support /bracing
10、主机拉撑 M.E. fastening support/bracing
11、起动主机 Start main engine
12、启动空气压力低 The pressure of starting air is too low.
13、滑油压力低 The pressure of lub oil is too low.
14、滑油管漏油 L.O pipe leaked.
15、滑油(燃油)自清滤器不运行 The L.O. (F.O.) lf-filter doesn’t work.
16、增压器转速太低 The rpm of turbocharger is too low.
17、启动辅助鼓风机 Start the auxiliary (anx.) blower.
18、预热滑油循环泵 Preheat the L.O. circulating pump.
19、轻油换为重油 Change from light oil to heavy oil.
20、排气中有水蒸气 The exhaust gas is with water vapour. ( vaporator )
21、排气冒黑烟 The exhaust gas is black
22、排气管振动(漏烟) Exhaust pipe vibration (leakage).
23、排气管增加支架 Attached/Add bracket of exhaust pipe.
24、淡水高温停车试验Shut-down test of F/W. high temp.
25、冷却水管漏水 The cooling water pipe is leakage.
26、滑油低压停车试验 Shut-down test of L.O. low pressure.
27、主机暖机 Preheat the M/E cylinder.
30、紧拂螺栓安装验收。 Approval of the installation of fitted bolts.
31、中间轴承间隙验收 Approval of intermediate bearing clearance.
32、集控室操纵 The engine control room control (the control from the control room)
33、机旁操纵 Local control
34、驾驶室遥控操纵 The remote control from the bridge.
35、喷油嘴压力太高(低) The pressure of nozzle is too high (low).
36、喷油嘴漏油 The nozzle is leakage.
37、盘车装置离合保护试验 The protection test of turning gear clutch.
38、调速器有故障 The governor has failed./didn’t work.
39、气缸油单向阀漏 The cylinder oil one-way valve is leakage.
40、气缸油单向阀装反 The cylinder oil one-way valve is fitted reverly.
41、气缸油进油过多 (少) The inlet cylinder oil is too much (little).
42、咬缸 Cylinder izing
43、燃烧不良 Poor combustion
44、主机出油点不畅 The M/E oil outlets are blocked.
45、主机底紧固螺丝提交 M.E bottom fastening bolt was submitted.
1、发电机内部清洗确认 The cleanness inside the main generator to be confirmed.
2、发电机安装确认 The installation of main generator to be confirmed.
3、滑油低压停车确认 The auto-stop function of L.O. low pressure to be confirmed.
灵魂附体4、淡水高温停车确认 The auto-shop function of F.W. high temperature to be confirmed.
5、发电机负荷试验 The load test of main generator.
6、调速器突然加载/突然卸载试验 Instant load/ unload test of governor.
7、50%到突然卸载为零试验 50% to nil instant unload test.
1、空压机垫片确认 The air compressor washer to be confirmed.
2、空压机对中确认 The alignment of air compressor to be confirmed.
3、淡水高温报警试验 Alarm test of F.W. high temperature.
4、安全阀提交 The safety valve was submitted.
5、空压机冲气试验 The filling test of air compressor.
6、空压机高压(低压)自动停车试验High-pressure(Low-pressure)auto-stop test of air compressor.
8、主空气瓶密性提交 Gas tightness submission of main air rervoir.
9、主空气瓶安全阀提交 The main air rervoir safety valve to be submitted
10、控制空气减压阀试验 Test of control air pressure-reducing valve.
十一月英语11、控制空气瓶密性试验 Gas tightness test of control air rervoir.
12、控制空气瓶安全阀试验 The safety valve test of control air bottle.
13、干燥器效用试验 The effect test of dehumidifier/air drier.
14、日用空气减压阀试验 The test of rvice air pressure-reducing valve.
15、日用空气瓶密性试验 The gas tightness test of rvice air rervoir.
16、日用空气安全阀确认 The safety valve of rvice air rervoir to be confirmed.
坦克的英文17、副空气瓶密性试验 The gas tightness test of aux. air rervoir.
18、副空气瓶安全阀提交 The aux. air bottle safety valve to be submitted.
19、应急空压机安全阀试验 The safety valve test of emergency air compressor.
20、应急空压机冲气试验 The filling test of emergency air compressor.
Ⅳ. 锅炉提交用语
1、主锅炉密性试验 The tightness test of main boiler.
2、制炉/锅炉酸洗 Boiler pickling.
3、炉内清洁检查 The inside cleanness of boiler to be checked.
4、锅炉给水泵运转提交 The running test of boiler water-feed pump.
5、给水泵真空/自动转换试验 The vacuum test/ the auto-shifting test of water-feed pump.
6、自动给水确认 The auto water-feed system to be confirmed.
7、锅炉燃油泵安全阀提交 The safety valve of boiler F.O. pump to be submitted.
8、锅炉燃油真空试验 The vacuum test of boiler F.O. pump.
9、锅炉燃油泵自动转换试验 The auto-shifting test of boiler F.O. pump.
10、锅炉安全阀确认 The boiler safety valve to be confirmed.
11、锅炉蒸发试验 The evaporation test of boiler.
1、请检验轴系(舵系)对中 Plea check the alignment of shafting(steering gear system).
2、请检验镗孔尺寸(光洁度) Plea check the boring size(cleanness).
3、艉轴管衬套压紧验收。 The stern tube liner tightened to be approved.