1. The Recommendations have been developed by the United Nations Economic and Social Council's Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods1in the light of technical progress, the advent of new substances and materials, the exigencies of modern transport systems and, above all, the requirement to ensure the safety of people, property and the environment. They are addresd to governments and international organizations concerned with the regulation of the transport of dangerous goods. They do not apply to the bulk transport of dangerous goods in a-going or inland navigation bulk carriers or tank-vesls, which is subject to special international or national regulations.
2. The recommendations concerning the transport of dangerous goods are prented in the form of “Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods”, which are prented as an annex to this d
ocument. The Model Regulations aim at prenting a basic scheme of provisions that will allow uniform development of national and international regulations governing the various modes of transport; yet they remain flexible enough to accommodate any special requirements that might have to be met. It is expected that governments, intergovernmental organizations and other international organizations, when revising or developing regulations for which they are responsible, will conform to the principles laid down in the Model Regulations, thus contributing to worldwide harmonization in this field. Furthermore, the new structure, format and content should be followed to the greatest extent possible in order to create a more ur-friendly approach, to facilitate the work of enforcement bodies and to reduce the administrative burden. Although only a recommendation, the Model Regulations have been drafted in the mandatory n (i.e., the word “shall” is employed throughout the text rather than “should”) in order to facilitate direct u of the Model Regulations as a basis for national and international transport regulations.
3. The scope of the Model Regulations should ensure their value for all who are directly or indirectly concerned with the transport of dangerous goods. Amongst other aspects, the Model Regulations cover principles of classification and definition of class, listing of the principal dangerous goods, general packing requirements, testing procedures, marking, labelling or placarding, and transport do
cuments. There are, in addition, special requirements related to particular class of goods. With this system of classification, listing, packing, marking, labelling, placarding and documentation in general u, carriers, consignors and inspecting authorities will benefit from simplified transport, handling and control and from a reduction in time-consuming formalities. In general, their task will be facilitated and obstacles to the international transport of such goods reduced accordingly. At the same time, the advantages will become increasingly evident as trade in goods categorized as “dangerous” steadily grows.
4. Transport of dangerous goods is regulated in order to prevent, as far as possible, accidents to persons or property and damage to the environment, the means of transport employed or to other goods. At the same time, regulations should be framed so as not to impede the movement of such goods, other than tho too dangerous to be accepted for transport. With this exception, the aim of regulations is to make transport feasible by eliminating risks or reducing them to a minimum. It is a matter therefore of safety no less than one of facilitating transport.
5. The Model Regulations annexed to this document are addresd to all modes of transport. Modal transport regulations may occasionally apply other requirements for operational reasons.
1In 2001, the Committee was reconfigured and renamed “Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals” (e resolution 1999/65 of 26 October 1999 of the Economic and Social Council).
6. The classification of goods by type of risk involved has been drawn up to meet technical conditions while at the same time minimizing interference with existing regulations. It should be noted that the numerical order of the class is not that of the degree of danger.
7. The objective of the recommended definitions is to indicate which goods are dangerous and in which class, according to their specific characteristics, they should be included. The definitions have been devid so as to provide a common pattern which it should prove possible to follow in the various national and international regulations. Ud with the list of dangerous goods, the definitions
should provide guidance to tho who have to u such regulations; and they prent a notable degree of standardization while retaining a flexibility that allows diver situations to be taken into account. Classifications for substances in the Model Regulations are made on the basis of consideration of data submitted to the Committee by governments, intergovernmental organizations and other international organizations in the form recommended in Figure 1. However the actual data submitted are not formally endord by the Committee.
8. The Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5) prent the United Nations schemes for the classification of certain types of dangerous goods and gives descriptions of the test methods and procedures, considered to be the most uful, for providing competent authorities with the necessary information to arrive at a proper classification of substances and articles for transport. It should be noted that the Manual is not a conci formulation of testing procedures that will unerringly lead to a proper classification of products and it assumes, therefore, competence on the part of the testing authority and leaves responsibility for classification with them. The competent authority has discretion to dispen with certain tests, to vary the details of tests and to require additional tests, when this is justified, to obtain a reliable and realistic asssment of the hazard of a product.
9. Wastes should be transported under the requirements of the appropriate class considering their hazards and the criteria prented in the Model Regulations. Wastes not otherwi subject to the Regulations but covered under the Bal Convention2 may be transported under Class 9.
10. Many of the substances listed in Class 1 to 9 are deemed as being dangerous to the environment. Additional labelling is not always specified except for transport by a. Criteria for substances and mixtures dangerous to the aquatic environment are given in Chapter 2.9 of the Model Regulations.
11. Many consignments of goods are treated with fumigants that po a risk during transport, in particular to workers who may be expod unknowingly when they open cargo transport units. The Model Regulations address fumigated cargo transport units as consignments that are subject to special documentation and warning sign requirements in the consignment procedures of Part 5.
12. Whenever dangerous goods are offered for transport certain measures should be taken to ensure that the potential risks of the dangerous goods offered are adequately communicated to all who may come in contact with the goods in the cour of transport. This has traditionally been acco
mplished through special marking and labelling of packages to indicate the hazards of a consignment and through the inclusion of relevant information in the transport documents and by placarding of cargo transport units. Requirements in this regard are provided in the Model Regulations annexed to this document.
13. The labels recommended in of the Model Regulations should be affixed on goods or packages. The labelling system is bad on the classification of dangerous goods and was established with the following aims in mind:
2Bal Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (1989).
心灵小故事(a) To make dangerous goods easily recognizable from a distance by the general appearance
(symbol, colour and shape) of the labels they bear;
(b) To provide, by means of colours on the labels, a uful first guide for handling, stowage and
14. In certain cas, where the danger of an item of dangerous goods is considered low, or the goods are packed in a limited quantity, exemptions from labelling may be provided. In such cas, marking of packages with the class or division and the packing group number may be required.
15. One of the primary requirements of the transport document for dangerous goods is to convey the fundamental information relative to the hazard of the goods being offered for transport. To achieve this end, it is considered necessary to include certain basic information in the transport document for the dangerous goods consignment unless otherwi exempted in the Model Regulations. It is recognized that individual national authorities or international organizations may consider it necessary to require additional information. However, the basic items of information considered necessary for each dangerous substance, material or article offered for transport by any mode are identified in the Model Regulations.
16. The relevant national and/or international organizations should establish emergency provisions to be taken in the event of accidents or incidents during the transport of dangerous goods in order to protect persons, property and the environment. For radioactive material appropriate guidelines for su
ch provisions are contained in “Planning and Preparing for Emergency Respon to Transport Accidents Involving Radioactive Material”, Safety Standard Series No. TS-G-1.2 (ST-3), IAEA, Vienna (2002).
17. The competent authority should ensure compliance with the Regulations. Means to discharge this responsibility include the establishment and execution of a programme for monitoring the design, manufacture, testing, inspection and maintenance of packaging, the classification of dangerous goods and the preparation, documentation, handling and stowage of packages by consignors and carriers, to provide evidence that the provisions of the Model Regulations are being met in practice.
18. The Competent Authority should ensure that the consignment, acceptance for transport and transport of radioactive material is subject to a Radiation Protection Programme as described in the Model Regulations. The competent authority should arrange for periodic asssments of the radiation dos to persons due to the transport of radioactive material, to ensure that the system of p
rotection and safety complies with the “International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the safety of Radiation Sources”, Safety Series No. 115, IAEA, Vienna (1996).
19. The relevant national and international organizations should establish provisions for the reporting of accidents and incidents involving dangerous goods in transport. Basic provisions in this connection are recommended in 7.1.9 of the Model Regulations. Reports or summaries of reports that the States or international organizations deem relevant to the work of the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (e.g., reports involving packaging and tank failures, major relea) should be submitted to the Sub-Committee for its consideration and action, as appropriate.委托培养
Figure 1
Date ................................................... Supply all relevant information including sources of basic classification data. Data should relate to the product in the form to be transported. State test methods. Answer all questions - if necessary state “not known” or “not applicable” - If data is not available in the form requested, provide what is available with details. Delete inappropriate words.
1.1 Chemical name
1.2 Chemical formula
1.3 Other names/synonyms
1.4.1 UN number .........................1.4.2 CAS number ..................................................................................
1.5 Propod classification for the Recommendations
1.5.1 proper shipping name (3.1.21)....................................................................................................
1.5.2 class/division
packing group ...............
1.5.3 propod special provisions, if any ............................................................................................
1.5.4 propod
小喇叭开始广播了Section 2. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
2.1 Melting point °C
2.2 Boiling point or range ..........°C
2.3 Relative density at :
花洒十大名牌排名榜2.3.1 15
2.3.2 20
2.3.3 50
2.4 Vapour pressure at :
2.4.1 50 °C .................... kPa
2.4.2 65 °C .................... kPa
可爱女宝宝2.5 Viscosity at 20 °C2.................... m2/s
2.6 Solubility in water at 20 °C ........................g/100 ml
2.7 Physical state at 20°C ( solid/liquid/gas2
1This and similar references are to chapters and paragraphs in the Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.
2See definition of "liquid" in 1.2.1 of the Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.
2.8 Appearance at normal transport temperatures, including colour and odour .............................................
2.9 Other relevant physical properties ...........................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................................................... Section 3. FLAMMABILITY
3.1 Flammable vapour
3.1.1 Flash point (2.3.31) ...................°C oc/cc
3.1.2 Is combustion sustained? ( yes/no
3.2 Autoignition temperature ..............°C
3.3 Flammability range (LEL/UEL)...................%
3.4 Is the substance a flammable solid? (2.
4.21) yes/no
3.4.1 If
.................................................................................................................................................................... Section 4. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
4.1 Does the substance require inhibition/stabilization or other treatment such as nitrogen blanket to prevent
hazardous reactivity ? yes/no
If yes, state:
4.1.1 Inhibitor/stabilizer
4.1.2 Alternative
4.1.3 Time effective at 55 °C .............................................................................................................
4.1.4 Conditions rendering it ineffective ...........................................................................................
4.2 Is the substance an explosive according to paragraph (2.11) yes/no
4.2.1 If
1This and similar references are to chapters and paragraphs in the Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.