离 职 交 接 表
Checking list for termination
| 主人与精灵小姐姓 名 Name | 鲍鱼怎么清理 | 工号 No.座位拼音 所属 | | 申请日期 date of application 最后工作日 last working date |
| 办理单位 Dept | | 办理项目 Item | | 处理状况 condition | | 承办人签名 Undertaker signature | | 备注 Remark |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
工作交接确认 work transfer confirmed
直属部门 工具, 物品梭织 (包括文具用品 ) 缴回确认 tools,articles
(include stationary) return confirmed
办公钥匙缴回确认 keys return confirmed
文件资料归还等 ( 含公司文件及各类制度 , 程序等缴
回)files (include company files and procedures ), etc.
return confirmed
| 财务部 Finance | | 业务帐款结清 Business accounts ttled 固定资产结清 fixed asts ttled 有无借款 have loan or not |
| | | |
办公设备及电话缴回 office equipment and phone return
| 资讯部 IT | | Lotus 帐号取消 cancel Lotus account number ERP帐号取消 cancel ERP account number |
| 新年小品 | | |
其他项目 other items
宿舍退宿确认 check out from dormitory confirmed
宿舍设施有无损毁 facility in the dormitory is
broken-down or not
| 行政部 Admin | | 宿舍钥匙退回确认 dormitory ’ keys return confirmed 物品搬离检查 articles taken away checked 最后住宿日确认 check out day confirmed | | 污损依规 定扣费 deduct fees if |
| | | | | |
借阅图书结算 books borrowed return
something 工作服 / 安全帽 / 安全鞋 / 手机卡 / 个人保管卡上登记之物
is lost or 品,缴回物品是否完整无损 uniform/helmet/safety
damaged. shoes/SIM card/other articles are not damaged and
return confirmed
识别证 / 员工手册收回 ID card/ employee handbook return
有无培训服务期协议 has training rvice agreement or
假勤结算 / 欠班记录 attendance气功养生 and holiday checkedslammed and
其他 others
The staff transfers all items according to the above items. The staff should submit the form to HR Dept
after all items above are no remained issues and confirmed. Then HR dept will do the following works
according to leaving procedure.